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1、人教版新目标七年级英语上册第十单元第一课时教案Unit 10 Can you play the guitar? 第一课时(The first period) 一、教学内容: Section A1a 1c 二、教学目标: . 1.词汇目标: (1) Dance,swim,sing,paint 知 识 (2)Playbasketball/volleyball/soccer/tennis/baseball/ping-pong/chess 目“四会” (3) Play the guiter 标 (4)want to join the art/music/English/swimming/chess c

2、lub (5)情态动词can的用法及其一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答 “运用” 2.语言目标: Recycled language: I likeDo you like? He/she likeesDoes he/she like New language: “运用” I can sing.Can you sing?Yes,I can.No,I can not/cant. She/he can sing.Can she/he sing,Yes,she/he can.No,she/he cant. I want to joinWhat club do you want to join? She/he

3、 wants to joinWhat club does she/he want to join? 能1.学会询问别人所拥有的技能 力2.表达自己所掌握的技能和意愿 目标 3.能够表达自己参加俱乐部的意愿和理由 情1.通过对人物个性化的了解,认识对方 感2.了解自己的能力,培养高雅情趣,培养自己的软实力 目标 3.培养良好的交往习惯,展示自己,推销自己 三、教学重点: I can sing.Can you sing?Yes,I can.No,I can not/cant. She/he can sing.Can she/he sing,Yes,she/he can.No,she/he cant

4、. I want to joinWhat club do you want to join? She/he wants to joinWhat club does she/he want to join? 四、教学难点: I can sing.Can you sing?Yes,I can.No,I can not/cant. She/he can sing.Can she/he sing,Yes,she/he can.No,she/he cant. 五、教学方法: PowerPoint直观教学法,启发式教学法,任务型教学法。 五、教学过程: Step 1 Revision and lead i

5、n 介绍教学内容和教学目标 The teacher says (以下均用T来表示):Today well learn Unit 10 Can you play the guitar? Well talk about our skills or abilities.We should have some soft abilities to show us so that people can know about us well.And these can help us enjoy our work and lives.(含情感目标) Step 2 Presentation 1、(导入新知)

6、Ask the students to look at the pictures of Page 59 , there are some clubs in it. Lets look at the clubs. What are they? They are art club, English club, chess club, swimming club and music club. What club do you want to join? T:I like basketball. I also like Yao ming.Because he can play basketball

7、well.Where is he now?The student says(以下均用S表示):He plays basketball in NBA. T:Frank, Do you like basketball? S:Yes,I do. T:Do you want to join a basketball club?Club means “an organization consisting of people who join together for a certain purpose,esp. sport or amusement”For example:I play basketba

8、ll with my friends in a basketball club.Yeah,it means “俱乐部“。Repeat:Do you want to jion a basketball club? S:Yes,I do. T:Sweet job,Thank you. T:Anna,Does he/she like basketball? S:Yes,he does. T:Does he want to join a basketball club? S:Yes,he does. T:Do you like basketball or tennis? S:I like tennis

9、. T:Do you want to join a tennis club? S:Yes,I do. T:Sweet job,thanks. 2、讲解语言知识 T:There are some clubs in it. Lets look at the clubs. What are they? They are art club, English club, chess club, swimming club and music club. What club do you want to join? S1:I want to join the art club. S2:I want to

10、join the music club. S3:I want to join the swimming. 3、组织活动 T:What clubs do we have in our city?What club do you want to join?Id like you to make a short conversation with you partner.(Pair work) T:Id like you to present you short conversations. 4、提供语言输入(导入新知) T:Boys and girls:Id like to know who wa

11、nt to jion the basketball club.If you want to join the basketball club,please hands up! T:He/she wants to join the basketball club: Can you play basketball? Help the students say Yes, I can. No, I cant. S:Yes,I can./No,I cant. T:Sweet job. T:Can you dance? (运用多媒体,图片或行体语言) S1:Yes, I can. / No, I cant

12、. T:Can he/she dance? S2:Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she cant. Can she speak English? Yes, she can. / No, she cant. Can you speak English? Yes, we can. / No, we cant. Can you play it well? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.(范读、领读) 5、综合语言能力运用 1.T:Now Ill ask one of the students come to the front and choose one o

13、f the paper, then do the action. Please guess what he or she can do. Please use the language”Can you paint?” “Yes,I can.or No,I cant.” S1:Can you paint? S2:Yes,I can. S1:Can you play it well? S2:No,I cant. S1:Do you want to join the art club? S2:Yes,I do. T:Sweet job,thank you. 2.A game. T: Lets gue

14、ss who he is?He is a great man? S: T:He can sing.”You and me,were a family?” S1:Liu Huan T:Sorry. T:He can dance. S: T:He can tell jokes.”You can have it.”I dont really have it. S2:Zhao Benshan. S3:Xiao Shenyang. 3.T:what can you do? What cant you do? Can you play chess? Can you play the guitar? Can

15、 you sing? What club do you want to join? Can you play it well? Lets make conversations with your partner.(Present) Show the students the activities the people in each club can do with the same step. Then repeat with dance, swim, play chess, paint, speak English and play the guitar with the help of

16、doing the action. Or we can use the PowerPoint to help us to show the students what we can do. The teacher can ask the students to practice the following dialogues with can. Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Can he paint? Yes, he can. /No, he cant. Can she speak English? Yes, she can. / No, s

17、he cant. Can you speak English? Yes, we can. / No, we cant. Can you play it well? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Do the action and read the new words and phrases. Ask the students to practice can and cant. Ask the students to practice can you play it well? At the same time, the teacher write down sing, d

18、ance, swim, play chess, paint, speak English, and play the guitar on the blackboard. Ask the students to read after the teacher. Step 4 任务型教学 本册教材在第五单元之后安排了一个大的实践活动,即“分扣子”和“填数游戏”。旨在综合运用所学的知识,从根据事物的非本质的、表面的特征把事物进行分类,发展到根据客观事物抽象、本质的特征进行不同方式的分类,促进孩子逻辑思维能力的发展。同时,安排学生填数游戏,旨在对孩子的口算能力、逻辑思维能力和观察能力的训练,感受数学的乐

19、趣!Task 1: Look at the pictures on Page 59.1a. Points to the activities the people in each club are doing. Say something about each clubs activity clearly. For example, This is a chess club. See the chess? They are playing chess. 推论1 经过圆心且垂直于切线的直线必经过切点.Ask the students to match each club activity in

20、the picture with a word from the list. For example: 描述性定义:在一个平面内,线段OA绕它固定的一个端点O旋转一周,另一个端点A随之旋转所形成的圆形叫做圆;固定的端点O叫做圆心;线段OA叫做半径;以点O为圆心的圆,记作O,读作“圆O”A can dance, so we can write “a” beside dance. (一)教学重点The answers are: 1.dance a 2. swim e 3. sing f 4. play chess b 5. paint d 6. speak 6、因材施教,重视基础知识的掌握。Eng

21、lish c 7.play the guitar g 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的邻边与斜边的比叫做A的余弦,记作cosA,即;Task 2. Say each conversation with a student in Part 1a. After doing this, play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time ask the students to listen to the conversations and write a

22、 number 1 next to the first conversation they hear, a number 2 next to the second one they hear, and a number 3 next to the third one they hear. Point out the sample answer. The answers are 2, 3, 1. (4)面积公式:(hc为C边上的高);Task 3 1c.Say the sample conversations. Have students repeat. Then ask students to

23、 practice the conversations in pairs. Ask them to use the vocabulary from 1a. As students work, listen in on various pairs so that you can check progress and help with pronunciation as needed. After students have had a chance to practice the conversations, ask pairs to come to the front of the room

24、and act out one of their conversations. (4)直线与圆的位置关系的数量特征:Step 5 Homework Task1: workbook Page 38 Part 1, 2, 1、20以内退位减法。Task 2.: fill in the form. Write down three things you can do and three things you can not do. 3.T:what can you do? What cant you do? Can you play chess? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing? What club do you want to join? Can you play it well? Lets make conversations with your partner.(Present) 当a越大,抛物线开口越小;当a越小,抛物线的开口越大。I can I cant


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