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1、八年级英语上册 重要知识点归纳概括 人教新目标版Unit 1 How often do you exercise? 16、help sb.(to)do sth 1. How often 多久一次(问频率) = help sb with sth (帮助别人做某事) How long 多长(问时间或物的长短多用for+一段17、look after = take care of 照顾、保管 时间来回答 look for 寻找 How soon 多久 (用来对将来的提问)常用in+look through 浏览 = read quickly 时间来回答 look out 当心、小心 = be car

2、eful How far 多远 (对距离的提问) = watch on How many 多少 用于可数名词复数前) look over 检查(作业) look at 看 How much 多少 (用于少数名词前) look around 四周看看 用于问何格= Whatt the price of 18、be good at 擅长于 = do well in 2、频度副词always(100%)总是 =all the time be good for 对有益 usually (90%) 通常 = often/generally be good to 对某人友善 = be friendly t

3、o often(80%) 经常 = many times 19、kind of = a little /a bit of 一点,有几分 sometimes(50%)有时 = at times / now and then 20、of course = certainly = sure 当然(可以) hardly ever (10%) 几乎不 = almost not 21、get good grades 取得好成绩 never(0%) 从不 = not ever 22、although = though 尽管虽然不与but3、sometimes 有时、不时 连用 some times 几次、几

4、倍sometime 某时 23、keep in good health 保持健康 some time 一段时间,当某时讲时,常与of连用 = keep healthy = stay healthy 4、once 一次 twice 两次 = keep fit three times 三次(数词+times次) 24、healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式 5、exercise:a、锻炼、运动,不可数名词 health(n)?healthy(adj) ?healthily(adv) (morning exercises.eye) 重点句型:1.A:What do you usually

5、do on weekends? b、练习、训练、两操,可数名词 B:I often watch TV do exercises A:How often do you watch TV? c、锻炼、运动 B:Three or four times a week. 6、surf the Internet 网上冲浪 A:Whats your favourite program? 7、most students = most of the students B:lts Animal world. 8、as for 至于/关于,后接名、代、动名词 2、Here are the results of th

6、e students 9、do homework(不可数名词) activity surrey of Green high school. = do ones homework 做家庭作业 3、I look after my health. My healthy lifestyle 10、junk food 垃圾食品 helps me get good grades so I have to eat healthy green food 绿色食品 every day. healthy food 健康食品 Unit 2 whats the matter? safety food 安全食品 1、

7、whats the matter? 11、green tea 绿茶 = whats the trouble (win you) ? black tea 红茶 = whats wrong? = whats up? 怎么啦, 12、maybe = perhaps 也许(句首、作状语) 2、have a cold(感冒)/stomachache (胃疼)/throat may be 可能是,也许是(作谓语) (噪子疼)/ toothache(牙疼)/headache(头痛)13、try to do sth 尽力做某事 sore back(背疼)= backache try doing sth 试着做

8、某事 3、tooth-teach(pl) 14、pretty a 很,非常 = very 4、lie down躺下 (lie-lay-lying) b、漂亮的 5、feel+adj 作表语 (get become burn等) 15、eating habits 饮食习惯 6、hot tea with honey 热茶加蜂蜜 balanced diet 平衡饮食 7、onethe other 一个另一个 1 Someothers 一些另一些 9、forget:to do sth 忘记去做某事(未做) 8、advice 建议,劝告 n 不可数名词 doing sth 忘记做过某事(己做) Sugg

9、est v ?suggestion 名词,可数 suggestions Stop:to do sth 停下来做某事 9、ago 放在时间之后 three days ago doing sth 停止做某事 before 放在时间之前 before three days remember: to do sth 记着去做某事(未做) 10、(be)stressed out 有压力的,紧张的 doing sth 做某事向记得(己做) = be nervous watch:sb do sth 看见某人做过某事 11、need to do sth 需要做某事 sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事(

10、see/ need doing 含有被动的意思 hear/ feel) 12、be healthy = stay healthy = keep healthy try:do do 尽力做 = keep fit 保持健康 doing 试着做 13、Its + adj+ (for sb) + to do sth 10、leave for 离开某在前往某地,离开去某地 对某人来说做某事 11、get/come back = return 回来 14、at the moment = now = at present 12、take a vacation 目前,现在 = go on vacation 去

11、度假 at once = in a minute away 立刻,马上 13、问题:problem 难题/ question一般问题 15、balanced diet 平衡饮食 14、finish+doing sth 16、host family 寄宿家庭 practise/feel like n/ miss/ mind /spend/ enjoy 重点句型1、Im sorry to heat that have fun /have a problem/ difficult / hard 听到这件事我感到很难过。 time+doing/ cant help+doing 2、That sound

12、s like a good idea 重点句型: 那听起来是个好主意 1、what are you doing for vacation? 3、I hope you feel better soon Im spending time with my friends. 希望你很快好起来 2、How long are you staying? Unit3 what are you doing for vacation? Im staying for two weeks. 1、have a good time = enjoy oneself Unit 4 How do you get to scho

13、ol? = have fun玩得高兴、开心 1、get to = arrive: in 大地方/ at 小地方= reach enjoy+doing sth/ have fun+doing sth 到达 2、用于时间前的介词on 具体某一天,星期,日期2、take/ by用于表示使用、搭乘 前in 年,月或一天的某个时短前 take+a/the /代词+交通工具 = in/on at 具体几点钟前 for 一段时间 take a bus /take the bus/take his car/in the 3、go+ving go shopping、 go fishing 、 car/on th

14、e bus go hiking by+交通工具 by bus/planeby sea = by boat by 4、interested 主语是人 plane = by airby river = by boat Interesting 主语是事或物,也可修饰人 3、go to +地点+on foot = walk to +地点 Relax/ bore/excite/ tire/annoy go to+地点+by bike = ride to +地点 5、take with 随身携带 go to +地点+by car = drive to+地点 6、show sb sth = show sth

15、 to sb 把拿给4、fromto从到 某人看 5、It takes sb sometime to do sth 花费某人多少7、think about = think of 思考、考虑、认think over时间做某事 仔细考虑 think up = come up with 想出,提出 6、must: 一定 cant (不可能)必须 neednt 8、decide+to do sth 决定做某事 (不必)应该 mustnt (不许) = decide on doing Must I go now? decide?名词 decision make a decision Yes, you m

16、ust. NO.you neednt 2 7、around the word = throughout the word Inviteinvitation(n)邀请 = all over the world 8、thanks a lot = thank you very much = in the world 遍及全世界 9、have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself 8、depend on sth 决定于、视而事实上 10、babysit sb = look after sb = according to = take care of sb (ba

17、bysitting) 9、a number of +复名 谓语动词用复数(许多、大11、play with 和玩耍 量) 12、practice+doing 练习做某事 The number of+复名 谓语动词用单数(的数量) 13、thanks for+doing 为做某事而感谢 10、in the/ a hospital 在医院 重点句型 In hospital 住院 1、Can you come to my birthday party on Saturday 11、worry about 担心 = be worried afternoon? Care about 担心、关心 Yes,

18、Id love to 12、be different from 与不同 sorry,I cant I have a piano lesion. the same as 与相同 Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister be similar to 与相似 1、Swimming pool 游泳池 take after 与相像 2、a photo of hers一张属于她的照片 look like 看起来像 = her photo (强调所属) 13、think of = think about 认为、考虑、想起 a photo of her一张画面上有她的照片(

19、强调内容) think out = think up = come up with 想出 3、primary school 小学 think over 仔细考虑 4、look the same 看起来一模一样 look like重点句型: 看起来像 1、How do you get to school? 5、enjoy+doing sth 喜欢做某事 I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus. (finish、 practice 、spend 、mind、cant 2、How long does it take? stop/help+doing)

20、It takes about 25 minutes to walk and lo 6、as (原级)as 像一样 minutes.by bus not as+原级+as 与不一样 3、How far is it? the more the better 越多越好 Its 10 kms. 7、be good at + n/doing 在方面好 Unit 5 Can you come to my party? = do well in+n/doing 1、study for 为而学习 8、be good with sb (当某人相处得好) 2、too much “太多”+不可数名词 = get o

21、n well with sb too many “太多”+可数名词 9、make sb do sth 使某人做某事 much too 修饰形、副词“太” (let have )+do 3、the day after tomorrow 后天 10、be important for +sb 对来说很重要 the day before yesterday 前天 11、be like 像一样 4、come over = drop in 顺便来访 12、be different from 与不同 5、have to 必须、不得不(客观) 13、stop:to do sth 停下来去做某事/ doing

22、sth must 必须(主观) 停止做某事 6、another 另一个(三个或三个以上中的另一个) 14、more than = over 超过 多于 the other 另一个两个中的另一个)one the 15、in common 共有(的),会有(的) other Have sth in common (想法,兴趣)相同 another +数词+复名 = 数词+more +名字 14、bothand 和(谓语动词用复数) another two cakes = two more cakes eitheror 要么要么 7、invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 neith

23、ernor 既不也不 就近原则 = ask sb to do sth / tell sb (not)to do sth not onlybut also不但而且 3 16、in some ways 在某些方面 5、pieces of music 听音乐 In the way 报道的,妨碍人的 6、major in 主修、专研 In this way 这样 7、spend+时间 with sb 与某人一起度过的时光 17、begin with 以开始 spend on sth 在某物上花费(时间) 18、laugh at 嘲笑 spend (in) doing sth 花做 重点句型 8、tak

24、e part in 参加(体育、运动、社会活动、1、Im more outgoing than my sister 项目等) 2、比较等级 join 加入某种组织,成为其中一员, Unit 8 How was your school trip? join in 参加某一活动 1、school trip 郊游,学校旅行 attend 参加,出席某一活动 2、a day off 一个休息日 9、play for 为效力 3、singing competition 歌唱比赛 10、start /begin :to do sth /doing sth 4、hang out 闲逛 = walk arou

25、nd 开始做某事 5、oversleep = sleep late 睡过头 当主语是人时可互换,是物时只能用to do 6、yard sale 庭院旧货出售 11、Stop :to do sth 停下来去做某事 7、class monitor 班长 doing sth 停止做某事 8、have fun (in)doing sth玩得开心,过得愉快 12、be famous for 因而出名 = enjoy oneself = be wellknown for = have a good great time be famous as 9、go for a drive 去驾车旅行 = be we

26、llknown as 作为而出名 10、sound like 听起来像一样 Zhen yuan is famous for WuYi tea . 11、come back from 从归来 He is famous as a doctor = return from 13、at the age of ten 在岁时 12、at the end of 在尽头(插时间、位置) = when (she) (ten) 在岁时 in the end 最后,终于 = at last 14、because+从句 to the end of 直到的尽头(指路) because of +名词/短语 由于 13、

27、其他:else 位于疑问词或不定代词后,what else/ 15、tooto 太而不能 anything else other 名词前,other You are never too old to learn students 活到老,学到老 重点句型 Sothat+从句 1、How was your school trip? not enough+反议词+to It was exciting 16、beat+人+反义词+to 2、what do you think of your school trip? beat+人 (won+项目) 战胜 How do you like, 重点句型:

28、Unit 9 When was he born? 1、you are newer too old to learn 1、ice skating 滑冰 2、How long did he start learning English? skating champion 溜冰冠军 10 Im going to be a basketball player 2、world records 世界记录 1、fashion show 时装展示 hold the world record for 保持世界记录 art exhibition 艺术展览会 反义词:break the record 打破记录; 2

29、、New years resolution 新年决心 3、table tennis 乒乓球运动 make resolutions 许愿 table tennis player 乒乓球选手 Make a resolution the national table tennis team 国家乒乓球队 = make up ones mind 4、single player 单打选手 = make a decision +to do double players 双打选手 下决心做 4 3、grow up 长大 帮助某人做某事 4、part-time job 兼职工作 15、ask sb for s

30、th 向某人要某物 5、exchange student 交换生 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 6、keep fit 保持健康 = keep healthy ask sb to do sth 要求 = stay healthy tell sb to do sth 告诉 7、take acting lessons 上表演课 16、get(be)angry with sb 生某人的气 8、communicate with sb 与某人交流 17、take sb for a walk 带某人去散步 9、at the same time 同时 18、get a ride 搭车

31、 = give sb a ride 10、all over the world 遍及全世界 19、forget :to do 忘记去做某事/ doing 做了= around the world 某事而忘记 11、somewhere interesting 有趣的地方 20、hate to do sth 讨厌做某事 (形容词要放在后) 重点句型: 3.余弦:Somewhere warm/ quite/ beautiful 1、Could you take out the trash? 12、send sth to sb = send sb sth 给某人某物 sure,Im coming =

32、give sth to sb Sorry I cant .Im doing my homework. 13、send for 派人去请 Unit 12 Whats the best radio station? 14、move to搬到 1、talent show 才艺表演 15、want to do sth = would like to do sth 想2、the prize for 奖 做某子 the price of 的价格 feel like doing sth 想做某事 3、movie theater 电影院 16、save money 省钱,存钱take money 取钱 clo

33、thing store 服装店 7.三角形的外接圆、三角形的外心。make money 挣钱 radio station 广播电台 13.13.4入学教育1 加与减(一)1 P2-317、工作:work不可数名词/ job 可数名词 TV station 电视台 works:著作/第三人称单词 TV show 电视节目 3、第五单元“加与减(二)”,第六单元“加与减(三)” 在“加与减”的学习中,结合生活情境,学生将经历从具体情境中抽象出加减法算式的过程,进一步体会加减法的意义;探索并掌握100以内加减法(包括不进位、不退位与进位、退位)和连加、连减、加减混合的计算方法,并能正确计算;能根据具

34、体问题,估计运算的结果;初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系。重点句型: 4、do a survey of 做一个方面的调查 1、what are you going to be when you grow up ? 5、think about考虑想着方面的东西 what do you want to be when you are older? think of 考虑,认为,想起 2、熟背3a、onPthink over 仔细考虑 61 Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? think out 想出 = come

35、up with 1、living room 起居室、客厅 =think up 最值:若a0,则当x=时,;若a0,则当x=时,2、do chores 做家务 6、cut the price 砍价,削价 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的邻边与斜边的比叫做A的余弦,记作cosA,即;do the dishes 洗餐具 7、close to = near = not far from 接近、靠近 3、make the bed 整理床铺 8、the same as 当完全一样 弦心距:从圆心到弦的距离叫做弦心距.fold the clothes 叠衣服 9、as for 至于,对于 描述性定义:在一个平

36、面内,线段OA绕它固定的一个端点O旋转一周,另一个端点A随之旋转所形成的圆形叫做圆;固定的端点O叫做圆心;线段OA叫做半径;以点O为圆心的圆,记作O,读作“圆O”4、do the laundry 洗衣服 = wash clothes 10、in the day time 在白天 5、make money 赚钱 11、brown bread 黑面包 10.圆内接正多边形6、make tea 泡茶 12、not at all 不用谢 7、do sports 做运动 notat all一点也不 平方关系:商数关系:8、work on 忙于,从事工作 = not in the slightest 9、go out 外出,到外面去 13、fantastic = great =magical 迷人的 10、feed on 以为食 14、in northern China 在中国北部 11、take care of 照顾,照看 = look after 15、Whats the price of the book? 12、take out 取出,拿出 = How much is the book? 13、have a rest 休息一会儿 这本书多少钱。 14、help sb with sth = help sb do sth 重要句型: 5


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