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1、第十一组1阅读理解+ 1阅读七选五+ 1完形填空(限时:30分钟)I 阅读理解(2019 金丽衢十二校联考)Cortana.Alexa.Siri.These are names of robotic VOiCeS that are ofte n PrOgrammed On electro nic tablets.They also become defau 默认)ide ntities for people With SPeeCh disorders who rely On tech no IOgy to com muni cate.Now some SPeeCh SCie ntists ar

2、e develop ing PerS on alized VOiCeS to reflect the broader diversity of the people who USe them.To do i, they are tapping into a VaSt network of volunteers who are don at ing their VOiCeS to Share With people who CannOt speak.The effort to build an intern ati onaloicdtanman VhaS attracted more than,

3、 17OOO volunteers from 110 countries, including Priyanka Pandya, a 16-year-old from Columbia, Md., who plans to SPend her Winter VaCatiOn recording a String of SentenCeS into her COmPute“To be able to give somebody the gift of voice, I think that S reallyeally POWerfUI,” She said.“ EVeryone has a vo

4、ice ” Said Rupal Patet founder of VocaliD , the company that Started the VOiCeba nk. “ Evpeople who are Un able to SPeak have SOUndS that are UniqUe to them. ” Her compa ny desig ns PerS on alized VOiCeS by recordi ng the UniqUe SOUndS of the user, and the n mixi ng them With 6 to 10 hours of record

5、 ings from a voice donor , matched by age gen der and regi on. The compa ny is develop ing VOiCeS now for its first 100 customers.Also , people S VOiCeS Change.The company is looking for donors who are willing to record their voices, and then record them again a few years IateraS they get older.But

6、some of the first CUStOmerS Say they are happy With the results.John A. GregOire WaS one of the first CUStOmerS to receive a PerSonalized voice from VocaliD last DeCember.The voice Came eight years after he developed ALS (肌萎缩 侧索硬化症)and more than SiX years SinCe his voice became Unintelligible to eve

7、ry one except his Wife and youn gest son “Hav ing a dist in CtiVe voice is like gett ing SOmething back that WaS stolen ” John said.1. What does the author Say about the VOiCebank?A. It collects all kinds of voices.B. It gains strong PUbIiC support.C. It helps to recognize SPeCiaI voices.D. It Offer

8、S people PerSOnalized VOiCeS free.2. The example of John A. GregOire is given in the text to StreSSA. CUStOmerS desire for PerSonalized VOiCeSB . VocaliD S efforts to develop PerSonalized VOiCeSC . CUStOmerS SatiSfaCtion WPtirSonalized VOiCeSD . VocaliD S SUCCeSS in designing PerSonalized VOiCeS3 .

9、What does the Underlined word“ Unintelligible ” mean?A . Un clear.B . Soft.C . In complete.D . RoUgh.4 . What is the main idea of the text?A . VocaliD is devoted to bUildi ng a VOiCeba nk.B . VolUn teers don ate their VOiCeS to VcaIiD.C . The HUma n VDiCeba nk helps people With SPeeCh problems.D . T

10、he HUma n VDiCeba nk WinS fame among SPeeChIeSS people. .阅读七选五How to Create an effective acti on pla nCreati ng a POWerfUI action pla n always begi ns With hav ing a clear PUrPOSe or goal in mind.It is designed to take yoU from WhereVer yoU are right now directly to the accomplishment of yoUr Stated

11、 goal. _1_KnoW What yoU Want to do.The less clear yoU are aboUt What yoU Want to dp the less effective yoUr pla n Will be._2 You may figUre it OUt before Starti ng yoUr project. Work backWards from your end goal.Identify your end goal, then list everything you need to do to accomplish it. _3_After y

12、ou knoW What you need to accomplishbreak this doW n into small StePS to help you Create a more realistic pla n.reeeli ng con fused about aBreak large tasks doW n into smallerlarge task, What Can help ease your anXiety and make it more PraCtiCal is breaking it dow n into smaller On es._5_WithOUt SPeC

13、ifiC time frames and deadlines, some tasks may never get completed.No matter What action items you choose for WhiCh Stage of your action plan, it is Significant that a time frame should be attached to absolutely everything.A. PUt timelines on everything.B. Be clear about What you Want to achieve any

14、 time.C. Some tasks may Seem more difficult to achieve than others.D. Try to specifically define What you Want to achieve as early as possible.E. KeeP in mind that your plan may Change as you work toward your goal.F. DePending on your goal, you may even conSider different WayS to reach your goal.G.

15、With a well-designed plan, you Can achieve nearly any goal you Set out to accomplish.川.完形填空S end.(2019 三亚一中一模)Moshe Kai Cavalin, a boy from San Gabriel, California , is only 17 years old.Yet he has already _1_ so much.He has a UniVerSity degree in _2. ThiS year he Started onIine CIaSSeS in COmPUter

16、SCience andt _3 him that NASA called to offer work after _4_ him in the PaSt because of his age.Meanwhile, he WaS enCOUraged to develop _5 at will.He just PUbIiShed his SeCond book and planned to have his airplane pilot S license by the yearStill, CaVaIin inSiStS that he 6 a(nPerSOn rather than a ge

17、nius.He _7_ hisParents With years of focused inStrUCtion balaneed by the _8_ to PiCk his after-school activities. “ My CaSe isn t th . It S just a comb in ati on of Pare nting and _10_,” he says.HiS Pare nts Say he WaS always a _ 1_ study.At 4 mon th由e poin ted to a _12 in the Sky and Said the Chine

18、se word for airplane, his first word.Cavalin13_ theIimitS of his home schooling after StUdying trigonometry (三角学)at age 7._14_, his mom Started driv ing him to com mun ity college.BUt his rapid rise hasn t been Wjfi_UtEafIy in college, he once _ beingan astrophysicist (天体物理学家).But he _17_ interest W

19、hen he Started taking advaneed PhySiCS CIaSSes.At that time SOftWare _18_ him, WhiCh led him toward COmPUter Seience, Whieh _19_ to be a better fit.Rieardo Arteaga, his boss at NASA , SayS CaVaIin is _20_ for a PrOjeCt that combines math, COmPUter and aircraft tech no logy.1. A.sufferedB. achievedC.

20、 learnedD. COntributed2. A.engineeringC. math3. A.disappo in tedC. SUrPriSed4. A.rejectingC. employing5. A.careersC. abilities6. A.intelligentC. fortunate7. A.respectsC. SUPPOrtS8. A.freedomC. limit9. A.commonC. accidental10. A.competitionC. motivation11. A.carefulC. CIeVerB. PhySiCSD. astronomyB. S

21、atiSfiedD. relievedB. COnneCtingD. consultingB. habitsD. hobbiesB. OrdinaryD. aggressiveB. appreciatesD. CreditSB. accessD. guideB. attractiveD. SPeCiaIB. regulationD. restrictionB. quickD. happy12. A.starB. birdC. jetD. kite13A.changedBhitCcreatedD defined14A.HoweverB BesidesCInsteadD Therefore15A.twistsB difficultiesCstrugglesD barriers16A.gave upB objected toCdreamed ofD went on17A.addedB lostCshowedD generated18A.fascinatedB defeatedCrequestedD reminded19A.came outB brought outCput outD turned out20A.perfectB anxiousCgratefulD ready


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