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1、声明:本资料由 大家论坛高中英语专区http:/ 收集整理,转载请注明出自 http:/更多信息、考试真题,请访问 http:/ 大家论坛,全免费公益性英语论坛,等待您的光临!Unit 2 The Olympic GamesWarming Up, Pre-reading, Reading ComprehensionTeaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about the history of the Olympics.2. To read an interview about the Olympics.Teaching Pro

2、cedures:Step 1. Leading-inPurpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about mascots in the Olympic Games. Show the pictures about the 2008 Olympic mascots (吉祥物). Ask Ss whether they know some other mascots (吉祥物).Step 2. Warming Up Purpose: To lead Ss to the topic of this unit through a quiz.Pair

3、 work: Get Ss to talk about the questions below, and then ask them to present it before the class.1. When and where did the ancient Olympic Games start?A. 776BC; Olympia B.393BC; Rome C. 1896; Greece2. When did the ancient Olympics stop?A. 776BC B. 393BC C. 1888AD3. When and where did the modern Oly

4、mpic Games start?A. 1888AD; Pairs B. 776BC; Olympia C.1896; Athens4. When did China first take part in the Olympics?A. 1932 B. 1928 C. 19365. Who was Chinas first gold medal winner and for what event?A. Zhou Jihong; diving B. Lining; gymnastics C. Xu Haifeng; shooting6. Do you know the three words t

5、hat show the spirit of the Olympic Games?A. taller, faster, stronger B. higher, swifter, stronger C. stronger, quicker, longerSuggested Answers: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. BStep 3. Pre-readingPurpose: To have Ss learn about some more about Olympics and arouse their interest. Individual work: Get Ss

6、 to answer this question individually.1. How many events are there for the Summer and Winter Olympics? Can you list some of them?2. When and where will the next Olympics be held? What do you think the Chinese team will do in order to win more medals?Suggested Answers:1. In the Summer Olympics, there

7、 are running, swimming, shooting, wrestling, jumping, football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, throwing. Javelin, weight lifting, gymnastics, boxing, etc. In the Winter Olympics, there are skiing, skating, ice hockey, ski jumping, sledding, snow-boarding, etc.2. The 29th Olympics will be held

8、 in Beijing on August 18th, 2008.Step 4. Reading1. ListeningPurpose: To get a brief understanding of the text. To train Ss listening ability. (1) Listen to the tape.(2) Ask Ss to find the writing type and the main idea of the text.The writing type: conversational style (an interview).Main idea: comp

9、aring the differences between Ancient and Modern Olympics.2. ScanningPurpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text.Read the text quickly and find out the similarities & differences between Ancient and Modern Olympics.(1) What are the similarities? How oftenBoth are held every four years. What

10、forBoth are held not for money but for honour. BeliefsThey are the same. Swifter, Higher, and Stronger. CompetitorsMen are allowed to take part both in ancient and modern Olympics. EventsSome events are the same, such as running, jumping, shooting, and throwing.(2) What are the differences?AncientMo

11、dernGamesSummerSummer & winterCountryOnly GreeceCountries from all over the worldCompetitorsOnly menMen and womenPrizeOlive wreathMedalEventsA fewMany more3. Read the passage carefully and silently and finish Ex2 (P11).Suggested Answers:(1) Pausanias is amazed that many countries take part in the Ol

12、ympic Games and women too and there are two sets of Games-the Winter and the Summer Olympics.(2) Because Li Yan has explained that it is a great honour to host the Olympic Games.(1)三角形的外接圆: 经过一个三角形三个顶点的圆叫做这个三角形的外接圆.(一)数与代数(3)He thinks that so many things have changed in the Olympic Games that he fea

13、rs that the spirit of the Olympics may have changed too.7.同角的三角函数间的关系:4DiscussionYou know our government has tried its best to compete for hosting the 29th Olympic games. It has cost a lot of money. Do you think it is worthwhile? Why?For your reference:It is worthwhile to host the Olympic games. To

14、host Olympic Games can make our culture and people understood by the other peoples. To host Olympic Games can make our country known to the whole world. To host Olympic Games can stimulate our economy, and help to speed up its development.即;5. Imagination(2)经过三点作圆要分两种情况:Imagine what we will do and w

15、hat we can do for the 29th Olympic Games.For your reference: Maybe we can serve as volunteers to help the foreign visitors and athletes from all over the world. So at present we should study hard. Especially we should try our best to learn English well.0 抛物线与x轴有0个交点(无交点);6. SummaryAs we have finishe

16、d the passage well sum up what we have learned. First lets see the writing skills. It is written in a conversational style. Its in a very interesting way. It adopts a dialogue between Pausanias who lived 2000 years ago and a Chinese gird in modern world. Through their dialogue, the differences and s

17、imilarities between the ancient and modern Olympic Games are made known to the readers. Just because it is in a conversational style, there are quite a few oral spoken English and elliptical phrases.二、学生基本情况分析:Through the comparison between the ancient and modern Olympic Games, we have learned the d

18、ifferences and the similarities between them. Now we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can also get to know that the Olympic Games are developing and improving. Its our duty to make the Olympic Games bett

19、er and healthier. We know that one of the slogans for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is Green Olympic Games. It shows that people are paying more and more attention to our environment.(3)圆内接四边形:若四边形的四个顶点都在同一个圆上,这个四边形叫做圆内接四边形.7. Language points集合性定义:圆是平面内到定点距离等于定长的点的集合。其中定点叫做圆心,定长叫做圆的半径,圆心定圆的位置,半径定圆的大小,圆

20、心和半径确定的圆叫做定圆。Purpose: To train Ss language capacity.Divide Ss into four groups and ask each group to discuss how to understand and use the new words and analyze the following phrases. Give Ss enough time to learn the language points by heart.take part in, in order to, find out, used to, be admitted

21、as, compete against, for the honour of, be admitted to, play a role, as well as, , as a matter of fact, compete for, proud of,一年级有学生 人,通过师生一学期的共同努力,绝大部分部分上课能够专心听讲,积极思考并回答老师提出的问题,下课能够按要求完成作业,具有一定基础的学习习惯,但是也有一部分学生的学习习惯较差,学生上课纪律松懈,精力不集中,思想经常开小差,喜欢随意讲话,作业不能及时完成,经常拖拉作业,以致学习成绩较差,还需要在新学期里多和家长取得联系,共同做好这部分学生

22、行为习惯的培养工作。8. RetellingPurpose: Train students ability of summarizing and expressing. We can see the text is written in a conversational style. And there are two speakers. One is Pausanias, a Greek writer 2000 years ago, the other is Li Li, a Chinese girl. Now lets change it into a narrative style. I

23、n other words, lets describe the ancient and modern Olympic Games in our own words. Who would like to have a try?For your reference: The ancient Olympic Games began in Greece and were held from 776 BC to AD393. It was held every four years. At that time, there were not so many sports as today. And w

24、omen were not allowed to take part in the games. There were not Winter Olympics at that time. Winners got the olive wreath as the prize. The motto was swifter, higher and stronger.The modern Olympic Games began in 1891. Theyre held every four years. There are many new sports in the Olympics. In the

25、summer Olympics there are over 250 different sports. Women are not only allowed to join in but also play a very important role. Now the competitors compete for medals. The motto is swifter, higher and stronger.Winners got the olive wreath as the prize. The motto was swifter, higher and stronger.The

26、modern Olympic Games began in 1891. Theyre held every four years. There are many new sports in the Olympics. In the summer Olympics there are over 250 different sports. Women are not only allowed to join in but also play a very important role. Now the competitors compete for medals. The motto is swifter, higher and stronger.高考资源网更多信息:2009年高考英语试题汇总贴-大家网推出高中英语版专题分类荟萃(更新中)高考英语必备词汇3500历年高考英语听力电子书下载(文本及听力)高中英语语法练习题140道-高考精粹(带解析答案)高中英语完型填空练习精选100篇模拟题高考英语专题复习十年高考五年模拟原稿-专题 17 完形填空模拟题2010高三备考完型精炼20篇(有详解)语法问题高三回扣:语法重点扫描,帮你轻松记牢真题2004-2009湖北高考英语完形填空汇总2008届高三精品练习题-高中英语语法教案(全套)及配套练习


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