Review七年级上外研版Starter Module4be动词操练(共33张PPT).ppt

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1、以及5个元音字母:A、E、I、O、U,ei A H J Ki: B C D E G P T Ve F L M N S X Zai I Yju: Q U W,Module 1 模块一,1.询问: 你叫什么名字用 : Whats (what is ) your name? 他/她叫什么名字用 : Whats his / her name? Tom叫什么名字用: Whats the name of Tom. 回答:自己叫什么一般用:My names ( name is )或Im (I am) 他/她叫什么用 His names./ Her names.2. Can you spell it?= Ho

2、w do you spell it. 你能拼下吗?3. 碰到老朋友我们一般会问:How are you?(最近怎么样? ) 回答: Fine/Im fine/ Im ok, thank you/ thanks. 很好,谢谢!一般回答完后,我们出于礼貌会回问对方这时用:What about you? / How are you?你呢?回答: Im fine too. (Im= I am)我也很好。,Key points,Key points,4.碰到初次见面的朋友我们一般会问:How do you do? 回答: How do you do. 或:Nice to meet you. 回答:Nic

3、e to meet you ,too. 打完招呼,表示想要离开了,我们一般会说:Its time to go now. 回答: See you.(回见)5.介绍自己的朋友或家人时一般用:This is my friend/father , her names / his names. She is a/ an / he is a/ an 举个例子:This is my friend, her names Betty. She is an English teacher.这是我的朋友贝蒂,她是一名英语老师。,1.学习了表示祈使句的短语,祈使句就是表示请求或要求别人做某事,其格式一般以动词原形放在

4、句首。其否定表达的方式在动词前面加Dont.举个例子: Sit down. 请坐. Stand up. 站起来. Open your book. 翻开你的书本 Close your book, please. 请合上书本。Put up your hand, please.否定的表达方式: Dont sit down. Dont stand up. Dont open your book. Dont close your book, please. Dont put up your hand, please 练练:改写下面的句子。Open the door, please. (改为否定句) Do

5、nt open the door, please.2.Dont put up your hand, please.( 改为肯定句) Put up your hand, please.3.Listen to the music, please. (改为否定句) Dont listen to the music, please.4.Dont draw the picture, please.(改为肯定句) Draw the picture, please.,Module2 模块二,2. 学习了一般疑问句。一般疑问句是疑问句的一种。他只用yes(是)或no(不)来回答的句子。其结构是be/助动词/情

6、态动词+主语+其他成分。通常回答为:肯定:Yes, 主语+提问的be/助动词/情态动词否定:No,主语+提问的be/助动词/情态动词的否定形式。比如:Are you a new student here? 回答:肯定:Yes, I am. 否定: No, I am not.( Im not ).,练练,改写下面的句子I am a student. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)She is a teacher. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)He is a doctor . ( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)It is a bird. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)They are

7、friends. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答)He can play basketball. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答)7. She likes playing table tennis. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答),3. 当问别人在几班,一般用:What class are you in? 回答: I am in Class Two.问别人是几年级: What grade(年级) are you in? 回答:I am in Grade One. 我是一年级。4.当问别人的电话号码是多少,一般用:Whats your telephone number?

8、或Whats your number? 或:Whats the number of your telephone?回答:My number is./ Its除了问电话号码,我还可以问别人的车牌号如:Whats her car number?还可以问学号是多少?Whats your student number?5.学会拼写1-20的数字。2个数字相加用 and 连接。2个数字相减用 minus。6.询问别人的年龄用:How old are you?/ whats your age?( age 年龄)回答: Im + 数字,7. 当询问某地人或事物数量,用 How many +可数名词复数+ar

9、e there? 回答:There are/is + 可数名词复数或单数。举个例子:How many students are there?答: There are 15 students. How many books are there? 答: There are 12 books.当询问不可数名词的数量用:用 How much +不可数名词单数可数名词(countable)就是可以一一数出来的名词,如books, desks, chairs, bags, boys, girls.不可数名词(uncountable)就是不能一一数出来的名词,比如:water, air, bread, mi

10、lk,meat可数名词的复数形式:一般直接S. 比如:boy-boys, teacher-teachers, desk-desks以S,X,sh, ch 结尾的加 es. 比如:bus-buses, box-boxes, 以辅音字母y结尾的,变y为i 加es. 以o结尾的,有时加es, 比如tomato, hero. 以f或fe结尾的变f 或fe为ves.不规则变化,man-men, woman-women, child- children.,Module 3 模块3,1.Whats this in English?这个用英语怎么说?Whats this ? 这是什么? Whats that?

11、 那是什么?回答: Its a/an .可数名词的单数形式前 一般应加不定冠词a或an表示其为单数,a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,an用于以元音音素开头的词前。如:a banana, a pear, an apple, an English book2.In English 用英语。In+语言,表示用某种语言,比如In Chinese 用汉语 in Japanese 用日语3.寻求别人帮助的时候我们一般用: Can you help me?/ Can you give me same help?/ Can you give me hand?肯定回答:Yes, I can/ of course.否

12、定回答:Sorry,I cant.( can not)4.问颜色的句型: What colour is the bag? 答:Its blue. What colours are the bags? 答:Theyre (they are) blue.,name is = namesI am =ImYou are = Youre He is = HesShe is = ShesIt is = Itsare not= arentis not = isnt,称呼,1. 称呼女老师 称呼男老师2. 称呼先生3. 称呼女士4. 称呼夫人5. 称呼小姐,李老师,李老师,李先生,李女士,李夫人,Miss L

13、i,Mr Li,Mr Li/ Sir.,Ms Li,Mrs Li,李小姐,Miss Li,介绍自己和别人,1.我的名字是李大明。,改为同义句:改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答:对“李大明”提问:改为否定句:,My names/name is Li Daming.,I am/Im Li Daming.,Are you Li Daming? Yes, I am./No, Im not.,Whats/ What is your name?,My names/name is not/isnt Li Daming.,2.这是我的朋友,她的名字是王玲。,This is my friend, and her

14、 name is/names Wang Ling.,动作祈使句,起立请坐下关上你的书打开你的包举起你的左手,open your bag,close your book,put up your left hand,Please sit down.,stand up,重点句型,1.明天/待会儿见。 回答:,See you tomorrow/later.,See you.,2.你能拼写它吗? 回答:,Can you spell it, please?,Yes, I can./No, I cant.,3.你能帮助我吗?,Can you help me, please?,4.现在该是走的时候了。,Its

15、 time to go now.,重点句型,1.你是这里的一位新生吗? 回答:,Are you a new student here?,Yes, I am./No, Im not.,2.你在几班?(询问班级),What class are you in?,Im in Class Eleven,Miss Hes Class.,3.他的电话号码是多少?(询问号码),Whats his telephone number?,Its four nine six, three eight two.,重点句型,1.你的姐姐多少岁了?(询问年龄) 回答:,How old is your sister?,She

16、 is eighteen.,2.你们班有多少男生?(询问数量),How many boys are there in your class?,There are 41 boys in my class.,3.请把它写在黑板上。,Write it on the blackboard.,重点句型,1.你怎样拼写“铅笔”? 回答:,How do you spell pencil?,P-E-N-C-I-L.,2.用英语说这是什么? 回答:,Whats this in English?,Its a book.,3.-谢谢。-不用谢。,-Thanks. -Youre welcome.,4.你能再说一遍那个

17、吗?,Can you say that again?,语法知识,1.陈述句肯定句语序。 主系表结构: 主谓宾结构:,2.陈述句否定句语序。 主系表结构: 主谓宾结构:,主语+be动词+表语,主语+谓语动词+宾语,主语+be动词+not+表语,主语+dont/doesnt+谓语动词+宾语,当主语为第三人称单数he/she/it或者可数名词单数时用doesnt,除此之外都用dont.,语法知识,1.一般疑问句语序。,2.特殊疑问句语序。,be动词+主语+表语,特殊疑问词(what/who/where等)+一般疑问句语序,句型转换,1.肯定句变否定句,2.陈述句变一般疑问句,在Be动词后面加not,

18、至于缩写与否应与所给的横线数量而定,Be动词提前并大写,主语在后,其他成分照写,注意一二人称的词必须进行互换。回答时必须用yes或者no.,句型转换,1.对划线部分提问首先,确定划线部分是什么,找到相应的疑问词其次,疑问词后面接相应的be动词最后,原来句子的相应成分照写,My sisters brother is in Class One._?,What class is your sisters brother in?,Be动词描述性质、状态,am,is,are,I am = Im,她 She is 他 He is它it is= its名词单数 is,你,你们 You are = youre

19、,我,我们 we are= were,Iamastudent.,Iamfrom china.,Iamthirteen,IamChinese.,Iamin Class Three,他,他们 they are=theyre,名词复数 are,one =a /an单数twothreefour five six seveneightnineten,eleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwenty,It is a book,It is a basketball,It is a football,It is

20、an apple,It is an orange,It is an arm,It is an eraser,There are eleven books,There are twelve basketballs,There are thirteen footballs,She is my friend,He is Yangyang,Daming and Lingling friends,are,There are five books,It is a book,5本书,一个足球,一个篮球,一只鸟,一只猫,一朵花,十个足球,九个篮球,十二只鸟,十三只猫,八朵花,It is a football,

21、It is a basketball,It is a bird,It is a cat,It is a flower,There are ten footballs,There are nine basketballs,There are twelve birds,There are thirteen cats,There are eight flowers,一本书,情态动词本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气。 can是情态动词,表示“能,会”。,情态动词can的用法,Can(没有人称和数的变化)+ 动词原形,I can play football I can play baske

22、tballShe can swimShe can play table tennisHe can runHe can play the piano,Im Wang Junkai,Im 17 years old,Im from China,Im Chinese,Im in Class Three,I can play basketball,能,What about you?,那你呢,is Xiao Qi is five years old is from,She,She,She,She,is,Her,Her,favourite colour is blue,favourite season is

23、 winter,小七 5岁 英国,英国人 会踢足球蓝色冬天,England,She can play football,English,Mike 13岁 美国 美国人他会打篮球他喜欢游泳 他最喜欢的季节是秋天他最喜欢的颜色是红色,He is Mike He is thirteen years oldHe is from America,He,is,His,His,favourite colour is red,favourite season is autumn,He can play football,American,Im = I amIts = It iswhats = what is,

24、我 I 我的my 你,你们you 你的your 他he 他的his 她 she 她的her 它 it 它的its,name,人称代词:主格,形容词性物主代词,单数 复数this 这个 these 这些that 那个 those那些she/he/it they他们 is are,in的用法1 . 用 in English2 . 在里面 in my family,She is =ShesHe is =He sIt is. =ItsThey are=TheyreThats = that is whore = who are whos = who is theyre = they are,This is an apple.These are two apples.,介绍别人用句型: This is. Thats .These are Those are辨认某人用句型:Is this? Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Is that? Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Are these? Yes,they are./No,they arent.Are those? Yes,they are./No,they arent.,


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