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1、,Tell me, and Ill forget it.Show me, and Ill remember it.Involve me, and Ill know it.,课前准备:课本、导学案、双色笔 还有passion(激情)!,Be active in class!,Enjoy yourselves!,What kind of person can be regarded as a healthy person?,Do you think people in the pictures are healthy?,Is he a truly healthy student?,A truly

2、healthy person is someone who is healthy in both _and_.,conclusion,body,mind,What is a healthy person?,First wealth is health健康是人生的第一财富。 Emerson爱默生,Look at the following activities:Which are healthy activities and which are unhealthy activities?,Singing,healthy,drinking alcohol,unhealthy,Playing bas

3、ketball,healthy,Smoking cigarettes,unhealthy,Do you want to know how to stop smoking?,Reading,Advice from Grandad,Whats the passage mainly about?James grandad lives a healthy life.James smokes a lot and does not want to give up smoking.James grandad gives him some advice and encourages him to give u

4、p smoking.James grandad smokes a lot and wants to give up smoking.,Skimming,2.Match the topic sentence of each paragraph:,AParagraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5& the Internet page,BGrandad talks about James problem of smoking.The harmful effects of smoking.Grandad tells about the l

5、ife he is living and the importance of healthy life.Grandads hope for James and his advice on stopping smoking.The three different ways of becoming addicted.,Why are so many people addicted to smoking?,The ways to become addicted to cigarettes:,physically addicted to nicotine;,addicted through habit

6、;,mentally addicted.,(1) You can become _(2) You can also become _(3) You can become _,1.Read paragraph 3, then fill in the blank:,Scanning,Why should people quit smoking ?,The harmful effects of smoking:,(1) do terrible damage to _.(2) it is more difficult for _.(3) affect _.(4) make smokers _ and

7、the fingers _.,2. Read paragraphs 4, then fill in the blank:,your heart and lungs,smoking couples to become,pregnant,the health of non-smokers,smell terrible,turn yellow,How can people stop smoking?,How can I stop smoking?,1.What suggestions does it give for smokers to quit smoking?,Prepare yourself

8、.,Be determined.,Break the habit.,Relax.,Get help if you need.,Keep trying.,Choose a day that is not_ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the_you will get from stopping smoking. _ your last pack of cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit. _the list of benefits you wrote when you fee

9、l like smoking. Develop some other habits like walking, drinking some water, cleaning the house and so on to keep yourself busy. If you feel nervous or stressed, try to do some_ exercises like deep breathing. You can stop smoking with a friend or join a group. If you feel really bad, ask a doctor or

10、 _ for help. The most important thing is to keep trying. Dont feel _if you _because some people have to try many times before they finally quit smoking. Never give up and you will succeed.,stressful,benefits,Throw away,Reread,relaxation,chemist,ashamed,weaken,2.Listen to the tape and fill in the bla

11、nk,There are 0.35 billion smokers in chinese and 0.45 billion passive smokers, 0.18 billion are teenage smoker under 15-year-old. The Ministry of Public Health has newly released a date on May 29th that there are 100 million people died every year, it is 1/5 in the word.,Pay attention to the figures

12、!,Since smoking is so bad to peoples health, each group makes a slogan(口号) to persuade people to quit smoking!,Activity 1 Slogan design,Consolidation and expansion,1.Smoke the cigarettes, smoke you life!2. For your family,please stop smoking!3.Cancer is approaching, When you are smoking!,More slogan

13、s to enjoy!,Appreciation,Health is happiness.A light heart lives long.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything .,Activity 2,Discussion,Nowadays, we are trying our best to be a healthy person, what do you think we can do to be a healthy person?,in my opinion I hold the view that the point is that personally I thinkId like to point out that as far as Im concerned, what I mean to say was Everything has two sides,Thank you !,


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