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1、公开课教案 Teaching Plan 讲课时间: 2014年10月30日 讲课地点: 广水市文华高级中学高一(2)班 讲课内容: 高一英语必修1 Un it 4 Earthquakes -Read ing Comprehe nsion 主讲人:段媛媛 Teach ing aims: 1. Get the stude nts to know basic kno wledge about n atural disasters. 2. Get the stude nts to lear n about Tan gsha n Earthquake and un dersta nd the text.

2、 3. Get the students to learn different reading skills. Teach ing importa nt poin ts: let the stude nts master the followi ng importa nt words: burst, eve nt, extreme, injure, destroy, shock, rescue, trap, right away, as if, at an end, in ruins, dig out Teach ing difficult poin ts: The attributive c

3、lause Teaching aids: multi-media, blackboard Teach ing steps: Step 1: Lead-i n: talk about some n atural disasters. Step 2: Review: go over the new words in the text. 【自主学习】Before reading Pre-view the passage on Page 26 and review the new words we lear ned. 预习 26 页阅读,复习学过的新单词。 disaster 灾害 4. well水井

4、7. pipe管子 10. event大事,事件 13. in ruin处于废墟之中 16. dam堤坝 19. dr匕污垢,泥土 2. earthquake 地震 5. crack裂缝,破裂 8. burst 爆裂 11. asjf似乎,好像 14. track 轨道 17. canal 运河 20. brick砖头,砖块 3. quake 震动 6. smelly难闻的 9. farmyard农场,农家 12. at an end终结,结束 15. useless 无用的 18. steam 蒸汽 21. injure 伤害 24. extreme极端的,极度的 27. rescue援救,

5、营救 30. bury 埋葬 33. survivor 幸存者 Step 3: Liste n, read and an swer. 【合作探究】While reading Task 1: Fast Readi ng 1. What is the text mainly about ? (B) A. Soldiers in Tangshan B. Tangshan earthquake C. Love in Tan gsha n D. People in Tan gsha n 2. The text is orga ni zed in the order of _ . (B) A. place

6、s B. time C. events D. importanee 3. What does the title A Night the Earth DidnSleep” mean? (B) A. The whole earth did nsleep that ni ght. B. A terrible earthquake hit Tan gsha n that ni ght. C. The earthquake happe ned here and there. D. The whole n atio n did nsleep because of the earthquake. 4. W

7、hat feeli ngs did the author show about the earthquake in the text?(C) A. Serious and hopeless B. Sad and hopeless. C. Serious but hopeful. D. Angry but hopeful. 5. We can infer from the text that _ . (B) A. the whole city was at an end. B. the armys coming brought hope to the city. C. people lost h

8、ope faced with the terrible earthquake. D. the sig ns before the earthquake wereobvious at all. Task 2: Scanning (1) Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph. Para.1 _ Para.2 _ Para.3 _ Para.4 _ (2) Divide the passage into three parts and find out the mai n idea of each part. Match the senten c

9、es. Part 1 (Para.1 ) (C) A. What happe ned duri ng the quake and the damage caused by the quake. Part 2 (Para.2-3 ) (A) B. The rescue work after the earthquake Part 3 (Para.4 ) (B) C. Sig ns before the earthquake. Step 4: Task 3: Careful Read ing22. shock震动,震惊 25. destroy毁坏,破坏 28. dig out 挖出 31. min

10、er 矿工 23. sufferi ng 痛苦 26. electricity 电 29. trap 困住 32. shelter 避身处 Before the earthquake (1) stra nge thi ngs happened The water in the (2)village wells rose and fell. Animals didn eat or ran everywhere. Bright lights could be see n and sounds could be heard. The water pipes in some build ing cra

11、cked and burst. During the earthquake Details about the earthquake At 3:42 am on July 28, 1976, (4) the greatest earthquake of the 20th century happened. (5)A huge crack cut across houses, roads and can als. In the fiftee n sec on ds, the whole city lay (6) in ruins . The (7) damage More than (8)400

12、,000 were killed or in iured. Hospitals, factories, buildings and homes were (9)destroved. Two dams fell and most of the bridges also fell or were not safe for travelling. The railway tracks became (10)uselesspieces of steel. Ani mals were killed or frighte ned. After the earthquake The rescue worke

13、rs and soldiers brought hope to people. Step 5: Summarize and retelling. 【自我提升After reading Task 4:Retell the story An earthquake happened in Tangshanin 1976. For a few days, water in the wells rose and fell. Mice, chicken, pigs and even fish becamenevous. And the water pipes in the buildings cracke

14、d andburst. But the people in Tangshanthought little of these eve nts. At 3:42 am, everything began to shake. It seemed that the world was at an end . A huge crack cut across the houses and roads, then the city layn ruins . Two-thirds of the people died or were injured . Then later that after noon, ano ther big quake shook Tangshan. People began towonder how long the disaster would last . But all hope was not lost. Soldiers came to help Tangshan people. Slowly, the city began to breathe again. Step 6: Discussing: What should we do when in face of earthquake? Step 7: Homework.


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