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1、Speaking:Environmental protectionTask:Design a poster that encouragespeople to protect the environment,Module 4 (Book 3),Wangwei,My Beautiful Home,Environmental Pollution,lobster(龙虾),cutting down trees,using plastic bags,pouring waste waterinto rivers &oceans,giving out poisonous / waste gas,sandsto

2、rm,bad soil,lack of water,unsafe drinking water,illness,desertification,Discussion,Make sure you know the meaningof the following words:,plastic damage give outenvironment carbon dioxidechemicals poisonous pollute,cycling in a sandstorm,situation 1,Group A: A Reporter from CCTV-channel 9Group B: A p

3、erson who is cycling in a sandstorm.,Task: The reporter is interviewing the person about how he/she feels when cycling in a sandstorm.,situation 2,Group A: A worker who is cutting down trees without a permit. Group B: A reporter from CCTV-channel 9,Task: The reporter is interviewing the workerand tr

4、ies to make him realize the bad effects on the environment of cutting down trees.,保护环境 从我做起,situation 3,Group A: A reporter from CCTV-channel 9Group B: A volunteer (志愿者) who protects the environment.,Task: The reporter is interviewing the volunteer on his/her opinion on the environmental protection.

5、,What Should We Do to HelpProtect the Environment,I will cycle to work instead of driving my car.,?,Task:Design a posterthat encouragespeople to protectthe environment,A poster,Part 1: Heading,Part 2: A picture,Part 3: More information,Structure of a poster:,Help the planet,Task:Design a posterthat

6、encouragespeople to protectthe environment,Homework,1.Finish your poster. 2.Evaluate your group members performanceon oral English.,Talk Show,Environmental Protection,situation 4,Group A: A reporter from CCTV-channel 9Group B: An expert in environmental protectionThe whole class: audience,Task: The reporter is interviewing the expert and asking him/her for his/her advice on environmental protection. The audience asks the expert for advice on environmental protection individually,


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