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1、省市九年级英语上学期期末教学质量调研监测试题扫描版 人教新目标版市- 度第一学期期末教学质量调研检测九年级英语试题参考答案及评分标准第一局部 听力共30小题,每题1分,总分值30分15 BCBAB 610 BCBAC 1115 CCBAA 1620 ACCCB 2125 BACBC26. Parents 27. cool 28. tidy 29. 30% 30. wear第二局部 英语知识运用.单项填空(共20小题,每题1分,总分值20分)3135 BCACA 3640 BCBAB 4145 CCCDB 4650 CADAB. 完形填空共20小题,每题1.5分,总分值30分5155 BDACA

2、 5660 DBCAC 6165 DACDB 6670 CABDC. 补全对话共5小题,每题1分,总分值5分7175 ECABG第三局部 阅读理解共20小题,每题2分,总分值40分7680 CABBA 8185 BDADC 8690 BACBD 9195 ABCDB第四局部 写. 单词拼写共5小题,每题1分,总分值5分96. emptied 97. chatting 98. pronunciation 99. shelves 100. pierced. 书面表达共1小题,总分值20分China is building a harmonious(和谐的) society. I think it

3、is our duty to work hard to achieve this goal.As middle school students, what should we do? First, we should love our motherland. We must work hard at our lessons and obey school rules. Secondly, lets fill the world with love. We are supposed to respect the old people, our parents and also our teach

4、ers. We should be nice and friendly to our classmates. Lets care for those who are in trouble and lets help each other and understand each other. Everyone must be honest in our daily life. Lastly, one more important thing we are supposed to do is to protect our environment including animals, trees,

5、flowers and grass. Lets start right now and do what we can to make our life better and our society more harmonious!听力录音内容. 关键词语选择1. The lights are used for seeing in the dark.2. Dont waste your time in discussing the problem.3. The hole is so big that the ship is going to sink soon.4. Sandy gets alo

6、ng well with her neighbours.5. You dont need to look up every new word in the dictionary. 短对话理解6. M: How strange! Youre playing the piano, Kate. W: Yes. I used to play the guitar. But now Ive changed.7. M: Hey, Alice! Christmas is coming near. What do you want as a present? W: Id like a pair of earr

7、ings for my Christmas.8. M: How do you study for an English test, Kate? W: By listening to tapes.9. W: Have you ever packed everything for your journey to London? M: Yes, I have.10. M: You are drawing so many robots. Why? W: I hope I can own a robot one day. If I had one , I would have it do my home

8、work.11. M: Well have a test from Unit 1 to Unit 6 tomorrow. How should we study for the test? W: If I were you, I would ask the teacher at once.12. W: You have lots of clothes. What a great jacket! M: Yeah, its new. I really like it. I like clothes that are unusual.13. W: Im phoning you to know if

9、you can help set up a house for an old man. M: Id love to.14. W: What are you interested in, Jim? M: Films. Interesting films. What about you? W: Im interested in inventions.15. M: Why hasnt No.3 bus come yet? W: No.3 bus? It passed by only three minutes ago. M: Oh! I have to wait seven more minutes

10、. III. 长对话理解. 听下面一段对话,答复第16至17两个小题。M: Do you know when the airplane was invented? W: Yes. It was invented in December, 1903. M: And who was it invented by? W: By the Wright Brothers. The first flight lasted only 12 seconds and covered only 120 feet. M: The modern planes now have improved a lot.听下面一段

11、对话,答复第18至20三个小题。W: Come in, please! M: Hello, Miss Gao. Im sorry to trouble you. W: Not at all. Sit down, please. Would you like a cup of tea? M: Yes,please. Thank you. W: What can I do for you, Mr Green? M: Yes, Ive come here to ask about my son Jims study. W: OK. Jim is a very clever boy, but he d

12、oesnt work hard at some subjects, Im afraid. M: What subjects is he weak in? W: He is weak in Chinese and chemistry. M: Can you help him? W: Yes. Its my pleasure. Im sure hell do better in Chinese and chemistry. M: Thank you very much.短文理解 Mrs Lee went to see a film on a summer afternoon. Halfway th

13、rough the wonderful film, Mrs Lee was feeling hot, so she went to buy an ice-cream. Quite a lot of people were waiting to buy ice-cream from the girl who was selling them, so Mrs Lee waited for her turn.There was a little boy in front of her. When it was his turn, he offered the girl one dollar, so

14、the girl said, “I want another one dollar, please.The little boy put the coin back in his pocket, and put his hand in another pocket. Then he took out another one dollar and gave it to the girl.Mrs Lee laughed and she paid the other one dollar for the boy.信息转换 What do you think of school uniforms? I

15、 did a survey about it and different people gave different ideas. Here are the results. All the parents would like their children to wear uniforms because theyre easy to wash. And parents don't have to spend much money in buying clothes for their children. 58% of the students like uniforms, too.

16、 They say the uniforms are very cool and the color is nice. In some studentss eyes, they feel fair in uniform. They dont want to follow the fashion. Teachers all think uniforms are neat and tidy and suit the students.However, 30% of the students feel uniforms are uncomfortable and the color is too dull. Some think theyre out of style. In my opinion, students shouldnt pay much attention to the way of dressing. I dont mind what I wear.


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