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1、 、找不同类单词,写序号。 ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) 1A.heavier 2. A.fever 3. A. ton 4. A. than 5. A. headache B.lon ger B.hurt B. meter B.brow n B. toothache C.funny C.nose C. kg C.yellow C. sore ( )6.A. taller B.better C.good ( )7.A. fish B. whale C. jump ( )8.A. running B. divi ng C. bigger ( )9.A. older B.young C.

2、 strong ( )10.A. a ngry B.bored C. bad ( )11. A.water B.jump C.climb ( )12. A.lo nger B.tired C.str on ger ( )13. A.teeth B.le ngth C.feet ( )14. A.sick B.sore C.ache ( )15.A.old B.tall ( )16.A. taller B.stro nger C. writer ( )17.A. smaller B.shorter C. sin ger ( )18 .A. funnier inner C.

3、heavier ( )19.A. hotter B.smaller C. bigger ( )20.A.thin B.than C. fat 二 、 在 B 栏中找 A 栏句子的答语 (一) A ( )1. How heavy are you? ( )2. How tall are you ? ( )3. How old are you ? ( )4. What size are your shoes? ( )5. How long are your bed? A. They are size: 39. B. Tm 15 years old.*1 C. Ttn舖恵吕 a D Fm 158cm

4、E. It is 20011. ( ) A ( )1. Does Lily feel happy ? ( )2. What is he doi ng now ? ( )3. Is it a killer whale ? ( )4. Do you feel bored ? ( )5. How do you feel ? EA A. He5s doing hi$ homework/ B I feel happy.*- C. Nq she feels D Yes, it IS.+J E Yes J do. 三、选择填空 ( )1. A. Who ( )2. I A. strong ( A. you

5、mon key do you like? B. What C. Which _ than you. B. thin C. thinner )3. My hands are bigger tha n _ B. your C. yours _ is your pencil? B. l ong C. Ion ger m 5 older tha n you . B. cm C.year m 48 kg.You re 44 kg. I ( )4.How A. tall ( )5.I A. years ()6. I A. taller B. heavy C. heavier ( )7. The pig i

6、s _ A.heavier B.bigger ( )8. I th ink he is _ A. in B. on ( _ tha n the elepha nt. C.smaller _ home. C. at )9. How _ are you? - I m 164 cm. B.heavy C. tall )10.A pencil is 15_ cm B.m )11. I am 158 A. lo ng ( A. ( So_ cm Ion g. C. mm tall,but you are 155cm. A.I am taller tha n you . C.You are 3 cm ta

7、ller tha n me. ( )12. How A.big ( A. ( B.l am shorter tha n you. _ are your feet? I wear size 19. B.long C.heavy )13.You re taller than _ brothe me B.your C. )14.The boy is 45 kg.The you girl is 40 kg.Which one is wron g(错误的)? A.The boy is bigger tha n the girl. the boy. C.The boy is heavier tha n t

8、he girl. ( )15.Chen Jie is three years older than Amy.Which one is right ? A. Chen Jie is 10,and Amy is 10, too. B. Chen Jie is 10,and Amy is 7. C.Che n Jie is 7,A nd Amy is 10. ( )16.Tom is 160cm tall.His brother is 7 cm taller than Tom. How tall is his brother? A.155cm. B.153cm ( )17.L ine up _ sh

9、orter A.go, to B.come, to ( )18.You re taller than B.I ( )19. The boy is six _ A. foot B. feet ( )20. - _ ? -1 wear size 17. A. How big are your feet? B.How long are your feet? C. How heavy are your feet? ( )21. How do you feel now ? _ A. All right. You can go now. B. I have a fever C. Im watc

10、h ing ()22. Whatsthe matter, Mike ? _ A. I hurt my leg. B. Im sorry to hear that C. Ok ( _ )23. Does Amy feel tired ? _ A. Yes, she does B. No, she does C. Yes, she do ( _ )24. I failed my En glish test. I am _ A. happy B. sad C. excited ( B.The girl is stron ger tha n C.167cm. _ taller. C.from, to

11、 tall. C.m A. ( )25. How are you,Sarah ? You look _ I am going on a big trip. angry B. tired C. excited )26. Please stay _ bed for a few days. A. to B. in C. for )27. Amy _ very sad. Whats wron _ her? ( A. looks, with B. look, with C. looks, to ( )28 _ does Joh n feel? Hes sad. A. What B. How C.

12、 Where ( )28.1 m sorry _ hear that? B. to C. in tha n youfor ( )30. Some _ feel sick _ the wi nter. A. people, in B. peoples, in C. people, at ( )31. My arm _ . A. is hurt B. hurt C. hurts ( )32. -How are you ,Mike ? You look so _ . -It s raining outside . I can t play football A . happy B. excited

13、C. sad ( )33. Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him . How tall is Ted? A . 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm 四、 情景交际. ( )1.老师要大家从低到高排队,他(她)会怎样说? A. Line up from shorter to taller. B. Line up from youn ger to older. C. Line up from taller to shorter. ( )2.你想告诉别人你比你哥哥高,会怎样说? A. I m shorter than my bro

14、ther! B. I m taller than my brother! C. You re taller than your brother! ( )3.你想知道朋友的房间多大,应该怎样问? A. How long is your room? B. How large is your room? C. How heavy is your bed? ( )4.你想告诉别人姐姐比你大两岁,会怎样说? A. My sister is 2 years youn ger tha n me. B. My sister is 2 years older tha n me. C. My sister is

15、2 years old. ( )5.你想告诉别人,妈妈有长长的头发和大大的眼睛, 应怎样说? A. My mother has long hair and big eyes. B .My mother has short hair and big eyes. C. My mother has long and black hair. 五、 按要求填空。 1. 你多重? _ _ are you? 2. 你比你哥哥强壮。 You _ _ _ your brother. 3. Mike 比 Amy 高三厘米吗? _ Mike _ _ _ than Amy ? 4. 你的腿有多长 _ long _ y

16、our _? 5. 我比你又瘦又矮。 I am _ you, and _ . 6. 我的手比你的大。 My hands _ tha n _ . 7. 我的铅笔比他的长 5 厘米。 My pencil is 5cm _ tha n _ . 8. 你怎么样啊,刘芸? _ are you, Liu Yun? 9. 你怎么了?我嗓子疼。 _ the _ ? My _ is _ . 10. 我患了感冒。 I _ a _ . 六、 根据对话内容将正确的答案的序号填在横线上。 A: _ 1 _ ,young man. B:Good morning, doctor. A:How do you feel? B

17、_ 2 . A:What s the matter? B: _ might have a cold.Please 4 . B:Tha nk you doctor. Bye. A: 5 . 七、连词成句。 1. happy you so look 2. my Chinese failed test I . 3. what matter the is ? 4.feel does how she ? 5. that am to sorry I hear . 八、阅读理解 Mary, Jane and May are very good frie nds. Mary is short

18、er tha n May, May is heavier tha n Jane. Jane is thinner tha n Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old and May is 9 years old. They study at Qin gdao Primary School. Mary likes English, Jane likes math and May likes music. They all study hard. A . 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。对的打 “2”错的打 “

19、X。 ( )1.There are 3 children in the story. ( )2. Mary is shorter tha n May. ( )3.Mary is heavier tha n Jane. ( )4. Jane is the youn gest. ( )5. They are all good frien ds. B.根据短文内容回答问题。 1. Where do they study? 2. Does Mary like En glish? 3. How old is May? 4. What does Ja ne like? 5. Are they good f

20、rie nds? 参考答案: 一、 找不同类单词,写序号。 (1*20) CCBAC CCCAB , (一) It Sun day after noon. The weather is fine. There is a football match betwee n class 2 and class 4. Many stude nts are watching. They reteXIc i Now Zhang Peng has the ball. He passes it to Wu Yifan .But he can kick the ball. Then John has the ba

21、ll. He kicks it. The ball flies to Zhang Peng s arm. Zhang Peng is ve an gry. The ball files in to the gate. Their class get a goal. How is Zhang Peng feeli ng now? Guess! He is so happy! Hooray! Class 4 won the game. Class2 is very sad. ( )1. There is a basketball match on Sun day after noon. ( )2.

22、 Wu Yifan can t kick the ball. ( )3. Zhang Peng is happy whe n the ball flies to his arm. ( )4.Zha ng Peng is happy whe n the ball flies into the gate. ( )5. Class 2 is not sad in the end. A. I feel sick B. di nk a lot of water C. Good morni ng D. Bye-bye E. I have a headache ABBAC CCBBB 二、 在 B 栏中找

23、A 栏句子的 答语(1*10) CDBAE CADEB三、选择填空 (1*33) 1. CCCBA 6.CCCCA 11. AABBB 16.CCCBA 21. BAABC 26.BABBA 31. CCA 四、情景交际 .(1*5) ABBBA 五、按要求填空 (1*27) (一) 1. How heavy 2. are stronger than 3. Is 3 cm taller 4. How are legs 5. thinner than shorter 6. are bigger yours 7. longer his 8. How 9. Whats sore 10. have c

24、old 六、根据对话内容将正确的答案的序号填在横线上 CAEBD 七、连词成句。(1*5) 1. You look so happy. 2. I failed my match test. 3. What is the matter? 4. How does she feel? 5. I m sorry to hear that. 八、阅读理解 (1*15) () VxxVx (二) : A: B: 1. They study at Qingdao Primary School. 2. Yes, she does. 3. Mary is 7 years old. 4. Jane likes math. 5. Yes, they are. (1*5)


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