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1、课堂10分钟达标I .完成句子1. He is at the age of 80,(但是他仍然去游泳)every day.2. (在她睡觉时),a thief broke inand stole her handbag.3. 位然小),the rooms were pleasant and airy.4. He knows so many difficulties are in front of him.,但是他不会放弃).5. He likes football,然而他的哥哥喜欢篮球).答案:1. but he still goes swimming 2. While she was asl

2、eep3. Though/Although small 4. He will not give up, however5. while his brother likes basketballn.选词填空but, however, while, although, though1. I feel a bit tired., I can hold on.1. I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape.3. Tom went to the party his brother didn t.4. She looks very young

3、,she is already in her thirties.5. I like tea she likes coffee.6. She was ill. She went to work,7. His first response was to say no. Later, , he changed his mind.8. It rained hard, she came earlier than anybody else.答案: 1. However 2. While 3. but 4. although/though 5. while6. however 7. however 8. b

4、utm.语法填空阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词) 或括号内单词的适当形式。One Sunday morning in August I went to local music festival. I left it early because I had an appointment later that day. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me 1. the bus arrived. I got onthe bus and found a seat near the back, and the

5、n I noticed a man 2. (sit)at the front. He 3. (pretend)that a tiger toy was real and gave it a voice. He must be 4. (mental)disabled.Behind him were other people to 5. he was trying to talk,but after some minutes he walked away and sat near me, 6. (look)annoyed.1 didn t wan. t_7(laugh)at for talking

6、 to him 8. Ididn t like leaving him on his own either.After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had 9. amazing conversation. He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home.I m glad I made a. 1_0(

7、choose). It made all of us feel good.1. 【解析】 until/till 。 until/till the bus arrived 直到公共汽车来了。2. 【解析】sitting。notice sb. doing注意到某人做某事。3. 【解析】 pretended 。 根据文章第一句 One Sunday morning in August 可知用一般过去时。4. 【解析】mentally 。副词mentally 修饰形容词disabled。5. 【解析】whom 。 whom 引导定语从句。6. 【解析】looking 。现在分词短语作状语。7. 【解析

8、】 to be laughed。 由语境可知是不想被嘲笑 , 故用 want to be done 结构。8. 【解析】 but 。前后表转折。9. 【解析】 an。 have a conversation进行对话。10. 【解析】choice。 make a choice做出选择。句型转换1. We have to finish the difficult task tonight, no matter how long it takes. We have to finish the difficult task tonight,long it takes.2. Although I adm

9、ire his courage, I don t support his plan.f I admire his courage,I don t support his plan.3. Although he is a child, he can know more knowledge. Child he is, he can know more knowledge.t make it on time.4. Try though you will, you can7 you will try, you cant make it on time.5. I like tea and my wife likes coffee.I like tea my wife likes coffee.6. Tom worked hard at his lessons, but he didnt placet .get the firs Tom worked hard at his lessons, , he didn t get the first place.答案: 1. however 2. but 3. though/as 4. Even if/though 5. while6. however


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