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1、2018-2019学年第一学期末五年级教学质量检测四、听话语,选适当的答语。(5分)英语试题、听句子,选出正确的选项。1. A. missed2. A. cheese3. A. beautiful flowers4. A. 375. A. sadC. sentC. coffeeC. mountainsC. 17C. tired听录音,根据你听到的内容先后,给下面的图片用阿拉伯数字排序(1-5 )。(5分)题号一二三四五六七八总分得分本试题分听力和笔试两部分。满分为50分。考试时间为 40分钟。听力部分(共四题,计20分)(5分)B. metB. teaB. green plants8. 71B

2、. bored三、听录音,在句子空格中填上合适的单词。(5分)1. This boy swim, his brother helps him.2. I found John first. He was in the . 3. I didn t go to school yesterday, I shopping.4. In the past, Amy s grandpa very fast.5. How many children are in the class?1. A. Sorry, I don know.8. Sorry, I didn t know. I ll be quiet.2.

3、 A. I lost my bag.8. He lost his bag.3. A. I m sorry to hear that.8. Are you feeling better?4. A. Oh, its mine.8. Thank you!5. A. 208. 19笔试部分(共四题, 计30分)五、选择填空。在你认为正确选项前的序号(ABC)上画,(5分)1. We went to Badaling last Sunday and took many photos the Great Wall.A. toB.ofC. for2. There are seven chairs there

4、 are eight people.A. butB.forC. so3. Let s go to bed early,Iwant to be late for school tomorrow.A. willB.dontC. cant4. A: What do you do at 3 o clock ?B: We Music.A. doB. areC. have5. I saw the big hot dog and I feel . A. afraidB. hungryC. angry六.用给出动词的正确形式完成句子。(5分)1. -Why do you feel sad?-I (lose)

5、my schoolbag.2. -How much chocolate did you eat?-I (eat) it all.3. What the matter with you? Are you (feel) bored?4. I (can not) carry these exercises books. Can you help me?5. -Tom, do you want to be in our basketball team?-Yes, I do. But I (not play) well.七.读对话,选择正确的应答.(把右侧ABCDE五个句子的序号填入适当的空格内。(10

6、分)Daming: Hi, Lingling. How are you?Linglling: Im fine, thanks. 1) at the weekend?Daming: I went to the Great Wall with my family.Lingling: Really? 2) ?Daming: We arrived there at nine in the morning.Lingling: Oh, so early. How did you go there?Daming: 3) .Lingling: 4) ?Daming: I took many photos. H

7、ere are some of them.Lingling: Wow. So beautiful! 5) .八.读故事,简短回答下面的问题(10分)A. When did you arriveB. You had a good timeC. Where did you goD. We went by carE. What did you do thereLast weekend we visited the park. I took many photos in the park. We had a picnic there. We first went to the supermarket

8、and bought 6 apples, 1 kilo of chocolate, two bottles of juice. There werentenough milk, so we bought one box of milk. Tom ate a lot, but he lost his bike. The police helped himfind his bike at last. We all had a good time.1. What did you do last weekend?2.Where did you have a picnic?3.How much juice did you buy?4.What happened (发生)to Tom?5.Did you have a good time yesterday?


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