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1、人教版新目标英语七年级上册教案第9单元UNIT 9 Do you want to go to a movie? LESSON 1 (READING) 1. Language Goals: Talk about movie preferences and make plans. New language: -Do you want to go to a movie? Yes I do。I want to go to an action movie. -What kind of movies do you like? I like comedies and documentaries but I

2、dont like thrillers. -kinds of movies: thriller, war, documentary, comedy, romance, action movie, mystery, fantasy and adventure -descriptions: scary, boring, great, fun, exciting, sad, funny, awesome, fantastic, wonderful 2. Teaching Aids: Movie posters Balloon (for grammar focus) 3. Vocabulary Wor

3、ds: film, war movies, action movies, romances or love stories, thrillers, comedies, documentaries, mysteries, fantasies and adventures, exciting, sad, scary, funny, great, fun 4. Teaching Steps: 1. Teacher talks about the movie he/she has seen lately. Make necessary gestures to get the attention of

4、the students (like story telling). 2. Ask the students about the movies they have seen recently. Let them write the answers on the board. 3. Write the vocabulary words on the board. Explain clearly the meaning of each word with the use of teaching aid (posters). You may use appropriate gestures to m

5、ake the explanation simple. Examples: Film is another English word for movie. Comedies are a kind of movies made to make people laugh and feel happy. Documentaries are often educational and usually talk about famous historical events and study of a famous people. Action movies are simple stories of

6、good people against bad people, where most problems are resolved using physical force. Usually action movies have fighting scenes. Thrillers are scary movies with lots of surprises and usually they make people jump. 4. Teacher reads every word with correct pronunciation while students listen. 5. Say

7、 every word and ask students to repeat after you. 6. Group the class into 5 and ask each group to read the vocabulary words correctly. 7. Point to the example (1a): Say number1is (a), action movie. Ask them to match the kinds of movies with the posters. Check the answers afterwards. 教学一得:次项活动帮助学生学习语

8、言和运用语言提高了学生的学习兴趣提高了他们的参与意识。 LESSON 2 (LISTENING AND SPEAKING) 1. Sing a song (to the tune of LONDON BRIDGE). Im the first one dont change me, dont change me, dont change me, Im the first one dont change me-oh no just let me be. 2. Pair work: Ask students practice the given conversation (guided by th

9、e teacher). Take time to practice the dialog for mastery. Ex. Do you want to go to a movie / Do you want to see a movie? Yes, I do. I want to see a thriller movie. 3. Listening: Ask students to do activities 2a and 2b. Tell them to listen carefully. 4. Introduce GRAMMAR FOCUS. Give the rules and exp

10、lain further by giving more examples. Note: A teacher could give additional examples out of the given content such as city cities A. Singular Noun Plural Noun thriller thrillers documentary documentaries comedy comedies action movie action movies -Read the singular and plural forms of nouns to the s

11、tudents and ask them to repeat. Point out the change from y to ies when the word documentary becomes plural. B. Explain contractions. Blow up a balloon- ask what happened? (It expanded.) Let the air out-ask what happened? (It contracted which means to get smaller.) Ex. do not dont -Point out that pr

12、esent tense questions with want are answered with a form of the verb do - do, dont, does, doesnt Examples: Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Does he want to go to a movie? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. Does she want to go to a movie? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt. 3、思想教育,转化观念

13、端正学习态度。5. Ask the question. What kind of movies do you like? 84.164.22有趣的图形1 整理复习2Encourage students to give more “What kind ofquestions” they might be able to ask. Example: What kind of food do you like? OR What kind of animals do you like? 6. Oral activities (3a and 3b): Read the 2 conversations.

14、Then ask students to read them aloud. Write the sentences from the conversation on the board. Point to the word “and” and say, we use “and” when both ideas in the sentence are the same. We use “but” when the 2 ideas in the sentence are different. Have the students practice more orally. 圆心;垂直于弦;平分弦;平

15、分弦所对的优弧;平分弦所对的劣弧。教学一得:英语是一种语言重在应用通过这项活动教会学生能够学以致用。 LESSON 3 (LISTENING, READING AND WRITING) 115.75.13加与减(二)2 P61-63 数学好玩2 P64-671. Introduce key vocabulary words-used to describe movies (Section B 1a). Ask students to focus on the pictures and let them fill in the blanks individually. Review the an

16、swers together. Accept all reasonable answers and correct unreasonable answers. Such as writing sad under comedies. 2. Have the students listen and circle the description words in 1a that they hear. (7)二次函数的性质:3. Let them listen again. Ask them to list down the words that the characters (Edward and

17、June) use when they talk about the different kinds of movies (2b). 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的对边与邻边的比叫做A的正切,记作tanA,4. Ask the students to read what Jung says and write the differences between Edward and June (2c) 5. Give more emphasis on reading practice using the target language under activity 3a. Group the st

18、udents and ask each group to read the description words correctly. 教学一得:在任何一节英语课中听说读写四个环节都是不可欠缺的或偏重于这个或偏重于那个。 3、认真做好培优补差工作。 开展一帮一活动,与后进生家长经常联系,及时反映学校里的学习情况,促使其提高成绩,帮助他们树立学习的信心与决心。LESSON 4 (PRACTICE ORAL ENGLISH) 1. Review all key vocabulary presented in this unit. Ask students to check all the words

19、 they know and find out the meanings of the words they dont know. (SELF CHECK) 2. Call on students and ask each of them to give a word and use it in a simple sentence. Example: documentaries - I dont like documentaries because theyre boring. 3. Invite pairs of students to say the conversation or dia

20、logue for the rest of the class. 4. Ask students to share their friends movie preferences (likes and dislikes), what the person thinks about movies. For example: I have a friend. Her name is Ann. She likes comedies very much but she doesnt like documentaries because theyre boring. 5. Encourage every student to speak English and correct every mistake for further (2)经过三点作圆要分两种情况:understanding. 推论: 在同圆或等圆中,如果两个圆心角、两条弧、两条弦或两条弦的弦心距中有一组量相等,那么它们所对应的其余各组量都分别相等.教学一得:新目标英语Go for it 的教材选材非常贴近学生的生活实际。每学完一个单元学生就能用英语进行简单的交流。充分体现了学以致用的教学原则。


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