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1、人教版语文八年级上册配套练习册答案1新闻两则配套练习册答案 一.积累运用 1.dng d jin xi sujng wn hung y 2. (1). A B A A (2) .A B A B (3).A B B A 3.溃退军队没有抵抗能力,纷纷败散 要塞在军事上有重要意义的,有坚固的防御设备的据点 阻遏阻止 企图图谋、打算 4. C5. C6. (1)标题导语主体背景结语(2)时间地点人物事件发生的原因经过结果 (3)毛泽东新闻稿7.略 二.阅读鉴赏(一)1.电头。交代了发电的时间、地点及通讯社名称。 2(从“人民解放军百万大军”到“均是人民解放军的渡江区域”。 “冲破敌阵”和“横渡长江”

2、。 3.概括了战线之长,胜利之大。 4.“不含”两个字用在表明地点的句子内,语义明确,不产生歧义。 5.中路军发起进攻的时间最早,首先突破敌军防线,24小时内全部渡过长江。 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amo

3、unt of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X-PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per k

4、ilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A-, measured in micrograms (g g); M-quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1-total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2-draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to

5、two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by

6、high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chr

7、ome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric ac

8、id (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol)6.从“此种情况”到“有很大关系”。赞颂我军英勇无畏、所向披靡的英雄气概;同时分析敌军纷纷溃退、毫无斗志的原因,揭露国民党反动派拒绝签订和平协定的反动本质。 (二)1.南京完全解放,国民党反动统治宣告灭亡。 2(导语:“国民党22年宣告灭亡。”交代了时间、地点和事件概要。 3(第一层:“人民解放军入城后献花致敬。”大意:群众欢迎解放军的热烈场面。 第二层:“人民解放军已布告安民开门营业。”大意:解放后的南京,社会秩序稳定。 第三层4.记叙和议论。新闻要用事实说话,这是对的,但是也并不排斥议论,适当的议论可

9、以对事实作出必要的分析和评价。 2芦花荡答案 一. 积累运用1( A2( (1)犁铧黎明梨树 (2)船舱沧海抢劫 (3)烧水阻挠浇花 (4)树梢稍微俏皮 (5)穿梭俊美疏浚 (6)竹篙蒿草嵩山 3.(1)渗惨 林林淋淋 (2)窜蹿 窜蹿(3)末抹 (4)错措 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumet

10、ric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X-PG cont

11、ent in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A-, measured in micrograms (g g); M-quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1-total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2-draw samples for the determination of the volume,

12、 expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and univer

13、sities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic ac

14、id-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hyd

15、rochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol)4.(1)心里描写 (2)肖像描写5. C6. B7.撑 奔着 飘8.示例:让我们做根的事业吧,把养分输送给叶和花。 让我们做土的事业吧,把千万棵花孕育的根深叶茂。9. B (二)阅读鉴赏 (一)1.“一声一声想连珠箭,射穿老头子的心。”这个比喻句形象地表现了老头子内疚到了极点,痛苦到了极点,他感到耻辱,无地自容。 2.因为他感到自己没有顺利完成任务,自己向部队作的保证落了空,觉得没脸见部队。与“过于自信与自尊”一句照应

16、。 3.衬托老头子因女孩受伤而自责、失落的心。飒飒的风响正像老头子不平静的心。 (二).“苇叶因为性质的软硬、坚固和脆弱,各有各的用途捉鱼用”(眼前看见到的苇是实写);“我走在淀边上,想象假如是五月,那回事苇的世界”(想象和联想的苇,则是虚写)。 作用:虚实结合的写法,把人和苇紧紧结合在一起,既富有地方特征,又把斗争的环境和斗争的场面交融在一起,使形象鲜明,象征意义更加具体突出。2.荷塘 朱自清 知识 海洋3.仇恨是一个:根据地人民对日本鬼子切齿的仇恨:爱是一个:老百姓对子弟兵的关心爱护:智washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the

17、 same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard fir

18、st 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X-PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A-, measured in micrograms (g g); M-quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g

19、); V1-total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2-draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test

20、 results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB

21、/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength an

22、d compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol)慧是一个:巧妙掩护干部免遭敌人搜捕。这句话突出了采蒲台妇女们仇恨日寇、爱护战士、机智勇敢。4. D 3蜡烛配套练习册参考答案 一.积累运用1.(1)f (2) jio (3) pi (4)

23、 l (5) p (6) y(7) xn (8) j (9) chn 2. f拂晓 f仿佛 l瓦砾 shu铄金 l蜡烛 l腊月 ji竭力 xi歇息 3. (1)精神疲乏,气力使尽,形容高度疲劳。(2)指光辉的事迹和伟大的精神长久流传,永不磨灭。(3)严肃而恭敬4. ? ? ?5.略6. A 二、阅读鉴赏(一)1.表现了敌人的凶残,表明“方场”区域处在危险的境地,更衬托老妇人不顾危险埋葬战士的爱心。2.看到战死的士兵,老妇人有失去亲人的悲痛,情感都郁积于心,很想说出来。3.“直着身子”是因为她的年老,不能匍匐,也不能快跑。这一举动表现出老妇人“一定要为战死的孩子祈祷、安葬,哪怕牺牲生命”的内心活

24、动。4.多年轻、多勇敢的孩子,不能让你孤零零地独自在这儿。(答案不唯一)(二)1.一位德国母亲收留交战的美、德士兵。平安的度过了一个圣诞夜。2.“这回事”指相互 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of

25、 water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X-PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogra

26、m (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A-, measured in micrograms (g g); M-quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1-total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2-draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two si

27、gnificant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high p

28、erformance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome az

29、urol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4)

30、, diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol)为交战双方的这一事实:“孩子们”指德国兵和美国兵。 3.母亲亲眼看到不共戴天的敌人能够友好的相处,非常高兴,她相信两国人民之间没有仇恨,战争很快就会结束的,所以很“激动”。4.文中的母亲是一个勇敢、慈爱、富有同情心、有着博大胸怀的人。虽然她是德国人,但她也是战争的受害者。她痛恨战争,渴望和平。因此,当美国士兵像向她求救时,她才会置生死于度外,毫不犹豫的收留他们,并杀掉家中唯一的公鸡来款待他们。这位母亲是伟大而可敬的。 4就英法联军远征中国给巴特勒上尉的信配套练习册参考答案一、1. j y 琉璃 f ln g 缭 hi

31、 曦 瞥 ji 箧2. (1) C D A E B (2). B C (3). A3.提示:任选文中的句子,注意对美法联军的“赞誉”是反语,反话正说。4.击败打败 大胜小胜 力挫力克5.不可名状 仿佛6. B二、(一)1.亚洲文明的代表或亚洲文明的象征。2.总评,以全球眼光肯定其艺术价值在世界上的地位。3.因为圆明园是幻想艺术的代表作,用“诗人”修饰“建筑师”是为了强调其富于幻想的特点。4.凸显出侵略者行径的野蛮。5.圆明园虽然当时是皇家花园,但归根结底,是属于全人类的。(二)1.(1)在这里体验品味、领悟、研究的意思。(2)这里运用了借喻,指圆明园被焚毁。2.第一部分总的介绍圆明园的美丽,却

32、被英法联军焚毁;第二部分具体介绍“大水法”这一景观;第三部分具体写汉白玉的精神。3.文中用圆明园的“原本”的样子和现在的残骸进行比较,washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.

33、5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X-PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG q

34、uality of samples for determination of A-, measured in micrograms (g g); M-quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1-total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2-draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figu

35、res. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liq

36、uid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and tri

37、methylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with

38、 water to 100mL. 1% (vol)以此来英法联军的卑劣行径。5.“他觉得这奇观不应该在不文明的大清帝国,他觉得中国人不配享受这大水法。”这里刻画了英法使臣马戛尔尼阴暗丑陋的内心世界,他的骄横,他的强盗逻辑,他的贪婪卑劣的心理都很具有代表性。文章通过对此人的描写,来揭露西方列强的本质,使人窥见了历史的悲剧皆源于罪恶的心理。6.赞美汉白玉宁愿粉身碎骨,也不苟且偷生。实则赞颂中国人的气节。 5亲爱的爸爸妈妈配套练习册答案 一、1.A2.(1)键健 (2)型形 (3)溶融3.(1)C B A (2)D A C B4.(1)排比 (2)设问 (3)比喻 (4)拟人5. B二、(一)1.孩

39、子们被残杀前上课的情景。写出了孩子们的生命活动,寄托人们对孩子们的怀念和对法西斯灭绝人性的暴行的控诉。2.“世世代代”人字加引号起强调作用,强调人的价值及生命的尊严。3.作者是华裔作家,一颗“中国心”使她联想起南京大屠杀,联想到自己的同胞曾经经历过深重苦难,也表明和平是全世界人民共同向往的,全人类都要警醒:永远不能再有战争和屠杀了。4.略(二)1.C2. D3.表现了人物的自尊心受到伤害。4.不矛盾。踏实自尊自爱的人,他之所以偷食物是迫于无奈,不得已而为之。5. C 第一单元综合练习 参考答案一、积累运用1. su jn 曦 鞠 窖 箧 粹 cun fd绒2.B3.B4.A5.A 6.(1)将

40、“培养”改为“提高”。 (2)将“许多”移至“有益”前。 7.示例;环保年会 10月8日10时开幕,届时将有300多位专家与会。二、阅读鉴赏(一)1.导语 表washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of w

41、ater, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X-PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram

42、(g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A-, measured in micrograms (g g); M-quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1-total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2-draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two sign

43、ificant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high per

44、formance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azur

45、ol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4),

46、diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol)明材料事实,报道及时 战役在迅速发展之中 2.说明消息既快又准 3.?人民解放军英勇善战?.和国民党反动派拒绝签订和平协定有很大关系 4.画线的句子充满了讽刺意味,汤恩伯本来是来督战的,结果不但无“战”可“督”,且全军覆没,狼狈不堪;汤恩伯过高估计了东面防线的巩固性,过低估计了人名解放军的战斗力。 5.展现大军南下态势,暗示即将解放南京。6.B(二)阅读下文,回答问题。狭路相逢 1. pi x chn jn 1.第一问:他的打扮与众不同。第二问:庄重推论2:直径所对的圆周角是直角;90的圆周角所对的弦是直径;的打扮表示对

47、逝者的尊重,对完成此次使命的重视。 2.第一问:日本是侵略者,在这个灾难的场所,每一个有良知的日本人都不应该无动于衷的。第二问:从侧面反映出他们的重视和真诚。3.第一问:整理领带与衣褶及深吸气等一系列动作。第二问,表现了心情的沉重,他是负罪而来,是来还债的,不能不沉重。4.眼前的海水曾是激烈的战场,多少年轻的生命就在此被无情地吞噬了,面对此海水不能不遥想当年。5.他完全是个人行为,而且是军人对军人的方式,这样更有人情与人性。6.他们共同经历了这场灾难的战争,他们有着共同的感觉,失去战友的痛苦,作为军人为自己国家打仗的荣耀,记忆永远定格在60年前的那场战争。7. (1)宿敌相遇可以说是冤家路窄,

48、狭路相逢。(2)本为叙述了美国老兵和日本老兵狭路相逢却未干戈相见,日本老兵真诚悔过,美国老兵彬彬有礼。既展示了当今世界和平趋势,也展示了两位老兵的人格魅力,路之宽窄完全取决于走在路上的双方。 9、向40分钟要质量,提高课堂效率。washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash

49、the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X-PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples fo


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