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1、Longman Welcome to English2A Mid-Term ExaminationClass _Name _ No. _ Score_Part I. Listening: 40%I 、Listen and choose选出听到的单词或句子1*10%() 1.A. treeB.trainC. tram) 2.A. inB. onC. at) 3.A. hiB. himC. her) 4.A. waitressB. weC. waiter() 5. A. grassB. grapeC. glass() 6.A. I live in Tuen Mun. B. I live in Wa

2、n Chai C. I live in Chai Wan.() 7.A. How do you come to school ? I come to school by tram.B. How do you go to school ? I come to school by tram.C. How do you go to school ? I come to school by train.() 8.A. What 's your father 's job? He is a doctor.B. What 's your brother 's job? He

3、 is a doctor.C. Who 's your father? He is Ben.() 9.A. My PE teacher is helpful. I like her.B. My music teacher is kind. I like her.-可编辑修改-C. My PE teacher is kind. I love her.()10. A. One pupil comes by minibus.Twenty pupils comes by MTR.B. Twenty-one pupils come by minibus.Twelve pupils comes b

4、y LTR.C. Twenty pupils come by minibus.Twenty pupils comes by LTR.II 、 Listen and choose the correct answer选择正确的上下句:1*10%( )1. A. I walk to school.B. He comes on foot.( )2. A. They 're flying.B. There are three birds in the sky.( )3. A. Where do they live?B. Where does he live?.( )4. A. Yes, I l

5、ike her.B. Yes, I like him.()5. A. I am seven.B. I am Stephen.() 6. A. She 's a policewoman.B. He is a policeman.() 7. A. It 's 2333 4440.B. It's 2333 4441.( )8. A. He works in a fire station.B. He works in a police station.( )9. A. Where are they?B. Where is it?( )10. A. You are welcome

6、.B. Excuse me.III 、 Listen and choose the correct answer() 1.Mary 's uncle is a _ .听短文,选择正确的答案:2*5%A. doctorB. farmerC. worker() 2.Mary 's uncle works in a _A. fire stationB. farmB. farmer() 3.Mary has a_ and _ from her uncle.-可编辑修改-A. box, a letterB. chick ,a letterC. letter, eggs()4. Mary

7、likes to eat_ .A. eggs B. boxes C. cakes( ) 5. There is(are) _ egg(s) in the box.A. one B. no C. manyIV、 Listen and fill in the blanks听音填词 ,一格一词: 2*5%1.We also come to school by_ .2.What is your telephone number? It is_ .3.My Chinese teacher is _ and great.4.What is your _ 's job? He is a firema

8、n.5.I work in a fire station. I put out_ .Part IIReading and Grammar Practice 60%I 、Read and write correctly正确抄写句子,注意大小写及标点符号:2*2%1.peter comes to school by mtr2.cindy s mother is watching tv-可编辑修改-II、Read and Judge(判断划线部分的发用T ”或F”表示 1*6%音 ,者1. tram train()2.ferryvery( )3. ope ngo()edo( )5. hawker d

9、 river()6.herdriver()III、 Fill in the blank选词填空1*10%What/Where1. _ do you live?2. _ is your telepho ne nu mber? s/are3. Who _ he? He ' my PE teacher and he ' nice.4. How old _ you ?I 'm seven years old.5. They _ teachers. They can teach stude nts. n/on6.1 live _ Hong Kong Isla nd.7. Come

10、 _ , Kitty. The taxi is coming.8. We live _ Shen zhe n.9. There _ (is/have) a cook in the classroom.10. They _ (is/have)some water .IV、Choice 选择题1*10%()1. My brother is a hawker. _ is kin d. I like _A. She, himB. He, himC. She, her-可编辑修改 -()2. Mrs Wang is a driver. She is_ .We all like her.A. helpfu

11、lB. un helpfulC. unfrien dly()3. How many pupils come by car? One pupil_by car.A.comesB. comeC.comi ng()4. _ is very helpful.A. Amy ' brotherB. Amy brotherC. Amy ' brother '()5. I come to school_ foot.A. byB. onC. in()6. -Hello!-Hello _A. againB. tooC.Hi()7. - _can help you.-Thank you .A

12、. Don 'worry.B. You 're welcome.C. I can 'swim.()8. _ sisters do you have ?A. HowB. How manyC. Who()9. What ' your _ job?A. motherB.mother 'C. mother '()10. Where 's the fire ?_ at Sunny Buildi ng .A. They 'reB.It'C. There 'reV、看图完成句子: 1*10%-可编辑修改 -1 . How do you_ school?I come to school _2.Where do_ live?I live_ Mong Kok3. _ has long hair.My mother isvery ki nd.I like.5.My father is a _ is very fat.-可编辑修改 -


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