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1、2019 年 6 月大学英语四级阅读 200 篇汇总Although many of us may feel air-conditioners bring relief from hot, humid or polluted outside air, they pose many potential health hazards. Much research has looked at how the movement of air inside a closed environment-such as an office building-canspread disease or expos

2、e people in the building to harmful chemicals.One of the more widely publicized dangers is that of Legionnaires disease, which was first recognized inthe 1970s. This was found to have affected people in buildings with air-conditioning systems in which warmair pumped out of the system cooling towers

3、was somehowsucked back into the air intake ( 通风口 ),in mostcases due to poor design. The warm air, filled with bacteria,was combined with cooled, conditioned air andwas then circulated around various parts of the building. Studies showed that even people outside such buildings were at risk if they wa

4、lked past air exhaust pipes.Large air-conditioning systems add water to the air they circulate by means of humidifiers ( 湿度调节器 ).Inolder systems, the water used for this process is kept in special reservoirs, the bottoms of which providebreeding grounds for bacteria which can find their way into the

5、 ventilation ( 通风 )system. The risk to human health from this situation has been highlighted by the fact that the immune systems (免疫系统 )of approximately half of workers in air-conditioned office buildings have developed the ability to fight off the organisms found at the bottom of system reservoirs.

6、 But chemicals called biocidesare added to reservoirs to make them germ-free, and they are dangerous in their own right in sufficient quantities, as they often contain compounds strongly linked to cancers.Finally, it should be pointed out that the artificial climatic environment created by air-condi

7、tioners canalso affect us. In a natural environment, whether indoor or outdoor, there are small variations in temperature and humidity. Indeed, the humanbody has long been accustomed to these normal changes. In an air-conditioned living or working environment, however, body temperatures remain well

8、under37 , our normal temperature. This leads to a weakened immune system and thus greater exposure to diseases such as colds and flu.练习题:Choose correct answers to the question:1.What do we know about Legionnaires disease from the passage?A.It was the most widely concerned office hazard.B.It can affe

9、ct people both inside and outside the building.C.It happens only in air-conditioned office buildings.D.It does not develop in well-designed buildings.2.In the old air-conditioned systems, bacteria first develop.A.in the reservoirsB. in the ventilation system c. in the humidifiersD. in the air intake

10、3 .The fact that about half of workers developed the ability to fight off the bacteria may_.A.relieve peoples worry about the danger caused by the bacteriaB.help people find an effective way to get rid of the bacteriaC.reflect the serious danger brought by the bacteriaD.cause serious disease such as

11、 cancers to people4 .The author most probably wants the readers to treat biocides with an attitude of_.A.cautionB.trustC.enthusiasmD.criticism5 .The last paragraph implies that our immune system can be weakened when _?A.we live in an artificial climatic environment8 .there are variations in temperat

12、ure and humidityC.our body temperatures often remain not high enoughD.we are often exposed to diseases such as colds and flu1 .B事实细节题。本题主要考查复合句的理解。第2段最后一句表明B是正确选项。选项A中的most和C中的only都太绝对了,文中并未对选项 A和C中的相关说法加以这样 的限定。选项D也太绝对了,第2段第3句只是说到大多数情况下是因为空调设计欠佳所致 , 并不是说所有设计良好的大厦就不会发生这种情况。2 .A事实细节题。本题考查复合句的理解。只要明白第

13、 3段第2句这个非限制性定语 从句中的 the bottoms of which 中的 which 是指上文的 reservoirs, 问事就不难解决了。3 .C 事实细节事。本事考查被动语态长句的理解。在第 3 段第 3 句中,关键词是highlight,选项C是对原句主谓部分的近义替换。选项 A和B在文中皆无提及,选项 D是过度使用生物杀灭剂的后果,与本事干的情况无关。4 .A 观点态度事。第3 段最后两句讨论生物杀灭剂的用处,其中最后一句中的 but,dangerous 和 cancers 等词说明作者认为要慎用这种杀灭剂。作者并没对杀灭剂全盘否定,只是说过量使用会引发危险,因此选项D 不对。5 .C推理判断题。本题考查代词的理解。 解题的关键在于理解最后一句中的This是指上一句所说的情况。选项 A中所说的人造环境不是使免疫系统变弱的必然条件。选项 B是保 持免疫系统健康的条件。选项D 是免疫系统变弱后的影响。


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