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1、牛津小学英语5A第六单元第一课时教 学计划 教学内容: 牛津小学英语 5A 第六单元,第一课时(A and B ) 教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1 、通过听、说训练,使学生学会打电话的方式。 2 、在听说练过程中,四会学习 do housework sweep the floor stand 、sit 、ring 、run 等动词。 3 、通过听说回答等练习,学会对背景语言的描述。 (二)功能目标: 1 、学会在实际生活中用英语打电话和接电话。 2 、学会运用所学的知识独立创新地编英语韵律歌谣。 Teaching Procedures: Step1:Revision 1.Free talk.

2、 T : Good afternoon, xx Glad to see you. S1:Glad to see you, Miss Xue. T: I like singing. What do you like? S1: I likenning. T: What day is to day? S2:Today is Tuesday. T: How are you? T:How about your father? S2:I m fine. S2:He s fine. T:Are you free now? S2:Yes, I am. / No, I m not. T:Where are yo

3、u now, class? Ss:Were at the English lesson. /Were in the classroom. 2.Say a chant. What can you do? Step2 Presentation 1.Make a call. 提示课题。 T: Hello , xx What day is today? S1:Today is Tuesday. T: It s a nice day, isn t it? S2:Yes, it is . T: Hello, xx It s a nice day. Do you like morning? S3:Yes.

4、T:Are you free now? Shall we go to Hongmei Zoo? S4:All right / Great!this 揭示课题: T:Look at this. Say after me. Make a call. Ss:Make a call . T:Now here is a telephone. Let s make a call. 2 、创设情境,学习打电话方式。 T: Hello, this is Miss Xue. S1:Hello, this is S1. S2:Hello, this is S2. S3:Hello, this is S3. T:

5、Hello, this is Miss Xue. Is that xx ? S4:Yes, this is S4. T:Are you free now? S4:No, I m not. T:Are you free this afternoon? S4:Yes, I m free. T:Shall we go to Hongmei zoo? T: This class we ll learn to make a call. S4:Great!( 教师引应答语, That Sounds good.) 教师作示范 Model 两次,学生学习打电话,随后黑 板上出示,对话句型 ( chant) S

6、s:workin pairs. S1:Hello. S2:Hello, Is that xx ? S1:Yes, this is xx . S2:Are you free this afternoon? S1:Yes, I am. S2:Shall we go to Hongmei Z00? S1:That sounds good. 3.Say a chant ( Make a call ) T:Now, Let s have a rest. Do you like rhymes? Now say after me. (出示小诗 , 见易捷书) Ss: 学生跟读和跟唱 4 、在唱 chant

7、情境中,引出现在分词句型 T:Hello , xx . Can you sing this song? S1:Yes, Ican. T:Excuse mexx。 What are you doing? S: I m. 引出 I am singing. 板书: What are you doing? (贴小黑板) T: 教师提问几个学生,利用复习旧句型 What can you do? I canm. (学生边说边动作)而后引出动词的现在进 行时态。首先教师提问, 学生回答和做动作。 接着教师 展示自己的才能,启发学生提问。 T:Look at me ,class. I canm. Look!

8、(教师游泳动作) S1:Excuse me. Miss Xue. What are you doing? T:I ammming. And I am cleaning the window. S2:Excuse me / Hello, Miss Xue. What are you doing? T:I am cleaning the window. 板书: clean clean the window T: Now follow me, clean the window. Ss: Clean the window. T:Hello, xx . Can you clean the window?

9、 S1:Yes, I can Look! T:What are you doing? S1:I m cleaning the window. T:Me too. And I can sweep the floor. Look! (教师作扫地动作)引 :sweep the floor Ss:Sweep the floor. T:What are you doing? S2:I m sweeping the floor. T:Me too. (教师也做扫地动作) 5 、游戏引 stand 和 sit. T o you like games, class? Ss:Yes, I do. T:Stand

10、 up boys. Sb:All right. T:What are you doing, boys? Sb:Were standing. 弓丨:stand. T:Stand, follow me. Ss:Stand. T:What are you doing? Sb:Were standing. T:Sit down, please. T:What are you doing? Sb:Were standing. T:Sit down, please.( 教师分批提问站立男孩,而后 示意其坐下 ) (待全体男孩坐下,提问集体) T:What are you dong, xx ? 引:sit.

11、 I m sitting. We re sitting. 6 、电脑呈现学生课外活动的照片。教师提问 :What is xx doing? / What are xx and xx dong?弓 I出动词 或动词词组 run, have an English class Ss: 学生看图互相提问、互动练习 What is xx doing? He s /She s 7 、引出 chant Autumn is coming. The sun is shining. The cat is running. The mouse is sleeping. Boys are singing. Girls

12、 are dancing. Our life is very interesting. 8 、出示教学挂图,引 doing housework. 补充出示 telephone 图引出 The telephone is ringing 。 Ask and answer : What day is today? Where are SuHai and Su Yang? What are they doing? Whaf s the matter?Step 31、听录音跟读课文。 2 、全体读课文。 3 、分角色朗读课文。 Step 4 、 Homework: 熟读课文 P44 及抄写生词:do, housework, ring, sweep, run,stand,


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