最新4年级第二次月考 (2)汇编.doc

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1、 四年级英语第二次英语月考试卷 一、连一连,看谁连的又快又好。(每小题分,共分) sweets 黑暗的 light 汤 dark 蔬菜 soup 水果 horse 给 fruit 灯 give 面包 bear 鸡 vegetable 糖果 chicken 绵羊 bread 马 sheep 熊二、选出下列不同类的单词。(每小题分,共分) ( )1.A.soup B. jump C.ride D.run ( )2.A.thirteen B. sweets C.twenty D.sixteen ( )3.A.high B. far C.fast D.light ( )4.A.soup B. milk

2、 C.water D.bread ( )5.A.near B. house C.down D.on ( )6.A.twelve B. two C.too D. ten ( )7.A.vegetable B. Fruit C.food ( ) 8.A.are B. am C.is D.me ( )9.A.sweets B. rice C.milk D. bread ( )10.A.panda B. pig C.boy D.chicken三、单项选择。(每小题分,共分)( ) 1. I cant _her face. A.see B.seeing C. sees( ) 2. There _a ho

3、rse in the photo. A.is B. are C.不填( ) 3. Can I have some soup? No._ A.You can B. You cant C.sorry( ) 4. Well , turn _ the light. A.at B. on C.in( ) 5. Hello, Can I come _? A.at B. in C.to( ) 6. Today _Halloween. A.is B.are C.am四、情景交际。(每小题分,共分)( ) 1.你到朋友家做客,你想吃一些苹果,可以说: A.Can I have some apples,pleas

4、e? B.I can have some apples. C.Help yourself.( ) 2.你想说:“我有三只小鸡”应这样表达: A.There are three chickens. B.I have three chickens. C.Ive got tree.( ) 3.杂技表演中有个男孩骑在车子上,你说: A.There are twelve boys on the bike. B. There are eleven boys on the bike.D存货按照成本与可变现净值孰低计量 C. There are three boys on the bike.( ) 4.你想知

5、道那张相片上有什么,怎么说:C出租办公楼应于租赁期开始日按其原价3 000万元确认为投资性房地产 A.What is there in the photo? B.The photo haves a horse. C.There are two chickens in the photo.( ) 5.你想告诉朋友熊正在吃糖,应说:A尿激酶作用减弱 A.The bear is eating sweets.9下列各项关于甲公司上述交易或事项会计处理的表述中,正确的是( ) B.This is a bear C.There is a bear in the photo.E纤溶酶原激活物活性增加五、连词

6、成句。(每小题3分,共18分)D支付融资租入固定资产的租赁费作为筹资活动现金流出 1. is She bike riding a ( . ) _借:公允价值变动损益 90 2. There nice photos are some ( . )调整分录: _C开发无形资产时发生符合资本化条件的支出 3. is There boy a this photo in ( . ) _ 4. cant you have fruit some sorry ( . )A.详细设计、编码、系统测试、系统安装和新旧系统转换 _ 5. panda in There is a the photo ( . ) _ 6. nice they are very ( . ) _


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