五年级下册英语课件-Unit3 My school calendar Part A Lets spell_人教PEP(2014秋).ppt

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1、小学英语(PEP)五年级下册,Unit3 My school calendar,Part A Lets spell,平邑县卞桥中心校 谭如意,字母与字母声复习背诵字母A, a a a apple ant;字母B, b b b book bag;.,短元音复习练习:a: bag fat mat lap back black sad dade: bed desk mess chess leg get set leti: big pig ship six miss tip dig fisho: dog shop hot mom hop lot of foxu: duck up mum hug mus

2、t but hut,Tongue twistersThe teacher has chicken for lunch in China.The sheep buys a shirt and shorts for the fish.,第一步:听音标号第二步:检查核对后进行猜拳游戏两个学生进行猜拳游戏,赢的一方如果说出No.5,输的一方能迅速说出则再次游戏,如不能说出,则赢的一方教输的一方后,继续说出数字让其说。,听音标号并说一说,Choose, write and say,Say more,第一步:分男生女生组,抽签定说ch sh单词第二步:共同读单词进行回顾所说出的单词,并进行鼓励。第三步:可以让学生试着用英语说出句子,每个句子中至少含有一个ch sh的单词。如:The sheep is short.(说了两个,加两分)。The sheep has a cheap short shirt. (说了四个,加四分),Thank you.,


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