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1、Seasons and Months 复习课教学设 计 、 教学分析 1、教学背景 本堂课是针对PEP小学英语六年级下册学生设计的一堂复习 课。复习的主要内容为季节以及十二个月份。在谈论季节时,复 习到了四五年级出现的大量词汇和短语,同时又增加了一些新的 知识。应该说这更像是一堂对 PEP小学英语四年学习的综合复习 课,涉及到的知识面比较广, 因此对六年级的学生有一定的挑战。 针对这一学情,要如何做好铺垫,激活学生的储备知识,唤醒学 生的原有记忆,让学生有话可说,是本堂课教师所要解决的主要 问题。因此,我在课堂教学中,采用不同的游戏、方法和手段, 不断地激发学生的学习兴趣, 尽量使学生能够真正

2、做到自主学习, 并且在组内能与同学很好地合作,互相帮助,从而也培养了他们 与人交往的能力。 2 、教学目标 本堂课的主要句型为: Whats the weather like today? What can you do in ? What can you eat in ? What can you wear in?在此基础上,我还增加了: Whatfestivals are in Which months are in ? 主要词汇和短语涉及到天气、活动、 服装、食物、节日和月份。 、 教学策略 1、 以学定教,有效教学 陶行知先生曾说: “教什么和怎么教, 绝不是凭空可以规定的。 他们都包

3、含 人的问题,人不同,则教的东西、教的方法、教的分 量、教的次序都跟着不同了。 ”因此,学校要求教师在考虑教学内 容、教学策略的时候,以学生为本,以学生的学为本,做到 “从教 师走向学生 ”。因此,在设计教学活动时, 我尽量做到从学生的 “学” 出发,充分体现学生的主体地位,从学生的学情出发,了解学生 的需要。课上,通过对话、开小火车问答、说夏天、滚雪球等小 组练习,让同学们在小组里自主表达,自主学习,发展学生综合 运用语言的能力 2、 应用任务型教学,提高学生学习效率 在本次教学中,我把任务型的教学理念融入到我的课堂中。 计了一些任务型的活动和游戏,让学生在语境中感受英语,并能 运用英语。

4、三、预习导学案: 一)预习:找出相应的答案并填到横线上。 1. How many seas ons are there in a year? What are they? _ , _ , _ and _ 2. How many mon ths are there in a year? What are they? - - - - - - - - 二) 热身:大声朗读歌谣并理解意思。 Spring is green with flowers and songs. Summer is hot and the days are long. Fall is golde n and farmers ar

5、e busy. Win ter is white and the year is gone. 三) 重点句型操练:根据提示,回答相应问题。 1. What the weather like in spri ng/ summer/fall/wi nter? It _ cold 寒冷的 warm 温暖的 cool 凉爽的 snowy 下雪的 sunny 晴朗的 hot 火热的 rainy 下雨的 windy 有风的 cloudy 多云的 2. What can you wear in spri ng/ summer/fall/wi nter? I can wear jacket 夹克衫 shirt

6、 衬衫 T-shirt T恤衫 skirt 短裙子 dress 连衣裙 jeans 牛仔裤 pants 长裤 socks 袜子 shoes 鞋子 sweater 毛衣 coat 上衣 rain coat 雨衣 shorts 短裤 sn eakers 运动鞋 slippers 拖 鞋 sandals 凉鞋 boots 靴子 hat 帽子 scarf 围巾 gloves 手套3. What can you eat in spri ng/ summer/fall/wi nter? I can eat _ . apple banana pear orange 橙 watermelon 西瓜 grape

7、 葡萄 peach 桃 strawberry 草莓 zongzi 粽子 dumpling 饺子 turkey 火鸡 ice-cream 冰激凌 moon cake 月饼 bamboo shoot 春笋 4. What can you do in spri ng/ summer/fall/wi nter? I can _ . plant trees 植 树 go hiking 去远足 fly kites 放风筝 climb mountains 去爬山 go fishing 去钓鱼 go to the park 去公园 have a picnic 去野餐 go swimming/swim 游泳 c

8、ollect leaves 收集树叶 pick apples 摘苹果 make a snowman 堆雪人 play with snow 玩雪 go skiing 去滑雪 go ice-skating 去滑冰. 四) 拓展与延伸:请找一找描述各个季节的优美句子。 例如:The sky is blue. The leaves are colorfu 四、教学过程: Stepl Warm-up 1) Sing and chant a. Sing a song: Wha s your favorite seas on? b. Let s chant: Spring is green with flo

9、wers and songs 2) Free-talk: T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss He. T: I raery happy today, becauseI have many new friends today. What about you? How do you feel today? S1: I S2: T: What day is it today? / What s the weather like today? / What the date today? / How many mon ths/

10、seas ons are there in a year? What are they? Step 2 Revision Activity 1: 1. T: There are 4 seas ons in a year: spri ng, summer, fall and win ter. Do you know which mon ths are in spri ng?(通过 PPT 呈现表格,把 季节和月份分类,为诗歌的呈现打好铺垫 ) T:Now, youredivided into 4 groups: spring, summer, fall and winter. 2. (use P

11、PT) Show a picture of spring, ask: Whats the weather like in spring? Choose some students to answer. T ask some questions about spring: What can you do/wear/ eat in spring? / How many festivals are there in spring? Choose Ss to answer, then show the pictures. 3. Enjoy a poem of spring Enjoy then rea

12、d Activity 2: 1. (use PPT) Show a picture of summer including weather, activities, clothes and food about summer. 2. Ss ask and answer in pairs: Do you like summer? /Whats the weather like in summer?/What can you do in summer?/ What can you wear in summer?/ What festivals are in summer/ Can you eati

13、 n summer? 3. Pair-work: make a dialogue about summer. Activity 3: 1. Show a poem of fall, ask Ss to guess: Which season is it? 2. ) Play a game about fall (运用PPT呈现游戏界面,并用超链接逐一展示问题 ) There are some questions about fall, you can choose one to answer. If you re right ,you can get scores for your group

14、. Activity 4: 1. ( use PPT) Show a picture of festivals,and find out which festivals are in winter? Activity 5: Game: Making a big snow ball T: I like winter best. ( Ss can use other seasons to instead winter) S1: I like winter best. It s very cold. S3: I like winter best. It s very cold. I can wear

15、 my pretty coat. S4: ( Ss work in groups, talk something about 4 seasons) Activity 6: 1. Read a passage about winter,and finish the exercises. 2. Try to write a short passage about the favourite season. Step 3 Homework 1. Read the poems with feelings ( 有感情地朗读诗歌 ) 2. Write something about “ My favour

16、ite season”, at least 5 sentences. ( 写一写“我最喜欢的季节” ,至少 5 句 ) 五、课后反思: 这次我执教的是关于季节这一话题的复习课, 应该说课的容量还 是比较大的,而且活动形式也比较丰富多样,思路也比较清晰。但在 教学过程中还存在一些问题, 导致学生输出不多, 课堂气氛不够活跃, 学生的积极性没有很好地被调动起来。 1. 前一部分关于春天的复习,所占用时间过长。学生回答问 题缺乏主动性,且一些学生由于紧张无法正确读出单词。今后,应多 注意调动课堂气氛,多给学生发言的机会,充分提高课堂效 率。 2. 教学尽量不要“满堂灌” , 也不能“满堂问” , 学生能 讲的, 要尽量让学生讲 ; 学生能动的 , 要尽量让学生动。 通过本课的教学,我深有感触。首先,教学永远是一门无止境的 艺术。无论怎样构思教学, 总有需要我们进一步改进的地方,因此备 好课绝不是一句空话,它需要我们充分了解教材、了解学生,需要我 们踏踏实实地考虑好每一个环节,这样每一节课堂才会是高效率的, 才能真正做到向课堂要质量、向环节要质量、向态度要质量。


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