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1、Unit 6 Which one do you want? Period 1 湘少版五年级上册 一 教学目标 知识目标: 能听说、会读单词“ raincoat 、 jacket、umbrella、 thick 、 thin 、 new、old、clothes”. 能力目标:能用 Which one do you want,theone or theone? 及回 答 Theone,please”进行对话。 情感目标: 培养学生学习英语的兴趣;学会交流。 二 教学重难点 1 1 重点:能用句型 Which one do you want,the one or the one? Theon e,p

2、lease”对事物进行比较并做出选择。 2 2、难点: 句型的熟练掌握。 三 教学准备 教学图片,教学多媒体课件,单词卡片,厚薄不同的 jacket.jacket.雨衣 长短不同的两件,各种颜色的雨伞 . . 四 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talks. 2. Guessing game. T:Hello ,boys and girls ,how are you today? Ss:. T:Lets play a guessing game,okay? Ss:Yeah! T:So ,listen to the tape carefully , if you thin

3、k its true,you say “Yeah,yeah,yeah”.But if ittnot ,you say“no no no” ,Okay? Ss:Okay! (播放动画,动画句子为: Yaoming is very short.The apple is yellow . 学生认真听后作出判断, 复习所学形容词: short,tall,long ,red,yellow . ) Step2,presentation and drill. 1. New words (1) 情境创设, 学习新单词 umbrella.raincoat. (播放打雷下雨画面) T:Oh,it s rainin

4、g,Have you got an umbrella? Ss:No. T:Yes,what should we take when it rains?(an umbrella? a raincoat?) 教读单词 umbrella,raincoat 然后贴于黑板。 T :Has anyone got an umbrella or a raincoat? Ss:No. T:Oh,Lets go to the shop and buy one ,ok ? Ss:. (2)情境创设,导入新句型并揭题。 (出示商店图,里面放着各种颜色的雨伞,雨衣,夹克等。 ) T:Oh ,so many things

5、.Where is the umbrella? Ss:. 幻灯片播放售货员画面, 并用英语提问 :Which one do you want ? A yellow one or a red one? 教师呈现新句子,教读,教师带读句型,学生分男女、小组操 练。并贴于黑板上。引导学生用选择作答。 并板书 A yellow one /A red one,please. (课件出示雨衣 ) T:Whats this? Ss:Its a raincoat. (课件出示 2 件雨衣,一件长,一件短 ) T:Which one do you want,the long one or the short o

6、ne? S1: (课件出示 2 件甲克衫,一件厚,一件薄 ) T: What are they ?.They are jackets.Follow me jacket.单词卡片 跟读,贴于黑板。) T: Can you tell me their differenee? Ss 一件厚,一件薄,一件新,一件旧。 T: Great! Thick,and thin .follow me ,thiek and thin,new and old .(单 词卡片贴于黑板,并做动作说单词) T: Which one do you want,the new one or the old one? the th

7、ick one or the thin one? S1: Step3,practice and eon solidati on. (3) _ 教师利用语言框架, 继续学习巩固新句型“Which one do you want, the _ one or the _ one? Cha nt old,the old one.n ew,the new one. Which one do you wan t,the old one or the new one? thick,the thick one. thi n,the thi n one. Which one do you want, the t

8、hick one or the thin one. 课件展示语言框架“ Which one do you want, the _ one or the one? 男女比赛说句子。 2. Dialogue Liste n and choose: Which rain coat does Lin gli ng want? (1) Liste n and check the an swers. (2) Liste n and repeat. (3) Read in roles . Step 4 Act and play 1. 学生分组利用身边物品自编对话。 Example: A: Which pen

9、 do you want, the blue one or the red one? B: The red on e,please. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. 2. Show time. Step 5 Homework 1. 作业本抄写 B 部分单词和本课重点句型。预习 D 部分。必做题 2. 听录音,读对话,并试着表演对话,家长签字。选做题。2 3. 与好朋友模拟购物,运用所学句型,并用手机录下来传给老师的 微信。选做题 板书设计: Unit6 Which one do you want? Which one do you wan t,the long one , thi n yellow new The short on e,please. The . one, please. or the short one? thick red old


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