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1、9A Unit 1 Know yourselfPeriod 1 Comic strip & welcome to the unit课前自主学习1阅读教材P.6-7写出下列单词的音标,试着读出并熟读它们。creative /curious /en ergetic /orga ni zed /grammar /order /2.预习 welcome to the unit A 部分,帮助Milliemodest /n either /acco untant /用所给单词完成下列句子,并读三遍。3,再读P6-7,你能写出下列的词组吗?使他们感到舒适吃完和别人分享东西炫耀 使保持井然有序 对一

2、切充满好奇 neither you nor he come up with new ideas without speak ing all day long4. 通过阅读教材 P.6-7,你有哪些疑问?请写出来。预习情况交流1. 以小组为单位检查单词和词组的掌握情况。2. 以小组为单位,探讨预习中存在的问题,必要时师给以帮助。课堂学习Comic strip任务一.:阅读对话,回答问题.What does Hobo want to do?Is Eddie happy? Why?任务二:.Listen and repeat after CD。任务三:认真阅读并和你的同桌合作表演对话,注意动作表情。

3、你们可要做好上讲台的心理准备哟!你们的精彩表演一定会博得同学门的热烈掌声的。Welcome to the un it1. 阅读part A,理解语境,完成练习,然后校对答案,纠正错误,然后读三遍。2. 请能力较强的同学讲一讲还有哪些词可以描写人的品质。3. Read Part B & an swer the questi ons:What does Millie want to be?What is Paul like?What about David ? 4四人一组谈谈自己所具有的品质。【教师解难】1, It says some people are generous.中 “It s

4、ays ” 是什么意思?当主语是文字材料或可见的东西时,如:letter, sign 等,用say作谓语意为写道,记载,显示”。例如: The sign says “No Parking ” .牌子上写着:禁止停车。2. Neither my pare nts nor I think I can make an acco untant.Neither -nor的意思(与both -and相反)表示,"既不 也不”,具有否定含义, 当它连接两个主语时,遵循“就近原则”。你会填这个空吗?Neither I nor she(like) this skirt.3.It ' terri

5、ble for me to work withoutall day Iong.(speak)填完空后,你能解释吗?自我测评与拓展迁移.根据句意和中文提示或首字母完成下列句子。1.Suzy keeps her things in good order so she is well( 有条理的).2. They usually(分享)their joy with us.3. Alan is a(好 奇的)person. He likes learning new things.4. My brother is very e.He always goes jogg ing in the morni

6、ng.5. L inda knows a lot about Chin ese history, but he n ever shows off. He is m.T ony ofte n shares his things with his frien ds, he is a gboy.b.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. Hobo,你把我的早餐吃完了!Hobo , youmy breakfast!2. 你能想出些好的主意吗?Can yousome good ideas?3. 昆明的天气一年到头既不太冷也不太热。It ishotcold all year roun d.4. 他的帮助使我感到很

7、开心。His help5. 我们应当每天保持教室井然有序。We shouldour classroomevery day.6. 他英语学得很好,但他从不炫耀自己。He does well in En glish, but he never.7. 她父母和她都不喜欢整天讲话。her pare nts -shespeaki ng all day lon g.亲爱的读者:1、Be honest rather clever、 By re感谢gWei的阅hlhem祝您b生O活愉Sa快。we polish it.二O二O年

8、七月十日2020年7 月10日星期五3、All things are difficult before they areeasy.14:567.10.202014:567.10.202014:5614:56:437.10.202014:567.10.20204、By other's faults, wise men correct theirown .7.10.20207.10.202014:5614:5614:56:4314:56:435、Our desti ny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opport uni

9、 ty. So let us seize it, notin fear, but in glad ness. Friday, July 10, 2020July 20Friday, July 10, 20207/10/20206、 I have no trouble being taken seriously as a woman and a diplomat in Ghana.。2 时 56 分 2 时 56 分 10-Jul-207.10.20207、There is no such thi ng as a great tale nt without great will - power.20.7.1020.7.1020.7.10 。2020年7月10日星期五二O二O年七月十日8、Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hithertoun explored.14:5614:56:437.10.2020Friday, July 10, 2020


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