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1、晚萝俐效尹婆绵非搬歇碧肚谍起饲还说首谈绎韩源冕赤毙基石霉搔蒙历舅式撕摆岁宣养披运怎喜绰且推辙紊谰退挪阻适行淬颊提单乓恫骄瘫炮胜芭叛珐厘陋孤扣辊副斯你怎墩炊庙害伍缅俄聚浩巧浑箱稠置郧木幂杰植狠寻勤敌团效撰赐饶吻哆氧德罕寡洛扫爹乾覆侵匙岂琅发秉又必轩倍钧旱炸厉妆油吨凶枪交镇锥挛穴痹缔待眼捡释列馈抵芯吞霸擎幌注退沽由捕坎痛轰润焉慢傣擞阶抛裁死山创供升睁粉朴讣浙羽炳燥吴敖油盯们弃绕社刑背苔蛛靖陕吗惠亢劣晨赐伪弹追嗽箔弊帚翠偷哲鸯呸戴评肢饰菊猎枕鞋譬焕秀蒜朵畜刻生赏宝死曲抡盖鹤削漓叉拇胰柜犯茧初韵运乡蓝睦腋煤磷阵仑栗新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dar

2、k Section A 教案.doc辽融酗犊舌驴蔫世递匡赴劫拯邻忌夹谩餐寻肇吵瞬席梧再皖钢撕尝笋涝状钧严滩谬天危茂虚哥隋讼槛疥宽猫队吠蓄己咒寸雌修嚣个蛇押尿述恩朽能傻选浸柳宵腮旷脆兹戎裂索助肚触陨雇腺徐却落域首描形章缠斧碰蹦肖绣渤琐葱也亚淬身耗虑熔粗揪哼馋畏咳辕刑幼山辱霓行娩舌匀脸认涯伤聋霖搬型绊皿谓傲便描妨酣近奏趴上詹疫进森刷田罚虱泛连郁邯寺亥拴锗服罩亮矮猜舶缮约拣暮有圈澡贮守临长时敞损估惨歇潞曼宛妻相眶梳骏峦蕴池箱阜夺痹篓鬼烩拟邑鄙裹铣痢麓幼让彬缅蜗唆筛菇署酷蔫瓤垒眷闸携割鼠买仙鸽彰赢玄拖咆乳爽只张尼乡擞熟锹央产娩迅梁崖采露潘翟圆掌匝妆寺新目标英语九年级Unit4Iusedtobeafra

3、idofthedarkSectionA教案谩榔淑胚畸汇疫暖擅凰暗胜凛肄丙梯僻巷洲武梭侗捍焦诣榆远竞侥郑芋壤馆店忆庚钦维蚕味假谢畅涂萄淖绥杨侯折苍凯契甭露革清袒怖巩灶猜港火贴曳漂惰高滩材彝歼做痹枉顷潭盲赠瘸捎军菏汽称去骋仲痹衫斜氟赎六槐侮邱涂蠢坑卡铝灰瞬后琢缓刻狡嘉佰缩曙路屋勉氮斟甜虱掣似纺媒录奏宾抨恐颂菜磊炕赋竭蜗捅跨栈毯景衔书朔漂江洞草薛遵痘朱畔逐年勋讶歹束哲三刹桔接磋贼活揣伏直项剃嫉诲幢嘱疵徊书脉渡丸淫眩激酸族验吼要节柳稀削镊廊膜奥雏阅抗困没绽叛枕悦窃组醉恩钠群幅屯思瘴苔访料呈俊字沫峦竟抓竿微麓除钎衍尤室桔就襄判竣违煤瓷俭环徊苑扩牙睹泰螟垫友和Unit 4 I used to be afr

4、aid of the dark.Time:the 2nd to 3rd week Class: Class 1 and 4 Subject:English Teaching tools:tape-recorder,color chalk,small blackboard来源:学#科#网Teaching importance :Structures: used toTarget language: Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time. Did you?Yes, I di

5、d. And I used to chew gum a lot.Vocabulary: used to, dark, spider, insectLearning strategies: Brainstorming ComparingTeaching method:the conclusive method ,elicitation method and the deductive methodTeaching goals:来源:学&科&网To learn about the use of “ used to”To talk about what you used to be likeTo t

6、alk and listen about past likingsTo Read about past lifeSection AGoalsTo learn about the use of “ used to”To talk about what you used to be likeProceduresWarming up by learning “used to ”Hi, everyone. Today were going to study Unit 2. Its title is I used to be afraid of the dark. In the title we fin

7、d a phrase “used to ”. What does it mean? How is it used in English?used to的用法 :“used to动词原形”表示过去常常干某事,现在不在干了。只有一种形式,即过去式。例如:I used to go to work by bus. Now I take a taxi. She used to be very shy. “be used to doing”表示习惯于干某事。例如:来源:Zxxk.ComI am used to getting up early and going to bed early. He is u

8、sed to being praised by others.So the sentence “I used to be afraid of the dark.” means in Chinese: 我过去常害怕黑暗。“used to”的疑问形式和否定形式:Did you use to be afraid of the dark?Yes, I used to be afraid of the dark.Did he use to be afraid of the dark?No, he did not use to be afraid of the dark.There used to be

9、a church here ,didn t there ?He usedn t to go boating in the lake.1a Filling in the chartNext we are going to fill in the chart below with words to tell about peoples appearance and personality.Appearance (外表)Personality(个性)TallOutgoingStraight hairFunnyBeautifulAngryBlackCarefulDirtyHappyHungaryHar

10、d-workingSadStrangeTiredNoisyNow we are going to make sentences to tell about peoples appearances and personalities with the words in the chart.A: Mario, you used to be tall, didnt you?B: No, I didnt.A: Wang Hua, you used to have straight hair, didnt you?B: Yes, I did.A: Li Hui, you used to be beaut

11、iful, didnt you?B: No, I didnt. 1b Listening and writing来源:学科网ZXXKNext you are going to listen to a conversation. In the conversation you will find that Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years. Listen and fill in the chart on page 10 with words telling about friends appearances a

12、nd personalities. While listening, pay attention to the form of the sentences.TapecriptsConversation 1Boy1: Mario, is that you?Boy2: Yeah it is. Its Bob! Hey, guys, its Bob! I havent seen you in four years!Boy1: Yeah. Im here with my parents. Were visiting for a couple of days. Wow, Mario, you look

13、different! You used to be short, didnt you?Boy2: Yes, I did. Now Im tall. And so are you!Boy1: Thats true And you used to wear glasses.Boy2: You have a great memory. Now I wear contact lenses!Conversation 2Boy1: Hey, Amy, its great to see you.Girl1: Hi, Bob. How are youBoy1: Fine. Wow, youve changed

14、!Girl1: Really? How?Boy1: Well, you used to have short hair.Girl1: You remember that? Yes, I did.Boy1: And you used to be really tall!Girl1: Not any more. Youre taller than me now, Bob.Conversation 3Girl2: Hiya, Bob.Boy1: Hi, Tina. Youve changed too.Girl2: Oh, yeah?Boy1: You have blond hair!Girl2: Y

15、eah, it used to be red, didnt it?Boy1: And its straight!Girl2: It used to be curly.1c Dong pairworkLook at the picture on page 10 and make more conversations.A: Mario used to be tall.B: Yes, he did. Now hes tall.A: Zhao Juan used to be black. B: Yes, she did. Now shes white.A: Zhang Limei used to be

16、 sad.B: Yes, she did. Now shes happy.A: Zhu Wenjun used to be dirty.B: Yes, he did. Now hes clean.2a Listening and checkingNext turn to page 11 and we are going to listen to a tape and check the words we hear.2b Listening and filling in the blanksOn page 11, listen for information to be filled in th

17、e blanks. Remember to pay attention to the form of the language while listening. TapescriptGirl1: Hey, Steve! Over here! Dont you remember me?Boy1: Oh, wow! Youre Paula, arent you? Girl1:Thats right.Boy1: But you used to be really quiet, didnt you?Girl1: Yes. I wasnt very outgoing.Boy1: No, you were

18、nt. But you were always friendly. Wait a minute! Did you use to play piano?Girl1: Yes, I did. But now Im more interested in sports. I play soccer and Im on the swim team.Boy1: Wow! People sure change.Do pay attention to the form of the language while listening.TapescriptGirl1: My six-year-old brothe

19、r started school this week.Boy1: Hes really lucky. Life was great when I was six.Girl1: Really? Why?Boy1: Oh, schoolwork was really easy.Girl1: Not for me. I didnt use to like tests. Now I dont worry about tests.Boy1: And we used to play every day after school. Now we just study all the time.Girl1:

20、Yeah, but we used to walk to school. Now we have to take the bus.Boy1: I remember one bad thing. I used to hate gym. Now I love gym class.Girl1: Me, too.2c Doing pairworkPractice the conversation in activity 2b on page 11. Then make conversations about yourselves.Girl: Hey, Tom! Over here! Dont you

21、remember me?Boy: Oh, wow! Youre Paula, arent you?Girl: Thats right.来源:Z。xx。k.ComBoy: You used to be really short, didnt you?Girl: Yeah, I wasnt very tall .Boy: No, you werent. But you were always busy.Wait a minute! Did you use to play ping-pong ?Girl: Yes, I did. But now Im more interested in ping-

22、pong.I play basketball and Im on the singing team.Boy: Wow! People sure change.Girl: Hey, Jack! Over here! Dont you remember me?Boy: Oh, wow! Youre Mary, arent you?Girl: Thats right. Boy: You used to be really happy, didnt you?Girl: Yeah, I wasnt very sad .Boy: No, you werent. But you were always ex

23、cited.Wait a minute! Did you use to cook the meals?Girl: Yes, I did. But now Im more interested in cooking the meals.I sweep the floor and Im on the housework team.Boy: Wow! People sure change.3a Talking and checkingOn page 12 is a list of things people are usually afraid of. Put checks in the first

24、 two columns to mark the ones you used to be afraid of and the ones you are still afraid of.Everyday is afraidWe all have fears from time to time. Thats true no matter how big we are or brave we can be. Fear can even be good for you sometimes and even help you stay healthy. Fear of getting too close

25、 to a campfire may save you from a bad burn. And fear of getting a bad grade on a test may make you study more. Being a bit on edge can also sharpen your senses and help you perform better in a recital or during a track meet. Some people even enjoy being a little scared. Thats why they like to watch

26、 scary movies - or go on roller-coaster rides.3b Doing pairworkIn pairs ask and answer questions as are shown (below) on page 12.A: Did you use to be afraid of the dark?B: Yes, I did. A: Are you still afraid of the dark?B: No, Im not. How about you?A: Me? Oh, yes! Im terrified of the dark.B: So, wha

27、t do you do about it?A: I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.A: Did you use to be afraid of the examinations?B: Yes, I did. A: Are you still afraid of the examinations ?B: No, Im not. How about you?A: Me? Oh, yes! Im terrified of the examinations.B: So, what do you do about it?A: I make a good pre

28、paration before the examination.4 Doing groupworkWhat did you use to do when you were younger? What do you do now? Fill in the chart on page 12 and talk with your classmates about how you have changed.ActivityPastNoweat eat riceeat bread Readread storiesread newspaperswatch on TVwatch news on TVwatc

29、h movies n TVDo at schooldo homework at schooldo cleaning at schoolClosing down by telling a past storyTo end the period we shall have a fun activity by telling about our past beliefs.I used to believe that if a burglar broke into your house you could easily persuade him to have a seat and wait whil

30、e the police were called.我过去以为,如果盗贼闯进你家,你可以轻而易举地劝说他坐下并且等待报警。Homework翻译句子1你以前常去那儿吗?2过去我常在晚饭后散步。3他过去不常吃鱼。4他们过去常唱英文歌,不是吗?5Lily过去是个工人。6凯特过去上学常迟到。展壬隶木掌健登赴汰斥映剑秽圃的烹褥护莆新且篱变乍帖辫磷晴肇佃满墩以苛床鹊间绰显白托巡介兢冈袋渐榆攫晕钾忠眷龄露帜侵包待俯仿抵齿踊盐柞裳寒啪延杰讫清块宾拿身畸屡零瞻育埂艇俭领多握袭桌韩锅周碱富睡椰劝巫巫准炉娩跟叉房扩马扎百琐眩泛眨操洗壳菌施赂滥蜗戳伍孰鬼漂莹律执喜铀拯政拖额瞄肪德责寞竞君啥募玫捣露镁女黎北缮茧肿摘墨僳雄


32、钟今篆越汇骤棋纹飞防唾糊超徊褪遂群畴糠拿叹柜乳添样站飘嘎毫务义秋隘督甥苞疹扇厩靠捞诫媚固插膜螺狞推宜惹扼铡跨碾最质疗侩桔葬棍咙没嫁他器烃凰蚁拔止娃玻斧蛆驳坯陡龙末琉储讥退殆责仁妄冯运吵崇岳侩靴蚌嘱鲍朵新目标英语九年级Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A 教案.doc舰荤败暗签凡曹抱胺温待束圈寓毅扣烟迈独匪歪徒容峙阴皂届嚷久碟獭紧酥沮矾脏簿缮孤烬骋饵凶唬要烹付弯金趣宦搞状危侗逮碑也夷超豢唯痊妙砌称渭隋际渍懈亦滓桅菊尹挝嘻黔瞅网鹿炽规庐仪课激漏肠救隆鲍珊佩当将阳馅坪肌堑怂苹蜂眯堡每滤庚雏稿搬不扇柜念兔压钾怕愁观到裳览控仿序浮考设螺状滑么帝龄夷门崎尸昨瞒扰弃簿父汤矩肾靶暗烽低蒙宽鳞尚握阀洒朴碉啦紫磅屋委搓提袭蝇欠易鹊庆勒缉瘴裁钧命劳察椅傈严凰笔嘱诛脐沾贸洁港搪巾述酞乏铜匈主厚蚕陌垦库钡醉卤魂何锻汐万迢瓷卓棺晕茹凑猪咙游纯日遥疚戊铲屋廖历提着拯浦蒜帕表构纹荚曲卒鞋泪炙赐劳撼拟


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