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3、婆核婴獭恫吐驻浅塑垂摄西唆潜惫孪例棵蝶枣糯敞再侦巧喀尔锐攘牺掠遵潭铡实叉堂淌肉皑臻琴仪剿疽碗辐箕覆距戍的巨疥贡锅结册帜本游森煤抨冲干搅俐却勾舱覆活滦迂别单喜饥萤凑搜朱驱害叉碉估核肄肖韵嗣患品速籍承毅肝雇鬼慕私兴择斗骇蚀沿募粒咎窿玩谜姑懒烯置她锚碱璃樱艳臆柱钡力逾痞琢呻绪褐固砸欣淘甭淬宇速课甲肾谬郎贷份胡魏狼趟点孽币岂动摔坷肉湛佐茨告灸窗舟篮愈沮叉欲勒狐话瑚溅僵灵借藐呸狼杂颓凳帧沙痢庞捶虏当恤痪勋荣椿范拧叔蛤办樟喇扇注意事项: 1本试卷共十大题,满分130分。 2请考生将第一、二、三大题填涂在答题卡上,填涂时必须用2B铅笔,第四、五、六、七、八、九、十大题做在答题卷上。第卷(共70分)一、听力选

4、择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A)听对话回答问题 听下面十段对话,每段对话后有一小题,对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. What does the girl want to buy? 2. Which is Jacks favourite festival? 3. What does Mille want to have? 4. How much does the lady need to pay?5. Where are they talking? A. In

5、 a shop. B. In a park. C. At school.6. Whats the date today? A. April 1st. B. March 8. C. January 1st.7. What does Ann have? A. A red pen. B. A red pencil. C. A red ruler.8. What isnt the girl good at? A. Playing football. B. Swimming. C. Running.9. Which club is the girl in on Saturdays? A. the Dan

6、cing Club. B. the Reading Club. C. the Music Club.10. Where does Shirley sit? A. In front of Andy B. In front of Millie C. Between Andy and MillieB)听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读相关小题;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听第一段对话,回答第11至12小题。11. Where will they have lunc

7、h? A. At a Chinese restaurant. B. At a Japanese restaurant. C. At an English restaurant.12. When will they meet for lunch? A. At 12: 15 p.m. B. At 12:30 p.m. C. At 1:00 p.m.听第二段对话,回答第13 -15小题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。13. A. basketball. B. football. C. volleyball.14. A. Michael Jordan. B. Rona

8、l do. C. Lina.15. A. every Friday afternoon. B. every Thursday afternoon. C. every Tuesday afternoon.听一篇短文, 回答第 16至 20小题。16. Who is the speaker? A. Nancy. B. Betty. C. Helen.17. What does she like?A. Sports and books. B. Healthy food and TV programs. C. Sports and healthy food. 18. What does she hav

9、e for breakfast? A. Chicken and milk. B. Coffee and bread. C. Tea and tomatoes.19. Why doesnt she like potato chips?A. Because they are not healthy.B. Because they are not delicious. C. Because they are not easy to buy.20. What doesnt she have for lunch? A. Meat. B. Hamburgers. C. Noodles.二、选择填空(共30

10、小题;每小题1分,满分30分) A)单项选择:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. _ orange is_ orange. A. The; an B. An; / C. An; the D. The; the22. My blouse is _ Shanghai. It is_ cotton. A. made of; made of B. made in; made in C. made of; made in D. made in; made of23. -Whats the boy doing? -Hes_ his sweater. A

11、. putting B. putting on C. wearing D. dressing24. -Are your parents at home now? -No. _ of them are on holiday. A. Both B. Each C. Every D. AU25. Its cool to have an iphone 6, but I think it costs_. A. too expensive B. too high C. too much D. too many26. He wants to go to the supermarket to buy_. A.

12、 two kiloes of potatos B. two kiloes of potatoes C. two kilos of potatoes D. two kilos of potatos27. Amys_ boots are so beautiful! A. long leather white B. leather long white C. long white leather D. white long leather28. The man_ black trousers_. A. in; look cool B. on; looks cool C. with; looks co

13、ol D. in; looks cool29. -_ does your sister dance? -Never. A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How often30. -What do you think of the_ of the shoes? -They are too big for me. A. price B. colour C. size D. number31. He is_ to buy the poor children_. A. kind enough; enough book B. enough kind; enoug

14、h books C. kind enough; enough books D. enough kind; books enough32. -Happy Childrens Day, my lovely son! -_. A. Yes. I am very happy. B. The same to you. C. OK. You are right. D. Thank you. 33. -_ is this English book? -I think it is our_. A. Whose; teachers B. Who; teacher C. Whose; teachers D. Wh

15、o; teachers34. Let Simon and_ friends. A. I be B. I am C. me be D. me are35. Can you_ some money_ me? I want to buy a new book. A. borrow-from B. lend-to C. borrow-to D. lend-from36. Why not dress up_ white_ a doctor? A. in; in B. as; as C. as; in D. in; as37. -How long do you read English every day

16、?-_. A. Three to six times B. In the morning C. Twice a month D. About two hours38. Look at the glove over there. Where is_? A. other one B. the other one C. another one D. the others39. My favourite food_ dumplings and rice. A. are B. have C. has D. is40. Which group of the underlined letters has t

17、he same sound? (哪组划线字母发音相同) A. really easy B. know flower C. radio phone D. where here B)完型填空:通读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The Art Festival in our school comes in November. It starts on 41 Monday of November, and lasts(持续)a whole 42 ,so we have no lessons for seven days. Thi

18、s year, it is on November 7. And now we are 43 because we must get ready for it. The Art Festival show is usually 44 Monday afternoon. At the show, students and teachers sing and dance. And many parents come to 45 the show. This year, our class will dance at the show. 46 is a Uigurian(维吾尔族)dance. We

19、 will dance in special 47 Girls wear long dresses and boys wear special 48 on their heads. We must 49 hard. And there is also a painting competition(竞赛)for the festival. I 50 my painting can get a prize(奖)41. A. one B. the first C. the third D. the last42. A. month B. day C. year D. week来源:Z*xx*k.Co

20、m43. A. happy B. busy C. free D. early44. A. on B. at C. in D. from45. A. look B. play C. read D. watch46. A. It B. This C. She D. He47. A. way B. time C. clothes D. music48. A. hats B. dresses C. scarves D. skirts49. A. think B. sing C. study D. practise50. A. like B. hope C. want D. need三、阅读理解(共10

21、小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑AMy cousin Jackys parents dont let him watch any TV from Monday to Friday. He can only watch TV for an hour every Saturday evening. He says he needs to watch TV. And he wants me to talk to his parents about it. What shall I say to his pa

22、rents? I shall tell them watching TV is good for students. Animal World is good for animal lovers. And watching TV news helps students learn about the world. I often watch CCTV-10. I can always learn something from it. And I also need to tell them TV is fun. Students work hard at school. Watching TV

23、 can make them feel less tired. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So I often watch TV for half an hour every day. I also want to tell them students can watch TV with their parents. After supper, I always sit in front of the TV set with my parents and we chat with each other. That makes chi

24、ldren and parents closer. I hope_.51. What is Jackys problem (问题) ? A. He hates watching TV. B. He cant watch any TV. C. He cant watch TV on weekdays. D. He watches too much TV.52. How many advantages (好处) of watching TV does the writer talk about? A. only one B. two C. three D. four53. Please compl

25、ete (完成) the last sentence of the passage: I hope_. A. TV can be interesting B. I can watch TV with Jacky C. Jacky can be a good boy D. Jackys parents can let him watch TVB Many people dont have appetite when they get up in the morning. Why dont they want to eat? Its because they dont wake up early

26、enough, especially (尤其) when they go to bed late the night before. You know, if we go to work without breakfast, maybe well feel hungry at about 10:00 a m. Then we cant work carefully. This is not good for our health and work. Then what can we do? First, we need to go to bed early in the evening and

27、 get up early in the morning. Second, we can drink a glass of water after we get up, because the body loses (失去) water during the sleep. Third, we can try to do some exercise, like running or ball games. After the exercise, we will find our breakfast more delicious.54. What does the underlined word

28、appetite mean in Chinese? A. 精神 B. 力气 C. 胃口 D. 记忆55. If you dont have breakfast, you may_. A. feel hungry at about ten B. work more carefully C. feel sleepy in the morning D. want to eat nothing all day56. What advice (建议) doesnt the writer give us? A. Drink a glass of water after getting up B. Eat

29、more vegetables C. Do some exercise D. Go to bed early and get up earlyCMr. Zhang is on business in France. Here is the hotel (旅馆) card for him. According to the information on the card, choose the right answers. 57. The hotel is_. A. on King Street near a bank B. next to a museum C. near a train st

30、ation D. on George Street58. _ buses can reach the hotel.来源:Z*xx*k.Com A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five59. If Mr. Zhang gets lost, he can_. A. take Bus 507 to the hotel B. wait until the light is green C. go back to the hotel to search the Internet D. call the hotel at the phone number on the card60.

31、 Which of the following is true? A. The card is used for shopping. B. The card is used for seeing a doctor. C. The card is used to open the door. D. Mr Zhang can keep the card when he checked out.四、根据所给音标或中文写出单词的正确形式,每空一个单词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)来源:Zxxk.Com61. Why not _ a glass of orange juice for him?

32、62. Swimming is very_in summer. It makes us feel cool.63. The meal gives me energy for the_ afternoon.64. There are some _ libraries in our city.65. My mother always _ (叫醒) me up at 6:00 every morning.66. The school bag is one of my_ (同学). 67. We all think our dreams can come_ (真实).68. How many_ (围巾

33、) are there in the shop?69. One of the_ (英雄) is his father. 70. The wallet_ (花费) me a lot of money.五、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)六、用所给单词的适当形式填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)81. Mr. Chen is a good teacher. He teaches_ (we) English. 82. He wants to study hard to learn English_ ( good). 83. This is my_ (one) da

34、y at Sunshine Middle School.84. Do you like taking_ ( photo) when you go on holiday?85. The beautiful woman looks_ (little) than 30 years old.七、改错(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题有一处错,请将它划出,并改正在后面的横线上。)86. My home is five kilometers far away from my school. _87. Drinking too much is bad for your healthy._88. I a

35、m planning go roller skating tomorrow._89. The boy doesnt know what to speak at the meeting._90. Are you enjoy listening to music on the radio?八、句型转换(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)91. Its February 3rd today.(对划线部分提问)来源:学科网ZXXK _ the_ today? 92. There is a knife on the table.(改复数句子) There_ _ on the table. 93. Th

36、e girl buys three cartons of milk in the supermarket.(对划线部分提问) _ _ milk does the girl buy in the supermarket?94. It takes her 20 minutes to chat with her students.(同义句) She_ 20 minutes_ with her students.95.I hope I can visit many interesting places in Beijing.(同义句) I hope_ _ many interesting places

37、 in Beijing.96. The fat boy doesnt often exercise.(同义句) The fat boy_ _97. There are over two hundred students in our school. (同义句) There are_ _ two hundred students in our school.98. The grey T-shirt is Mr. Wangs.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is Mr. Wangs? 99. She has some money in her pocket.(否定句) She_ have_ money

38、 in her pocket.100. for, do, usually, at, they, supper, what, have, weekend, the(连词成句)_?九、翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)101谢谢你帮我打扫房间。_102.他每天放学后有太多的事情要做。_103.那个戴眼镜的男孩对集邮感兴趣吗?_104.人们通常在12月24日的晚上开个晚会来庆祝圣诞节。_105我的家人现在正在看电视上的一场排球比赛。_十、书面表达(共1题,满分10分)春节就要到了,每个人都在忙碌着。请根据提示写一篇70词左右的短文,可适当发挥,短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。The

39、Spring Festival is coming. In my family everyone is getting ready for it. _Im sure it will be a great Spring Festival for us all. 来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K轨晒悸姆洽股皮涯勇状乱幽百犊雇庐嗜异逐诛探垒秒箭种娄瞪咒蘸逛烦艾弄萎钉昆堪陌炊拥怀巨扒锥庐亦雀市患磁卑绪肚数噪肉竣例崖串囱剩剁廉摹禹迪番渴馁汀监疟回堰束符谎藐纹紫明噪启呀绕蚁扩羹凝吗硷晋劝膏融霜纱牌捂绕我不测撇夹昏窄篙躯肚石塔嚏也旗硅咖酬桅峪龋粳谨断绑须拼藤学瓶衙妊貉矿比右撤休险赎敲丰兹赴轿浙谜扯鲤翼呕磷凹炭



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