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1、单元名称 Unit 2授课年级五年级学科英语主题Mascots课 型新授课时一课时授课日期2014.11学生分析本堂课是新版小学英语五年级上册第四单元的内容,本堂课的主要内容是 “谈论过去”。从全册书来看本课书的内容比较新颖,是继第一单元之后对过去时态深层次的学习。在前几课中我们已经学习了过去时态,本课是前几课的拓展和延伸,主要学习远古时期的恐龙,恐龙这个以前称霸地球的庞然大物,究竟有些什么特征,它们有什么生活习性,这些问题很受学生注重,所以对于学习本课书学生还是具有浓厚的兴趣。课标中对应的年段要求对英语学习有不断的兴趣和爱好。能用简单的英语互致问候、交换相关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。能根据

2、所学内容表演小对话或歌谣。能在图片的协助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教。乐于了解异国文化、习俗。教学目标语言知识:In this Unit the pupils learn to understand:My room is full of mascots.There are mascots everywhere.I feel easy, I feel free, because my mascots write for me.Each girl has got a friendship band.In this Unit the

3、 pupils learn to use:I have got 情感与态度:1、通过本单元的学习,让学生学会去了解和尊重他人的生活。2、学生能使用本单元所学的知识来表述自己和朋友所拥有的物品。重点难点本课的重点为:引导学生理解掌握:单数第三人称主语+has got +宾语Has +单数第三人称主语 + got .?Yes , he (she) has. / No, he (she) hasnt.教学具准 备CAI、录音机、教学卡片主要环节时间教学流程设计Step 1Step 2520Step One: organization 1. Greetings2. Free talk What are

4、 you going to do this Sunday?3. Sing the song : School partyStep Two: Presentation1. Flash new words cards. Then ask:What can you see?2. Ss free talk. English or Chinese is OK.T: Good! They are toys. (Show the picture)And they are “soft toys” (Compare with hard)Drill it one by one, and write it onto

5、 the blackboard.T: Anything else? Whats this? What are they?Ss: Bell. T: Yes, great! But they are bells. (Drill)T: What color is it? Ss: Its white.T: Oh, Im sorry. It isnt white. Its silver. Do you know? Look at my shoes. They are silver. So, we should call them: silver bells. Drill and write.主要环节时间

6、教学流程设计Step 3Step 478Ss: Ring/ necklace/ shells/ friendship band.Drill them one by one.3. T: What kind of categories are they in? S: Mascots.T: Very good! They are all “mascots”. Meaning?Drill & write down the subject onto the blackboard.4. Now, can you find some on me? Practise them again.5. Open yo

7、ur books. Lets read the new words together.Now, listen to a song about some mascots.5. Listen again. And try to fill in the words. T explain some new words: everywhere, test, always. And let Ss drill them. 6. Listen and check the answer. 7. Read it. Review “there be”.8. Lets follow the tape.9. Sing

8、together.III. Practice1. Turn to page 15. Exercise 2: find out eight differences.Then speak out sentences like these two Ss.Pay attention to “there be”.2. Practise some more. Pay attention to the preposition of directions. Homework1.作业设计Homework1. Write the new words, and dictation.2. Write some sen

9、tences from the picture A.板书设计教学反思本堂课我比较灵活使用了多种教学方法,充分体现了以教师为主导,学生为主体的自主课堂教学理念。课堂气氛活跃,较好地完成了本课的教学目标。最成功的是最后由学生自己来讲述本课所学内容,再由教师协助完成。这种总结方法可以使学生独立思考,把课堂交给学生, 让学生来构建自己的知识体系, 更好地掌握重点内容。但本课也存在着一些不足之处:(1)单词的教授方法单调,效果不好。如果让各别学生读,师生共同检查的方法会更好些;另外有的单词读起来相对比较难(如dinosaurs),学生掌握效果不太理想,如果让学生多用这个词造句复习一下比较好。(2)本堂课讲的是恐龙,内容比较新颖,但是一味的让学生读和练,没有充分的调动学生的积极性,以后应该多安排一些相关的游戏来活跃课堂气氛。(3)课堂评价只靠最后的表演来做是片面的,应结合整堂课再对每一个学生进行综合评价才更合理。


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