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1、Module 2 The Ren aissa nee一、词汇扫描根据句意及各题括号中所给的汉语意思,从下面的方框中选择适宜的单词,用其适当形式填空.in spireoverni ghtreek onmotivate loss seek giftedfun dame ntal basicallysubstitute merely squeeze passion disturbing officialsu spect profession calculatetentative anecdotep1t is very不安that we haven t heard from him.2. The th

2、eory was so complex that I can understand it根本上,大致 .3. What动机you to do such a thing?4. They stayed at our house一夜.5.1 认为him the best swimmer in my class.6.1 疑心that she is ill,but I m not sure.7.It was a bad accident and there was much丧失of life.8. Most men寻求wealth;all men are eager for happ in ess.9.

3、 This is only a暂时的plan.We haven t decided yet.10. Moderate exercise is根本的,基为to good health.11. The goalkeeper was ill so we found a代替者.12.1 didn t stop to speak to him I只是smiled.13.1 挤出an orange and drank the juice.14. He has a热爱,激情for sports.15. An官员at the railway station said the train would arriv

4、e late.16. He鼓励his pupils to work hard.17. He is a doctor by职业.18.1 have计算出来that there are 10 080 minutes in a week.19.She is天生with a good memory.20.There are many有趣的故事about George Bush.答案:1.disturbing2.basically3.motivated4.overnight5. reck on 6.suspect7 .lo ss8.seek9.te ntative10.fu ndame ntal11.s

5、ubstitute12.merely13.squeezed14.passi on 15.official16.i nspired17.professi on 18.calculated 19.gifted20.a necdotes二、句型聚焦观察以下句子,试着归纳其画线局部所包含的句型结构并将句子译成汉语.1. After cen turies of accepti ng a medieval world view in which huma n life was con sidered of littlevalue compared with the great ness of God句型结

6、构:译文:答案:句型:of much possibility.of+抽象名词=形容词,作 consider的宾语补足语译文:几个世纪以来,哲学家们都持有中世纪的世界观,认为与上帝的伟大相比人的生命很渺小2. Wherever he went he carried a no tebook arount with him,in which he wrore dow n his ideas.句型结构:译文:答案:句式:wherever conj.无论在或到哪里,引导名词性从句或状语从句.译文:不管走到哪里他都随身携带一个笔记本,以便随时记录下自己的想法.3. Printing made it pos

7、sible to produce more copies in a few weeks than could have been produced in a life-time written out by hand.句型结构 : 译文 : 答案 : 句型结构 :make it possible for do sth. 使某人有可能做某事 译文 :印刷使得几周内就做出比一生用手抄写更多的复本成为可能.三、语法平台 观察以下句子中的画线局部 ,指出其词性及其在句中所充当的成分.1. He stood there in the rain,waiting for the result of the game.2. The boy had his leg broken during the match.3. They will make another attempt to cross the river.答案 :1.在句中作状语.2.在句中作宾语补足语.3.在句中作定语.


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