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1、Period ThreeIntegrating SkillsI .语境填词1 After the ( 偷窃 ) I had all the locks changed.2 The criminal case was delayed by the absence of information about the ( 犯罪 ) 3 His illness did not respond to ( 治疗 ) by drugs.4 His resignation must have some ( 联系 ) with the recent accident.5 Don t cut in while (

2、成年人 ) are talking.6 He (不同意) with his parents on most things in the past.7 Smoking is ( 禁止 ) in most public places.8 His speech really ( 影响 ) us a lot.n .同义词辨析1 用 effect 或 affect 的适当形式填空(1)The news didn t him at all.(2)Smoking has a bad on our health.(3)Cancer has his lungs.2 用 ban 或 forbid 的适当形式填空(

3、1)The government is thinking about smoking on public transport.(2)I you smoking here.(3)The treaty underground nuclear tests.出.完成句子1吸毒者更容易陷入困境。Drug users are get into trouble.2我希望你不介意回答这个问题。I hope you don t this question.3我非常同意。I couldn t .4我认为在家中也应禁止吸烟。I think smoking should be in people s homes .5

4、你不会是认真的吧!You can t !6他的话对我影响很大。His words me.W .单项填空1 It is obvious to the students they should get well prepared for their future.A asBwhichCwhetherDthat2 He and his wife are of the same ; they both want their son to go to college.A soulBspiritCheartDmind3 The father as well as his three children sk

5、ating on the frozen river every Sundayafternoon in winter.Ais goingBgoCgoesDare going4 What you have done will not have your fame.A a good effect onBto affectCa good affect onDeffected5 The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without hisnotes.A bringing upB referring toC. look

6、ing forD. trying on6 Red flags stand out brightly the blue sky.A . againstB . byC.underD.above7 We are to go off for Shenzhen next week.A .maybeB.possibleC.probableD.likely8 Do you know our school has boy students from wearing long hair?A .agreedB.permittedC.been stoppedD.banned9., many poor people

7、in Shandong Province had to move to the northeast of China to make a living.A. At the 1960 sB. On the 1960 sC. At the 1960sD. During the 1960s10. We estimate that a hundred thousand people steal in order to pay for their drug addiction.A hundred thousand ? !A . That incredibleB. Th at good pointC. I

8、 totally agreeD. I couldn agree moreV .完形填空I sat in my car waiting in line at the gas station, but my mind was somewhere else completely.It was just a week _1_ Valentine Day.Only twenty- six months had _2_ since my husband Robert Kirk death, and I couldn 3 thinking about him.Valentine Day had been t

9、wice as 4 for me and my husband of fifty- two years Robert birthday was the _5_ after, February 15th.Every year , on the 14th of February he 6 me a card, signed at the bottom with Xs (kisses) and Os (hugs). 7 the next day we dgather with the kids around a birthday cake and blow _8_ the candles.After

10、 all those years, it wasn _9_ now to be alone.Suddenly, out of the corner of my _10_ , I could see a truck backing up towards me fast.I _11= the horn (喇叭),but it was too late.Crunch ! It had backed up _12_ into the driver side of my car.Looking at the _13_ side view mirror and the plate- sized dent

11、(凹痕)in the door , I almost felt like crying.I made a claim on my insurance policy (按保单索赔)and _14_, the claim was pushed through.A week later , I brought my car in for _15_ and rented one.I drove it home through rainy streets that seemed to _16 my feelings.The morning of the 14th , I woke up and stil

12、l had a feeling of _17 _.I had to get out of the house.So I headed to the garage.When I got close to it , my eyes were _1_8_ on a card on the window of the car.It was signed with“ RK; the first letters of Robert Kirk name; “ 215, hisbirthday ; and 19 for kissesand hugsthat I never forget.Who did thi

13、s?The next day I received a note from my elder daughter , _20It was a surprise ! I justwant you to be happy.”1. A.afterB. tillC. beforeD. during2. A.passed byB. died awayC. moved backwardsD. gathered together3. A.keepB. mindC. tryD. stop4. A.specialB. strangeC. funny5. A.momentC. day6. A.tellC. pass

14、7. A.ThenC. Even8. A.upC. away9. A.clearC. similar10. A.eye C. shoulder 11. A.called C. touched12. A.forward C. right13. A.damaged C. pressed14. A.usually C. suddenly 15. A.sale C. gas16. A.influence C. match17. A.pleasure C. anxiety18. A.ledC. put 19. A.letters C. symbols 20. A.writing C. showingD.

15、 interesting B. time D. week B. lend D. make B. So D. Though B. out D . into B. different D. easy B. head D. car B. hit D. pulled B. still D. backwards B. used D. wasted B. surprisingly D. fortunately B. repairs D. change B. spread D. comfort B. unhappiness D. scare B. brought D. fixed B. marks D. d

16、esigns B. saying D. drawing句型公式It is likely that 很可能,1. It is likely that our living conditions will be better and better.很可能我们的生活条件会越来越好。2. It is likely that she will not agree.她很可能不同意。答案,着重“影响”的动作,有时含有I .l.burglary 2.crime 3.treatment d.connection 5. adults 6.disagreed 7.banned 8.affected n .1.(1

17、)affect (2)effect (3) affected(1)affect指产生的影响之大足以引起反应,产生不利影响”之意。(2)effect 作动词时,指“使 (某事物)产生;使发生;引起” ,着重 “ 造成 ” 一种特殊的效果。作“影响解时,通常用作名词,构成have an effect on”又,有影响。2 (1)banning (2)forbid(3)bans(1)ban 和 forbid 两个词都表示“ 禁止 ” ,其中 ban 语气较重,指权威机关正式禁止。(2)forbid 是普通用词,指个人行为。通常搭配形式: forbid sb.to do sth./forbid doi

18、ng sth. 。 m.l.more likely to 2.mind answering 3.agree more4 banned ; as well 5.be serious 6.had an effect onW.1.D 句中it为形式主语,that引导的主语从句为真正的主语。句意为:很明显对 学生们来说,他们应当为未来做好充分的准备。 5 D 考查名词词义辨析。soul 心灵,灵魂; spirit 精神; heart 心,心脏; mind 想法,主意;be of the same mind 为固定短语,意为 对 看法相同,主意一样”,符合句 意。 6 C as well as+n./

19、pron.短语结构不影响句子的主谓关系,即句子的主语应是thefather ;由 every Sunday afternoon in winter 可知应用一般现在时态。 7 A haveeffect on.为固定搭配短语,意为 对有影响。8 B 考查短语辨析。 refer to 意为 “参阅,参看”,符合句意。 bring up 意为 “抚养 ”;look for 意为 “寻找 ” ; try on 意为 “试穿 ” 。句意为:总统在商务会议上讲了近一个小时而 没有参考他的笔记。 9 A against the blue sky 在蓝色天空的背景下。 10 D possible 与 prob

20、able 作表语时不以人作主语, maybe 不是形容词,不能作表 语。sb.be likely to do何能要做”。11 D ban sb. from (doing ) sth.为固定搭配,意为禁止某人做某事”。C项若改为主动形式也为正确选项。 12 D during the 1960s= in the 1960s 。13 A 根据答语知 A 项正确,Thats incredible !那太可怕了! V.1.C根据下文第三段A week later , I bought my car.”和第四段 The morningof the 14th , .”可知,此处说的是情人节前的一周。 2 A

21、 此处是说:自从作者的丈夫去世以来刚刚过去两年零两个月。3 D 根据下文作者对丈夫的回忆可知,他们非常恩爱,因此作者无法停止对他的思 念。 4 A 根据下文“Rober ts birthday was.February 15th.”可知,情人节对作者来说加倍特别,因为情人节的第二天是作者丈夫的生日。 5 C 根据下文“February 15th ”可知答案。 6 D 此处是说:以往在情人节这天,作者的丈夫总会给她做一张底下画Xs”和Os”的卡片。Xs”表示亲吻“,而Os”表示拥抱。7 A 此处表示承接。然后在第二天,作者总是与她的丈夫和孩子们在一起”。8 B 此处是说:他们一家人围着生日蛋糕吹

22、蜡烛。9 D 根据上文作者回忆的快乐时光可知,与现在对比,作者感到失去了丈夫后,一 个人生活不容易。 10 A 根据上文第一段第一句话“I sat in my car waiting in line at the gas station. ” 可知, 当时作者正坐在车里排队加油, 突然她通过眼角的余光看到一辆卡车倒车向她退过来。 11 B 此处是说:她按下喇叭示意,但是太晚了。12 C 那辆卡车倒车正好撞着她的驾驶室的门。 13 A 根据下文“.and the plate-sized dent.”可知, 看到撞坏的后视镜和门上盘子大小的凹痕,作者几乎想哭。 14 D 根据下文“. , the

23、claim was pushed through ”可知,作者很幸运地获得了理赔。 15 B 根据下文rented one”可知,作者把自己的车子送去修理,暂时开一辆租来的 车。 16 C 此处是说:阴雨的天气正与作者忧郁的心情相符。17 B 第二天早晨作者醒来,心里还是感到难过。18 D 当作者走近她的车子的时候,她注意到车窗上有一张卡片。19 C 根据上文“signed at the bottom with ,Xs (kisses )? and ,Os (hugs )?” 可知,卡片上有作者丈夫的名字的缩写, 他的生日时间, 以及作者永远不会忘记的表示亲吻和拥抱的符号。 20 B 第二天,作者收到大女儿的一张便条,上面写着 。


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