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1、人教版高中英语必修1教案Unit 2 English around the worldUnit 2 English arund the rld教学设计 (1) 题:English arund the rld (2) 教材分析与学生分析: aring Up部分简要介绍了世界英语的分支以及英语语言在不同国家产生的差异,使学生感受英语语言的多化、多层次、多元性,对英国英语和美国英语的不同有个粗浅的了解;Pre-Reading部分的两个问题引发学生对主题的思考,以便参加堂活动; Reading部分The Rad t dern English 简要说明了英语语言的起、发展变化、形成原因,以及它的发展趋势

2、。prehending部分旨在检查学生对基本内容的理解程度; Learning abut Language 部分主要通过各种练习帮助学生重温本单元前几个部分的所学习的新单词和短语,同时也通过新的例子展现了美国英语、英国英语的差异,并着重介绍了半单元的语法项目(祈使句及其间接引语);Using Language 部分中的Reading and taling主要介绍了当今世界各国各地说英语都有自己的特色,即便是美国东西部、南北部说话均有所不同。 (3) 时安排:The first perid: Speaing: aring Up and Pre-Reading The send perid: Re

3、ading The Rad t dern English The third perid: Reading (Language pints) The frth Perid:Learning abut Language The fifth perid: Using Language The sixth perid: Listening (4)教学目标: ? 知识与技能:了解英语在世界上的发展状况,认识各种各样带有民族、地域特色的英语;对英国英语和美国英语的差异有所了解,尤其是一些常用词汇,比如falt和apartent, lift 和elevatr, rubber 和eraser等; 掌握本单元

4、中出现的词汇、短语的用法; 学会语言交际困难的表达法,如pardn, I beg ur pardn?; 掌握祈使句及其间接引语的表达法。 ? 过程与方法:本单元通过对“世界英语”这一话题的探讨,以加强学生对英语语言的了解,对当代语言特别是英语的发展趋势的了解。在教授本单元时必须强调美国英语、澳大利亚英语、印度英语、新加坡英语等都有各自的规律和和惯用法。要提防学生认为可以滥用英语词汇,随意违反英语语法规则或惯用法,不顾正常的发音、语调等。在学生用书中的听力部分,原真实的反映了灭国南部地区英语的方言和语音,旨在让学生感受一下将英语作为母语的本国人说话的一个侧面。要注意掌握尺度,让学生感受一下、了解

5、一下,点到为止,不提倡硬性模仿。 ? 情感态度与价值观:了解英国英语和美国英语的区别,两种英语不存在那种好与不好的问题。可以给学生布置以下任务:通过对话形式,将所学过的英美说法的不同之处,按实际生活和想象编一段对话。尽可能运用语言功能中表达语言困难的说法。 () 教学重点和难点: 词汇: inlude rle internatinal native elevatr flat apartent rubber petrl gas dern ulture atuall present rule vabular usage identit gvernent rapidl and lrr and req

6、uest retell plite bss standard idestern Spanish eastern sutheastern nrthestern regnize aent lightning diretin suba bl 短语: pla a rle (in) beause f e up suh as pla a part (in) 重点语法项目:祈使句及其间接引语 难点:Expressing nes idea n hih ind f English ne shuld learn; guess the nae f speaers untr b listening; h t tell

7、 the differenes beteen a and and a request; h t hange the prnun hen turning the diret speeh int indiret speeh (6) 教学策略: Disussin, Student-entered vabular, learning, listening, pair r, teah graar in real situatin (7) 教学煤体设计: A pretr and a tape rerder (8) 教学过程:详见以下分时教学设计。 (9) 堂练习与外作业设计: 穿插于分时教学设计中 (10

8、) 教学反思或值得改进的地方: 见每个时最后部分。 Perid 1: Speaing aring Up and Pre-Reading Ais T tal abut varieties f English T disuss h d s an peple spea English Predures I aring up 1 aring up b ansering a questinnaire 1) Tell the students the are ging t anser a questinnaire abut h the are learning English 2) rite the rd

9、s: Reasns fr learning a freign language n the enter f the bard: 3) As the students t suggest as an reasns as the an thin f, fr exaple, fr r, as a hbb, t learn abut ther peple, t travel, t read literature in the riginal, t read researh papers, t eet freigners, t surf the Internet, t pass exas, et rit

10、e their suggestins n the bard as the ae the 4) Divide the lass int pairs ) Give ut eah student ne questinnaire paper 6) Explain the tas The students ust questin eah ther abut their language learning needs (r tivatins) Tell the that u are ging t tae in the questinnaires at the end, and that ud lie th

11、e t ae lear ntes It rs better if the t partners sap tass (questins and ansers) after eah setin f the questinnaire If the ait till the end t sap, ne student a use up all the tie available 7) hen the tas is finished, as a uple f students t suarize their partners ansers (This a develp int a lass disuss

12、in abut language needs) 8) The students rite five sentenes n their feeling abut learning English 9) llet the questinnaires Needs Analsis Questinnaire Intervieer_ Intervieee_ Present use: situatins and sills Reading (faxes, letters ≈ reprts) Listening ≈ speaing (telephning, eetings, negtiatins,

13、 publi speaing, sializing) riting (faxes, letters ≈ reprts) Future use: expetatins ≈ abitins 后反思:本能比较好地完成教学目标,训练了学生说的能力,懂得如何表达自己的思想和意见。使学生了解了世界各地的英语是有所不同的,特别是了解英国英语和美国英语的区别。 同时使学生感受到学习英语的重要性。由于学生的口语水平有限,所以探讨的时候不是很深入。 Perid 2 Reading:The Rad t dern English Ais T tal abut English T read abut the

14、 histr f English language Step 1 Siing Read quil t get the ain idea f the text Let the students find ut e sentene f eah paragraph r as the t suarize the ain pint fr eah paragraph in their n rds Paragraph 1: The spread f the English language in the rld Paragraph 2: Native speaer an understand eah the

15、r but the a nt be able t understand everthing Paragraph 3: All languages hange hen ultures uniate ith ne anther Paragraph 4: English is spen as a freign language r send language in Afria and Asia Step 2 Sanning Read t late partiular infratin and plete the prehending Exerise ne Step 3 prehending 1 he

16、 the ansers t exerise 1 (page 10 2 Anser these questins (Page 11) r in grups Disuss the t questins and then as t grups t reprt their ansers t the lass 1) D u thin it atters hat ind f English u learn? h? Pssible anser: I dnt thin s Here are the reasns: ? Native speaers fr different parts f the rld ha

17、ve n diffiult in understanding eah ther despite the fat that the spea a bit differentl ? It is neessar fr us t learn the narr differene beteen different inds f English if e hpe t uniate fluentl ith native speaers f English fr all ver the rld ? Different inds f English have the sae language re If u h

18、ave gt a gd and f ne ind, u ill alst have n diffiult understanding anther ind f English (An persuasive and supprting reasn the students give an be aepted) 2) h d u thin peple all ver the rld ant t learn English? Pssible anser: The reasns h peple all ver the rld ant t learn English: ? ith en glbaliza

19、tin, English has bee the best bridge t serve the purpse f peple all ver the rld uniating ith ne anther ? Hever, lie all ar languages in the rld, English is alas hanging In rder t adust t native speaers fr different parts f the rld, it is a ust fr peple all ver the rld t learn English, hether in Engl

20、ish speaing untries r in nn-English speaing untries ? Als, peple fr different parts f the rld spea English ith varius aent and dialets, and peple have t learn abut the differene beteen different inds f English in rder t avid isunderstanding hile uniating 后反思:本是阅读。英语阅读教学是高中教学的重中之重。许多英语教师对阅读训练也给予了足够的重

21、视,但是在训练方式上却存在较多的问题。多数教师过分注重语法结构的分析和句子的机械翻译而忽视技巧培养。只有在阅读教学中教给学生一些学习策略,培养阅读技巧,才能让学生有可能通过外自学扩大知识的摄取量,从而弥补堂英语阅读教学的不足。由于时间仓促以及学生口语水平的局限,本时在学生让学生讨论的环节上,气氛不够热烈,讨论时间不足,今后应尽量鼓励学生多开口说英语,以弥补这方面的缺陷。 Perid 3: Reading (Language pints) Ai t aster se rds and phrases 1 inlude v a) ntain eg The prie inludes bth huse

22、and furniture b) ebrae thing as part f hle eg I inlude hi ang friends 2 present a) ad: being at hand; being n出席的, 在场的;现在的, 当前的 该词可做前置定语也可做后置定语,当它做前置定语其义为“现在的”, 做后置定语其义为“出席的” eg The present ebers 现在的成员 The ebers present 在场的成员 b) n: gift eg He ften gave his neighbrs ids little presents )vt: t ffer赠送,呈

23、献(+t/ith) eg The presented hi ith a bunh f flers 3 ulture n: U understanding f literature, art, usi, et eg He has studied the ultures f an estern untries 4(identit n: h r hat a persn r thing is eg u shuld sh ur identit ard befre u enter it (rule a) n:ust r stateent abut hat ust nt be dne eg Hes ade

24、it a rule t rise earl Its against the rules f the shl t se b) vt: t gvern r ntrl ) eg The queen ruled her untr fr 20 ears 6( Request vt: t as fr eg The requested finanial supprt 注意:这个词所接的宾语从句要用虚拟语气 I requested that he (shuld) e an hur earlier B )n: asing r being ased eg r Paine ade a request that I

25、shuld help hi 7and a) vt: give rders t eg I and u t start at ne 注意:这个词所接的宾语从句要用虚拟语气 I and that u (shuld) start at ne b) n: rder eg The ar reeived the and t fire 8(Atuall adv eg She ls ung, but shes atuall 0 Did u atuall see hi brea the ind? 9(Internatinal ad: f relating t r invlving t r re untries i

26、n the rld 国际的 eg The are dealing ith the internatinal affairs an Afrian untries reeived internatinal help 10dern ad: reent eg This is a b f dern histr There is a dern hspital 11 vabular n: all the rds f language eg ide reading ill inrease ur vabular English vabular is liited 12rapidl adv: quil eg ur

27、 untr develps rapidl The nuber f learning English is inreasing rapidl 13retell v: tell sething ne re eg an u retell the str in ur n rd? The teaher ased u t retell it 14regnize v: t identif fr previus experiene eg He led at the envelpe and regnized enns handriting iediatel The pliean regnized her as

28、a thief 1 gvernent n: grup hih gvern a untr r a ertain area eg The gvernent ill deide the atter The gvernent is disussing the prble Useful expressins 1pla a part/ rle in: t at r t be invlved in an ativit eg He has plaed an iprtant part in arring ut the hle plan English plas an iprtant rle in interna

29、tinal uniatin 2 beause f:b reasn f sb r sth eg Beause f the str he didnt g there beause f 与beause 的区别,前者后接名词或代词,后者接句子 eg He didnt g t shl beause he as ill He didnt g t shl beause f his illness 3(e up eg She ae up and said, “Glad t eet u” The n ae up graduall Ill let hi n if anthing es up 4 suh as: l

30、ie; fr exaple eg I lie drins suh as tea and ffee suh as 与fr exaple 的区别,前者用罗列事物或人后者用举例说明 eg English is als spen in an plaes, suh as Afria and Asia Fr exaple, T has the sae pinin 后反思:本节是知识点的传授。着重讲解中重要单词和短语的运用。不足之处,教学设计任务比较单一,练习不多。 Perid 4 : Learning abut Language (Indiret Speeh (II) requests ≈ ands

31、) Ais T disver useful rds and expressins T disver useful strutures Predures I Diret and Indiret Speeh Diret Speeh Indiret Speeh siple present He said, “I g t shl ever da” siple past He said (that) he ent t shl ever da siple past He said, “I ent t shl ever da” past perfet He said (that) he had gne t

32、shl ever da present perfet He said, “I have gne t shl ever da” past perfet He said (that) he had gne t shl ever da present prgressive He said, “I a ging t shl ever da” past prgressive He said (that) he as ging t shl ever da past prgressive He said, “I as ging t shl ever da” perfet prgressive He said

33、 (that) he had been ging t shl ever da, future (ill) He said, “I ill g t shl ever da” uld + verb nae He said (that) he uld g t shl ever da future (ging t) He said, “I a ging t shl ever da” present prgressive He said (that) he is ging t shl ever da past prgressive He said (that) he as ging t shl ever

34、 da Diret Speeh Indiret Speeh auxiliar + verb nae He said, “D u g t shl ever da?” He said, “here d u g t shl?” siple past He ased e if I ent t shl ever da* He ased e here I ent t shl iperative He said, “G t shl ever da” infinitive He said t g t shl ever da Diret Speeh Indiret Speeh siple present + s

35、iple present He sas, “I g t shl ever da” siple present + siple present He sas (that) he ges t shl ever da present perfet + siple present He has said, “I g t shl ever da” present perfet + siple present He has said (that) he ges t shl ever da past prgressive + siple past He as saing, “I ent t shl ever

36、 da” past prgressive + siple past He as saing (that) he ent t shl ever da past prgressive + past perfet He as saing (that) he had gne t shl ever da Diret Speeh Indiret Speeh an He said, “I an g t shl ever da” uld He said (that) he uld g t shl ever da a He said, “I a g t shl ever da” ight He said (th

37、at) he ight g t shl ever da ight He said, “I ight g t shl ever da” ust He said, “I ust g t shl ever da” had t He said (that) he had t g t shl ever da have t He said, “I have t g t shl ever da” shuld He said, “I shuld g t shl ever da” shuld He said (that) he shuld g t shl ever da ught t He said, “I u

38、ght t g t shl ever da” ught t He said (that) he ught t g t shl ever da Disvering useful rds and expressins 1 r in pairs D exerises 1, 2, 3 and 4 Then he the anser ure ur lassates The teaher helps the students disver the differene in prepsitins 2 Pla the tape fr the students t listen and as the t ar

39、the sentene stress and intnatin Then pratie reading in pairs (The teaher brings the students attentin t the British and Aerian rds that are different but have the sae eaning) III Disvering useful strutures (aing ands and requests using indiret speeh) 1 In grups f fur, thin f at least three ands ur t

40、eahers and parents usuall give u a fll these steps 1) hse ne h is t give the first and 2) As anther persn in ur grup t tell sebd hat u said 3) The third persn ill hange the request r and fr diret int indiret speeh 4) hange rle s that eah persn gets the hane t give ands and turn the int indiret speeh

41、 Exaple: T: Please dnt tal in lass S1: hat did ur teaher tell us? / hat did ur teaher sa? S2: He tld/ased us nt t tal in lass / She said nt t tal in lass 2 Get the students thining abut the differene beteen the request and and Then read the replies and deide hether the are in anser t a request r a a

42、nd rite the sentene dn ? A: _ B: Ill g and llet se d right n, aster ? A: _ B: f urse Ill be happ t llet ur shpping fr u ? A:_ B: es Ill shut the dr at ne, r Zhang ? A:_ B: N, I nt get ur at if u tal t e lie that ? A:_ B: Srr Ill get that b fr u right n 后反思:本节为语法,主要讲述直接引语和间接引语的相互转换。教学设计依据新程标准理念设计各种任务

43、,使学生在完成这些任务的过程中理解、体验实际语言的运用,掌握好直接引语和间接引语的相互转换。 Perid : Using Language (STANDARD ENGLISH AND DIALETS) Ais T read ut and tal abut STANDARD ENGLISH AND DIALETS T rite abut learning English b brainstring Predures I aring up 1 Intrdutin: In hina therere s an dialets that the gvernent enurages the hle nat

44、in t spea Putnghua, hih is regarded as standard hinese 2 Rle-pla: Get students t r in pairs Let ne student be a hinese and the ther a freigner Rle-pla a nversatin abut the hinese language t have the disuss h Putnghua has t be used in hina II Reading 1 Get the students thining abut the tpi f the text

45、 t predit hat it sas 2 Siing: Read quil t find the tpi sentene fr eah paragraph Para 1: There is n suh a thing as Standard English Para 2: Aerian English has an dialets hse rds and expressins are different fr “standard English” Para 3: Gegraph plas a part in aing dialets 3 Sanning: r in pairs Read t

46、he text t late partiular infratin 1) D u n hat Standard English is fr the text? 2) hat is a dialet? h des Aerian English have s an dialets? 4 Language fus: 1)believe it r nt: used hen u are ging t sa sething that is true but surprising: Believe it r nt, hn heated in the exa 2) there is n suh a as: u

47、sed t sa that a partiular persn r thing des nt exist: These das there is n suh a thing as a b fr life 3) standard English: the fr f English that st peple in Britain use, and that is nt liited t ne area r grup f peple 4) dialet: a variet f a language spen nl in ne area, in hih rds, r graar are slightl different fr ther f


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