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1、M6U2 What is happiness to you? Welcome & Reading Teaching aims: After learning this period, the students will be able to: 1. describe their own understanding of happiness; 2. talk about the gymnast Sang Lan; 3. describe feelings and emotions; 4. learn some new words and phrases and language points.

2、Teaching procedures: Activity 1 lead in 1. Listen to a song “ If you are happy ” to create a happy atmosphere. The theme of the song is _ . 【 happiness】 2. Show some pictures about different people s opinion on happiness and ask the students to talk about them in pairs or groups. 3. Show a picture o

3、f Sang Lan and ask the students to guess her happiness. Activity 2 Scanning and Reading Strategy 1. Ask students to identify the genre of the article and introduce the elements of a TV interview. genre of the article: 【 an interview 】 elements of a TV interview: People (at least 2) : & 【 interviewer

4、 & interviewee 】 Steps in reading an interview: 1) Read the topic interviewer introduces in para. 1 2) Who is interviewed 3) Read each question carefully 4) Read interviewee s response, including background information of the topic. 2. Scan the text and find out the main elements. Interviewer: 【Host

5、 】 Interviewee: 【 Dr. Brain, a psychologist 】 Topic of the interview: 【 How to search for happiness 】 Questions : 【Who is Sang Lan? How has she adapted to her new life? 】 Activity 3 Skimming Read the passage more carefully to find out some details about Sang Lan. 1. Background information of Sang La

6、n: Age: _ 【27】 Age of being disabled: _ 【17】 Birthplace: _ 【 Ningbo, China 】 Best event: _ 【vault 】 Cause of disability: _ 【Made a mistake while practising, fell and broke her neck 】 Before the accident: 【 energetic, happy, hard-working, devoted , successful 】 While in hospital: 【 In good spirits, s

7、taying optimistic, being able to overcome disappointment, feeling happy to be alive and lucky to learn new things. 】 Prese nt liv ing con diti ons: 【Hopeful; keep ing busy 】 Activity 4 Post-reading activities 1. Use some adjectives to describe the characters of Sang Lan, and use the contents in the

8、text as evidence. Characters Reasons Dedicated/hard-working energetic optimistic/ happy/cheerful independent brave 2. What does the example of Sang Lan show us? 【It shows how people can find happ in ess even in difficult times.】 3. How can we search for happ in ess eve n in difficult times? 【Think a

9、bout good/positive things /Focus on goals /Stay optimistic Activity 5 Consolidation (Read the text and fill in each blank with a proper word ) Title: the Search for Happiness (1) of happ in ess To some, happ in ess is being surro un ded by family and frien ds. To others, happ in ess means achievi ng

10、 success in someth ing . To those who are injured, happ in ess can simply mean a day without pain or just being alive. (2) to Sang Lan (3) in Ningbo, China in 1981, Sang Lan began learning gymnastics when she was 6 years old. The vault is her best event. Her teammates described her as happy, hard-wo

11、rk ing and full of (4) . In 1998, a small accide nt could have cost her future happ in ess. Specialists from many parts of the world said that (5) to her severe injuries, she would never walk aga in. While in hospital, Sang Lan never cried about what she had lost or (6) hopeless. She (7) to overcome

12、 her sorrow by taking (8) in the things she had accomplished. After (9) to China, she studied journalism at Peking University and graduated in 2007. Sang Lan who likes to stay optimistic believes that keeping busy helps her to stay positive. The host con clusi on s Sang Lan can (10) all of our viewe

13、rs. Think about how she rebuilt her life whenever our life feels unbearable. 【An swers: Defin iti on In troduct ion Born en ergy due felt man aged pride retur ning in spire Activity 6. Post reading Supposing you are from CCTV, you are holding a press conference about Sang Lan . Useful words and expr

14、essions: 1. success 2. devote to 3.focus on 4. attitudes 5. adapt to new life 6.search 7.deal with 8. positive 9. optimistic Host: We re lucky to in vite SL to our in terview. Today happ in esss- topic is Sang Lan: Thank you for inviting me. Journalist A: _ Sang Lan: _ Journalist B: _ Sang Lan: _ Ho

15、st: I hope we can lear n much from Sang Lan and try to achieve more goals. Activity 7 Enjoy the following sentences and fill in each blank with a proper word. 1. _ _ (对一些人来说) , happiness is _ _ _ (被包围) family and friends, but _ _ (对其他人来说) , happiness _ _ _ (意味着取得成功) in something, such as _ (实现) a go

16、al. 2. While she _ _ (受伤) and _ _ (住院) , she amazed the world by the way _ she _ _ (保持快乐) . 3. _ _ (即使) her training meant that she had to live _ _ (远离) her parents, she was happy to _ _ _ (献身于) gymnastics. 4. Everyone _ _ _(见到她的) , from nurses to famous visitors like Leonardo DiCaprio from the film

17、 Titanic , who went to see her in the hospital to _ _ _ (使她振作起来) , all said she was _ _ _ (情绪很好) . 5. When the doctors told her that she _ _ (永远不会) again be a gymnast, she was able to _ _ _ (克服悲伤) by being proud of the things she _ _ (已经完成) . Activity 8 Supplementary reading Appreciate a little poem

18、 about happiness to extend their understanding of happiness. Happiness Birds are happy, for They dedicate their songs To the woods and fields. Flowers are happy, for They dedicate their sweet fragrance To the birds, bees and butterflies. People are happy, for They dedicate their lives To their motherland and the world. Happiness itself is not a possession, But a kind of selfless dedication. If you stretch out a greedy hand to it, It will fly high away Like a red-crowned crane. Homework Read the text fluently and remember the new words and expressions.


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