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1、人教版小学四年级英语上册期中试卷四年级英语第二学期期中试卷 姓名 班级 分数_ 听力部分:(50分) 一(听录音,选择字母。(5分) ( )1 A.bd B.ed ( )2 A.gj B.ej ( )3 A.uw b.qw ( ) 4 A.iy b.xy ( )5 A.sx b.fx 二(听音选项。(10分) )1 A.warm B.hot C.cold ( )2 A.cloudy B.pretty C.rainy ( ) 3 A.cheap B.tree C.jeep ( )4 A.shoes B.shirt C.socks ( ) 5 A.sneakers B.slippers C.san

2、dals ( ) 6 A.how about B.how many C.how much ( ) 7 A.lunch B.lamp C.library ( )8 A.coat B.cool C.close ( ) 9 A.five B.nine C.four ( )10 A.red B.green C.white 三(听音,把句子补充完整。(10分) 1. Its today. 2.I want an . 3.This shirt is OK , but its too . 4.These are my . 5.My skirt is . 四(听句子,编号。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) (

3、 ) ( ) 五(听问句,选答句。(5分) ( )1. A.Its 5:30 B.Im 5. C.Yes,it is . ( ) 2. A.I like this ruler. B.Its blue. C.Yes,she is. ( ) 3. A.Im from UK. B.Its rainy in Beijing. C.Its time to go. ( ) 4. A.Im sorry. B.Yes, I like it. C.Its ninety-nine yuan. ( ) 5. A.Yes,I want a shirt. B.No,its not. C.I can see one. 六

4、(听对话,判断正误。(5分) ( )1.She can wear her T-shirt. ( ) 2.Its time for music class. ( ) 3.She is eight. ( ) 4.These boots are sixty-five yuan. ( ) 5.She likes green and red. 七(听录音,在表格中打勾。(10分) Shanghai Shenzhen Huangshi Dalian Hongkong 笔试部分:(50分) 一(把下列字母按照正确的顺序排列。(5分) 1. dcb_ 2.wvu_ 3.igh_ 2. 4.nml_ 5.srq

5、_ 二(下面每组单词划线部分发音是否相符,相符打“?”,不相符打“”(5) ( ) 1.cake face ( ) 2.bike pig ( )3.we she ( ) 4.nose box ( ) 5.bus cup 三(选择填空。(10分) ( )1.Its 10 oclock.Its time _ go to school. A.to B.for C.of ( )2.Today is hot,I can wear my _. A.jacket B.T-shirt C.coat ( )3.Look at the clock,what _ is it? A.class B.time C.ca

6、n ( )4.Its 9:45.Its time _ music class. A.to B.for C.of ( )5.Its cold _ Beijing. A.on B.in C.is ( )6.Can I wear my T-shirt?_ A. No,you cant. B.Yes,you cant. C.No,you can. ( )7.你想知道你买的东西多少钱,你应该说_ A. How much is it? B.How many are they? C.How old are you? ( )8.你是售货员,你见到顾客常说_ A. How much are they? B.Wh

7、at time is it? C.Can I help you? ( )9.你想知道今天天气是不是很凉爽,你问_ A. Is it cool today? B.Is it red? C.Is this my ruler? ( )10.你觉得买的东西太贵了,你说_ A.Its too cheap. B.Its too small C.Its too expensive 四(英汉互译。(10分) 1.English class_ 2.长裤_ 3.watermelon _ 4.大的_ 5.playground _ 6.香蕉_ 7.colourful _ 8.足球_ 9.washroom _ 10.裙

8、子_ 五(把下列单词分类,填序号既可。(10分) ?jacket ?nine ?pear ?math ?shirt ?orange ?three ?P.E. ?sunny ?cloudy Fruit(水果):_ Numbers(数字):_ Clothes(衣服):_ Weather(天气):_ Class(课程):_ 六(连词成句。(10分) 1(your T-shirt is that ( ? ) 2. warm it is today (. ) 3. it colour is what (? ) 4.two it oclock is ( . ) puter my is this ( . )

9、 四年级英语第一学期期中试题 听力部分 一听音,选词(10点) ( ) 1 a.tell b.will c.wall ( )2 a.soon b.song c.saw ( )3 a. clean b. climb c.clown ( )4 a. print b. paint c.paper ( )5 a. skate b.ski c.sky ( )6 a. learn b.look c.lot ( )7 a.bike b.make c.cake ( ) 8 a.wore b.were c.was ( )9 a.fell b.fill c.fall ( )10 a.wash b.watch c.

10、went 二听音,选择正确的形式(10点) ( )1.a.go to the park . b.went to the park. ( )2.a.finished my homework . b. finishmy homework. ( ) 3.a.walk to school. b.walks to school. ( ) 4.a.get a new friend. b.got a new friend. ( )5.a.live in Anshan. b.lives in Anshan. 三听音,选词,填空(10点) (was went fall fell wore ) Yesterday

11、,we _ on a school trip.We went ice-skating.I _ warm clothes.The ice _very cold.First,I_ over.but it didnt hurt.Then I learnt to skate.It was easy.I didnt _ over again.It was really fun. 笔试部分 一完成单词,并写出意思(20) 1.t_ll( ) 2.w_sh( ) 3.pr_nt( ) 4.pap_ _ ( ) 5.le_ _er ( ) 6.r_de( ) 7.sk_te( ) 8.h_ _t( ) 9._

12、 _vent( ) 10.danc_ ( ) 二选择填空(20) 1. He invented the bicycle _1839. a.on b.in c.at 2. Lingling usually _get up at half past six. a.get b.gets c.got 3. She didnt _ to work yesterday. a.walks b.walked c.walk 4. I _8 last year. a.am b.was c.were 5. Tom is come _ London. a.in b.from c.on 6._ people inven

13、ted paper. a.English b.Chinese c.American 7. We _ to the Great Wall last Sunday. a. go b.goes c.went 8. Did you watch TV yesterday? a.No,I didnt. b.No,I did. C.Yes,I didnt. 9. Where does she live? 0 抛物线与x轴有2个交点;a.She live in China. B.He lives in China. C.She lives in China. 10. I _ apple yesterday.

14、a.ate b.eat c.eated 三选择正确的搭配形式,并写出来(10点) finish homework _ wash room _ clean noodles _ cook football _ play trousers _ 四阅读,判断(10点) Hello,Im Amy.I usually get up at half past six.But I didnt get up at half past six yesterday.I usually walk to school.But I didnt 推论: 在同圆或等圆中,如果两个圆心角、两条弧、两条弦或两条弦的弦心距中有一组

15、量相等,那么它们所对应的其余各组量都分别相等.walk to school yesterday.I usually learn Chinses and English. But 推论1: 同弧或等弧所对的圆周角相等。I didnt learn yesterday. I watched TV.I was very happy. 6、因材施教,重视基础知识的掌握。1. Yeaterday, I get up at half past six.( ) 2. I usually go to school by bus.( ) 3. I didnt watched TV yesterday.( ) 如果圆的半径为r,点到圆心的距离为d,则4. I wasnt very happy.( ) 5 Maybe yesterday was New Year.( ) 6 确定圆的条件:五依据提示给Amy写封信(10点) 33.123.18加与减(一)3 P13-17Dear _, 4、根据学生的知识缺漏,有目的、有计划地进行补缺补漏。Hello,my name_. (1)一般式:Im _ years old. I live _. (2)抛物线的描述:开口方向、对称性、y随x的变化情况、抛物线的最高(或最低)点、抛物线与x轴的交点。I like _. From, _


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