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1、2020标准的英文合同范本Party A: Party B:甲方愿意将产权属于自己的房屋出租给乙方。双方根据国家相关法律、法规,经协商 一致,订立本合同,详细情况如下:第六条该房屋土地使用权的变更手续可办理时,甲方应协助乙方办理(补地价有关 手续);在条件允许下,甲方应协助乙方办理房屋的有关转名手续。Contract NoDate:Signed at:Witnesses that the Party A for considerations hereinafter named, contracts and agrees with the Party B that Party A will, w

2、ithin days, next following the date hereof, build and finish a Libarary Building for Party B. (the building hereinafter is referred to as the said building. ) The said building is of the following dimensions, with reinforced concrete, brick, stones and other materials, as are described in plans and

3、specifications gereto annexed.第三十九条甲方解除乙方劳动合同,除本合同第二十九条规定情形外,甲方应按照 中华人民共和国劳动合同法第四十七条的规定和地方有关规定支付乙方经济补偿金。第十六条甲方应当要求用工单位根据生产岗位的需要,按照国家有关劳动安全、卫 生的规定为乙方配备必要的安全防护措施,发放必要的劳动保护用品。用人单位招用劳动者应当自用工之日起1个月内订立书面劳动合同。从第2个月到第 12个月内订立书面劳动合同的,用人单位应当向劳动者每月支付两倍的工资。从第十二个 月开始,视为与劳动者订立了无固定期限劳动合同,不再支付二倍的工资。劳动合同到期 后未续签劳动合同,

4、劳动者继续为用人单位提供劳动的,按照上述规定执行。In consideration of the foregoing, Party B shall, for itself and its legal representatives, promise to pay Party A the sum of one million RMB yuan in manner as follows, to wit:RMB at the beginning of the said work.甲方按第六条规定解除合同,乙方应按甲方支付的装修费用按拾年平均折旧计算将己 使用年限的折旧费赔偿给甲方。RMB on /

5、( for example: 3/21/2001)执行综合计算工时工作制的,平均日和平均周工作时间不超过法定标准工作时间。执 行不定时工作制的,在保证完成甲方工作任务的情况下,工作和休息休假乙方自行安排。 甲方安排乙方加班的,应安排乙方同等时间补休或依法支付加班工资;加点的,甲方应支 付加点工资。RMB on RMB on/ /RMB on/ /And the remaining sum will be paid upon the completion of the work.It is further agreed that in order to be entitled to the sa

6、id payments (the first one excepted, which is otherwise secured ), Party A or its legal representatives shall, according to the architect, * s appraisement, have expended, in labor and material, the value of the payments already received by Party A, on the building, at the time of payment.For failur

7、e to accomplish the faithful performance of the agreement aforesaid, the party so failing agrees to forfeit and pay to the other RMByuan as fixed and settled damages, within one month form the time so failing.In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first above wr

8、itten.在不影响本租赁合同履行的情况下,乙方可以自行将租赁物转租或与第三人承租的租 赁物交换;转租或交换的,其收益归乙方,但乙方在本合同中的权利义务保持不变。合同范本“src=zhttp:/daan. lOlOpic. com/picl0/4/m/1161787_0. jpg /Signed, sealed and deliveredin the presence of第六条乙方不可撤销地授权甲方在获得该抵押物的正式产权证明后,依有关法律法 规的规定,到有关的房地产管理机关办理该抵押物的正式抵押登记手续,并将该抵押物的 他项权利证书及抵押登记证明交存于甲方。Party A : Party B:感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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