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1、标准总结示范文本 | Excellent Model Text 资料编码:CYKJ-FW-371编号:_学习总结英文版编辑:_日期:_单位:_学习总结英文版用户指南:该总结资料适用于把阶段时间里取得的成绩、存在的问题及得到的经验和教训进行一次全面系统的总结,明确下一步的工作方向,少走弯路,少犯错误,提高工作效益作用。可通过修改使用,也可以直接沿用本模板进行快速编辑。on christmas eve XX, a group of 9 postgraduates under the supervision of 4 formal staffs in china financial service

2、group ltd. (cfsg) traveled to dafushan park for 2 main purposes: enjoying the beautiful nature scenery, and learning teamwork skills.the 9 postgraduates were actually on the 4th day of their orientation programme in cfsg, they are about to graduate with master degree from top un iversities around di

3、fferent places, passed 3 levels of interviews, finally they were considered as candidates with the opportunity of 2 months orientation programme. candidates were taken care by the 4 staffs in the cfsg, who are the trainers from the human resource department. after an hours driving, the team arrived

4、dafushan park in the south of guangzhou. i was one of the candidates.then we hired bicycles and ride either in pairs or individually in the park. although it was in winter, the weather was perfectly fine, sunny and warm. the sky was rrrwm blue, the sunshine was nice, and wind was gentle. after 20 mi

5、nutes riding, we arrived a place by a lake; there were flowers nearby; colours like red, green and yellow unfolded a beautiful nature.despite enjoying such fascinating views, we started the 1st part of the teamwork learning: efficient communication. the group were divided into 5 pairs, 2 members in

6、each pair, one in each pair was required to cover his/her eyes with an eye patch, and the other had the task of guiding his/her partner with voice and body communication. then lisa who is one of the trainers walked randomly, each pair was required to follow lisas step in round one. however, in round

7、 two each pair member changed their position, www.rrrwm following all the same rules but without the aid of body touch. all pairs performed well in round one; while in round two, some fell down and some finished the task quite satisfactorily. we discussed our own understanding through the experiment

8、, and we concluded the importance of efficient communication in terms of achieving overall team objective. when playing as a leader, correct and immediate information should be provided in accordance of specific conditions. when being leaded, mutual trust as well as accepting the information what th

9、e leader provided should be put ahead of everything. based on such concept, the one who is being leaded can, from some extent make more formal decision. however, compared to round one with the assistance of body communication; in round two, when there is no guider beside, cooperation became quite to

10、ugh, leaders are suggested to think about the position of the one being leaded.we had a special bbq in the park. females were responsible for preparing the food, and males set up the fire. we ate food and drank beverage, smiling, and joking so happily. after the bbq, we ride to another side in the p

11、ark, where is even more comfortable than the place in the morning. and we were prepared to learn the other part of teamwork: what teamwork is.xuxu who is also another trainer in cfgs announced the rule: initially, two people sit down back by back with their legs flatten, holding their arms tightly,

12、without losing the arm connection or touching any area on the ground, they should stand up. and if they succeed, one more join in until the team cannot stand up. we observed that the first group can hardly stand up, it became much easier with few added in. however, when the number of the team member

13、s exceeded 9 or 10, standing up turned to be difficult again. we were lucky to learn the art of teamwork so completely: the trainers pointed out that, with a given task, a team is normally made up of more or equal than 3 people; with more people included in, coordinative work become complex, and eve

14、n can influence the goal of the team. coordinated works involves in cooperation and even sacrifice.on the way riding the car park, we came across with the view of the trees with their mirror in the river. we took snapshots with new friends met in these days in such wonderful sight. i regard it as another growth in my life after 6 years academic learning in the universities. also i become familiar with the meaning of teamwork, and how to be a team member. i believe i am prepared in the next step. thanks to cfgs, and the trainers in the human resource department.第7页 / 总7页


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