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1、人教版新课标版高一英语必修Unit1reading说课稿高一英语Unit1 Friendship Reading 说课稿 一、教学内容分析 (一)知识背景及新课标、新教材 1、本单元围绕友谊这一话题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动在本单元中涉及到的话题有:人们为什么要交朋友,如何交朋友,怎样处理朋友的关系,生活在二战时期的安妮是如何渴望朋友,如何与朋友相处的等。 2、Reading部分承载着整个单元中最重要的语言和文化信息,也是教师在整个教学过程中需要重点处理的部分。本文讲述了犹太女孩安妮为躲避纳粹的迫害而藏身于小阁楼中,并把日记当作自己的朋友,通过写日记来表达自己孤独和郁闷的心情。 通过阅读这

2、篇课文,学生不仅要进行阅读技能的训练,学习一些新的词汇和短语的表达方法,还要去阅读过程中学习并欣赏英语语音的美感,感受主人公乐观自信的人生太度,纯洁美丽的心灵。 (二)教学目标 1、知识技能 ?学习一些重要的新单词,短语和句式,如go in rough make+o+n作宾补 1、wonder whether/if一句式等 ?学会用英语谈论友谊 2、能力目标 提高学生的阅读能力并学会用一些阅读技能,如guessing key sentences ,skinning ,scanning and so on 3、情感目标 使学生意识到友谊的重要性,并通过阅读这篇短文学会珍惜友谊 (三)教学重点 1

3、、培养学生的阅读技能,学会欣赏文学作品 2、让学生在语境中学习并掌握文章中的词汇和短语 3、提高学生的阅读技能 (四)教学难点 1、怎样提高阅读技能2、掌握make+o+oc 二、教学方法 1、任务型教学2、合作学习3、讨论 三、具体教学步骤 (一)导入(Lead-in) 这一步骤的重点在于激发学生的兴趣 活动方式:师生互动 教师提问:What is important in your Life ? 学生的答案会有money study time hip etc 再问:DO you want to know he what important in my life? Listen to a s

4、ong朋友 导入的同时引出一句谚语:A friend in need is a friend indeed (拓展学生的知识) 最后指出今天新学内容是Friendship (二)pre-reading 问答形式: 1、 Why do you need friends? 2、What do you think a good friend should be like? 3、Does a friend always have to be a person? 4、Have you ever considered making friends with animals, plants or even

5、an object? 看阅读文章的标题猜猜安妮的朋友是谁 介绍这篇文章的写作背景,二十世纪四十年代纳粹德国统治欧洲大部分地区。德国纳粹政策之一是对犹太人残酷迫害包括杀害:送到集中营强迫劳动,驱逐出欧洲等。 指出当时的历史北京,学生就能自然而然地习得语言。能从时代背景出发思考安妮 面临困境,就不难理解安妮当时的心境和为什么将日记视为自己的朋友,从而深刻地领悟安妮日记的内涵。 (三)Reading 1、Skimming 让学生快速浏览课文,把握中心内容 2、细读课文,抓住文中的关键信息和段落大意 3、带着问题看课文,即完成“理解”部分的练习1 4、读安妮日记,并进行复述 (四)听力与巩固 1、An

6、ne made her diary her best friend because she was afraid her friends would laugh at her 2、Anne and her family had been in hiding place for two years 3、Anne thought nature is one thing that really must be experienced (五)知识点(language points) 1、go through 2、Make her diary her best friend 3、I wonder if

7、/whether 4、do with/deal with 5、it was the first time that (六)讨论 如果你必须像安妮一样和家人躲个狭小的空间里生活,你会怎么做, 通过讨论更能感受到安妮对自由生活的向往,对大自然的热爱。对友情的渴望,通过反思自身的生存状态,他们会懂得珍惜生命,珍惜生活中美好的点点滴滴,并保持乐观向上的生活态度。 英语全英说课样稿 I Teaching Aims: 1. To developSsbasic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading is the focus i

8、n this lesson. Reading skills for Ss include (predicting, skimming, scanning and digesting.) 2. To encourage Ss to practice, participate, and co-operate in the classroom activities. 3. To get Ss to know something about andhaveabetter understanding of the importance of. As for teaching approaches, I

9、think II Teaching Approaches Communicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instruction are to be used in the course of this lesson. And I will try my best to limit TTT, that is, limit Teacher Talking Time and increase STT (Student Talking Time). So during this lesson, emphases are to be laid on: 1. S

10、tudent-centered teaching 2. Task-based learning 3. Activity-based teaching (individual work; pair work; group work; class work) III Teaching Aids: 1. a projector 2. a multi-media computer system They are for showing Ss some pictures, some audio files, some visual files, some topics or reading tasks.

11、 IV Teaching Procedure Step 1. Warming-up & lead-in Activities 1 Free talk (class work) I will invite Ss to answer the following Qs. Q1: Who do you think looks coolest in our class? Q2: Do you like him/her? Q3: If so, why? If not, why? Activity 2 Picture-talking /Music-talking (individual work) Down

12、load some pictures/music from the Internet. Guiding Qs may be: Q1:Whosshe/he? Q2: Do you like him/her? Q3: If so, why? If not, why? Q4: Do you think he/she is perfect? Goal: To lead up to the topic, get Ss to warm up and arouse their interest in the topic. Step 2. Pre-reading Activity1 Look and gues

13、s (class work) In this activity, Ss are required to look at the title/subtitle and guess what they will read. Activity2 Brain-storming (class work) In this activity, Ss are encouraged to think of as many words as possible to describe the picture/ Goal: To developSsreading skill-predicting and presen

14、t some new words in the passage suchas Step 3. Reading Activity 1 Skimming (class work) Ss are required to go through the whole passage quickly to get the general idea and pay special attention to the first or last Para of the article (or the first sentence or the last sentence of each Para.) Goal:

15、To developSsreading skill - skimming, that is, how can we get the general idea of a passage as quickly as possible. Activity 2 Scanning (group work) Encourage Ss to read the passage again, exchange their understanding of the passage with their group members and work together to fill in the following

16、 form: Title Part/Para. Main idea Detailed information 1 a. topic sentences/introduction b. examples/supporting ideas c. conclusion 2 a. b. c. Goal: To developSsreading skill-scanning, that is, how to find out the clue of a story and motivate Ss to cooperate with each other. Activity 3 Report (class

17、 work) Invite some group members to report their work to the whole class. Goal: To overcomeSsshyness and stimulate Ss to speak in public. Activity 4 Further understanding and word study (pair work) Encourage Ss to discuss the following Qs in pairs (A PowerPoint will be used here to present some blan

18、k-filling exercises and multiple choices.) Q1: Whatdoestheword“this”inthelastPara. but 3 refer to? A. sjkdfkjdk B. klklklkl C. opieporiwp D. jdlkjflkd Q2: What is the Chinese equivalent for the phrase“investinginloss”? A. B. C. D. Q3: Theword“flawless”inLine5 of Para.2 can be replaced by _ Q4: Which

19、 of the following statements is true or not true? Goal: To help Ss to guess the meaning of certain unknown words and understand the passage exactly. Step 4. Post-reading Activity1 Role-play(pair work) Suppose one studentisaandtheother . Ss are encouraged to put themselves in the situation and make a

20、 face-to-face interview. Activity2 Discussion (Group work) Topics may be : Q1: Do u want to be perfect? Q2: Do u think there is anyone in the world that is perfect? Q3: Look at the subtitle/title “Remind yourself”, remind yourself of what? Activity3 Poster-designing/Cartoon-designing/(group work) Go

21、al: These post-reading activities are intended to developSscreative thinking and get them to know the importance of Step 5. Homework Task 1 Write a summary of the passage (about 100 words) (Individual work) Goal: To spur Ss to consolidate what they have learned. Task 2 Look up some more information

22、about (Individual work) Encourage Ss to go to the school library or get on the Internet if possible to consult related English websites on the topic. Goal: To encourage Ss to study English spontaneously and independently after class, arouse Ssinterest in traditional Chinese culture and developSscult

23、ure awareness and cross-culture communicative skills. As for my blackboard-design, since time is limited, Idliketogiveabrief introduction. Title Here is the form Here are some new words for Ss So much for my presentation. Thank u very much. Bye-b 高一人教课标必修1 Unit 3 说课稿 Lesson Plan Interpretation NSEFC

24、 Book1 Unit3 Travel Journal Hello, everyone. Itsanhonor for me to stand here and interpret my lesson. The lesson plan I am going to talk about is from NSEFC Book 1 Unit 3 Travel Journal. Illexplain how to teach and why do so from the following 5 aspects: the theoretical basis, understanding of the t

25、eaching material, teaching methods and studying ways, teaching procedure, blackboard design. ?. The theoretical basis First, Idliketoshowmytheoretical basis-schema theory and top-down model (Goodman, 1971). Journey down the Mekong is a reading course. According to schema theory, reading comprehensio

26、n is an interactive process between the readersbackground knowledge and the text (Carrel and Eisterhold, 1983), or between the new information and the old knowledge store (Anderson and Pearson, 1984). So in order to improve the studentsreading speed and reading comprehension, language teachers shoul

27、d try to activatetheSsoldknowledge store and add more relevant background knowledge before they get the students to read. According to the top-down model, general idea of the text will be got first, and then come the details. II. Understanding of the teaching material My understanding of the teachin

28、g material includes 3 parts: the status and the function, teaching objectives, the important and difficult points. At the beginning, letsfocus on the first part. Journey down the Mekong is a piece of travel journal written by Wang Kun. Itsmainly about Wang Kun and his sistersdream of taking a great

29、bike trip down the Mekong River, their preparation for the trip and some more details of the Mekong River. General speaking, it is not difficult for the students to understand the text, but there are some new phrases and sentences that may be a little bit difficult. So before the studentsfirst readi

30、ng, I will explain the new words and phrases briefly and after reading the whole passage, I will embody the usage of the news words and phrases, and get the student understand the difficult sentences. As it is a piece of journal, besides learning the new words and phrases, students can get the gener

31、al idea of how to write a journal. Thatsallforthefirst part, nowletsmovetothesecond part. According to the teaching material and the new curriculum of English, in order to fulfill the learning task of this lesson, I establish the following objectives: a) Knowledge objectives By the end of the lesson

32、, Ss will have a better understanding of the meaning and structure of the text. Then Ss will grasp some useful words and expressions such as determined,makeuponesmind, give in, befondof, care about, stubborn, etc. b) Ability objectives Actually students should be encouraged to do speed reading in th

33、e first period of reading lesson. But the students in my class are lack of independent reading ability. In this class, I will encourage and help them to read, think and find out information by themselves most time. Since the main objective of reading course is to improvetheSsreading ability, theirIl

34、ltrain ability of identifying the general idea in the fast reading. And in intensive reading their ability of information-gathering and summarizing is developed. And the whole class is for Ss to develop their reading skills as scanning, skimming, information-gathering, summarizing and guessing the n

35、ew words from the text. c) Moral objectives Though Journey down the Mekong is mainly about the trip down the river, it also talks about the scenery and life along the river. So before learning the text, we will have a short discussion about the importance of the river. I want the Ss to have the awar

36、eness of protecting the river and protecting our environment. Well, so much for the teaching objectives, lets come to deal with the third part: the important points and the difficult points. According to the national curriculum of English and language learning theory, when teaching reading, we shoul

37、d encourage the Ss to do speed reading for the first time,thatsto say, we should encourage our Ss to read as fast as they can when they do the first reading. So much emphasis should be put on reading skills and reading comprehension as well. So the important points are that how to make Ss grasp the

38、new words and phrases and how to improve their reading skills as scanning, skimming, information-gathering and summarizing. As to the difficult points, they are the same as the important ones. III. Teaching methods and studying ways Thatsallformyunderstanding of the teaching material. Nowletsfocus o

39、n the ways of teaching and learning. Generally speaking, I adopt task-based language teaching and communicative approach in my class. As for learning, Ss will learn through independent reading, discussing and cooperating. I will use computer and blackboard as my teaching aids. ?. Teaching procedure

40、Here comes the most important part, the teaching procedure. It includes 5 steps: Step I: Lead-in and pre-reading, Step II: While-reading, Step III: Consolidation, Step IV: Post-reading, Step V: Homework. Step I: Lead-in and pre-reading (7mins) Nowletscometothefirst step. There are three activities i

41、n this step and I will spend 7mins on them. In activity one, I will ask Ss two questions Do you know some great rivers in China? and Why they are great?”Here, as the Ss get familiar with the Chinese great rivers, I choose to ask them some great rivers in China. And the answer to the second question

42、can lead in the next activity-brainstorming. (5)切线的判定定理: 经过半径的外端并且垂直于半径的直线是圆的切线.In activity two, I will ask the Ss to discuss in pairs and answer the question How do people who live along a river use it?”Mypurpose of this activity is to remind the Ss the importance of the river, thus stimulate the S

43、s awareness of protecting the rivers. In the last activity, I will show the Ss a picture of the Mekong River and ask them to list the countries that it flows through. This activity leads in the while-reading. Step II: While-reading (21mins) While-reading is the main part and it will take 21mins. Her

44、e I adopt the top-down reading model. This step is divided into 2 parts: fast reading and careful reading. Before reading, I will ask the Ss to predict what will talk in the text according to the title. It can exert the Ss imagination. 1) Fast reading During fast reading, I will ask the Ss to readin

45、g the whole passage quickly and get the main idea of each paragraph. Usually, the main idea of each paragraph is the first sentence or the last sentence, but this text is not. So the main idea of each paragraph will be matched because the Ss are lack of the skill of summarizing the main idea by them

46、selves. 2) Careful reading 8、加强作业指导、抓质量。After getting the general idea of each Para., I will deal with the details Para. by Para. 描述性定义:在一个平面内,线段OA绕它固定的一个端点O旋转一周,另一个端点A随之旋转所形成的圆形叫做圆;固定的端点O叫做圆心;线段OA叫做半径;以点O为圆心的圆,记作O,读作“圆O”In paragraph one, I will ask the Ss to read quickly and do the exercises T or F

47、. And if it is F, I will 当a0时,抛物线开口向上,并且向上方无限伸展。当a0时,抛物线开口向下,并且向下方无限伸展。ask them to correct it. This exercise can help the Ss get the key information of the first paragraph in a short time and can deepentheSsunderstanding of the first paragraph. In paragraph two, I will ask Ss one question“Isitadiffi

48、cult journey to cycle along the Mekong? Why?”ThiscanhelptheSsdevelop their ability of summarizing. IftheSscantanswer the question briefly, I will encourage them to find the key sentences and try to join them together. And in the last paragraph, I will ask Ss two questions“Howdoesthewater of Mekong River change?”and“Whatcanyouseewhenyoutravel along the Mekong River?”Bothquestions are required to answer in keys word. In order to lower the difficulty of the questio


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