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1、Unit 3 Amazing people 同步练习 (四)Grammar and usage (1)I. 用所给动词的适当时态填空:1. The clock _ (strike) four as Mary _ (reach) her flat. She _(light) a final cigarette and _ (sit) at her dressing table, thinking of the party she _(leave) an hour before. She would have been home much earlier but she _ (have) diff

2、icultyin finding a taxi at that later hour. Reflecting that if she didntgo to bed quickly, she would feeldreadful at work the next day, she _ (put) down her cigarette, _ (undress) quickly,and _ (get) into bed. She _ (fall) asleep at once.At that moment, the cigarette which she _ (put) down and _ (fo

3、rget) to put out,_ (drop) from the side of the ashtray and _ (burn) a hole in the dressing tablecloth.Upon walking, Mary _ (find) that the cigarette not only _ (burn) hole in thecloth, it also _ (make) an ugly mark on the wood.2. When I _ (open) the door, I _ (see) a man on his knees. He clearly_ (l

4、isten) to our conversation and I _ (wonder) how much he _ (hear).When I _ (ask) him what he _ (do), he _ (say) that he _ (drop) a 50ppiece outside the door and _ (look) for it. I _ (not see) any sign of the money, but I_ (find) a small notebook and pencil which he probably _ (drop) when the door_ (o

5、pen) suddenly. So he _ (take) notes of our conversation! The notes _ (be)written in a foreign language, so I _ (turn) to the stranger and _ (ask) him totranslate. But he _ (pull) my hat over my eyes and _(run) off down the corridor.By the time I _ (recover) from the shock he _ (disappear) round the

6、corner.Curiously enough, when I _ (move) my foot I _ ( find) that I _ (stand)on a 50p piece. Perhaps he _ (tell) the truth after all!II. 翻译下列句子:1 到六点的时候,他们已经干了十个小时了。_2 他说,自从他到这里以来,他的英语已经取得了巨大的进步。_3 到 2005 年的时候,我们已经相识十年了。_4 我们到达山顶时,太阳已经升起来了。_5 我宁愿你没有把这个消息告诉我。_6 我本来以为他已经去美国了。_7 我多么希望你昨天能来这里。_8 我本来打算去看

7、你的,可我来了不速之客。_III. 阅读理解:There are thousands of products of all colors and shapes in a supermarket, making you believe that they are worth a try. How? Packaging is the silent but persuading salesman.There on the shelves, each bottle, can, box, and jar has been carefully designed and measuredto speak t

8、o the inner self of the consumer, so that is buying not only a product but also his belief in life. Scientists have studied consumer behavior recently and found that the look of the package hasa great effect on the “ quality of”the product and on how well it sells, because “ Consumers generally cann

9、ot tell between a product and its package. Many products are packages and manypackages are products,” as Louis Cheskin, the first social scientist studying consumerspackaging, noticed.Colors are one of the best tools in packaging. Studies of eye movement have shown thatcolors draw human attention qu

10、ickly. Take one for example. For many years, the bright red colorof tomatoes and carrots on the thin bottle makes you feel that it is very good for your body. Andthe word“ green ” today can keep food prices going up.Shapes are another attraction. Circles often suggest happiness and peacefulness, bec

11、ausethese shapes are pleasing to both the eye and the heart. That s why the round yellow M signs ofMcDonald s are inviting to both young and old.This new consumer response(反应) to the colors and shapes of packages reminds producersand sellers that people buy to satisfy both body and soul.1 According

12、to the passage, _ seems to be able to persuade a consumer to buy the product.A the pleasing color of the packageB the special taste of the productCthe strange shape of the packageD the belief in the product2 If a package or a product is round in shape, it can _.A bring excitement to the consumersBat

13、tract the consumers attentionCcatch the eye movement of the consumersD produce a happy and peaceful feeling3 “ Andthe word greentoday can keep food prices going up. ”This sentence suggests thatconsumers today are _.A starting to notice the importance of new foodBenjoying the beauty of nature more th

14、an beforeCbeginning to like green vegetablesD paying more attention to their healthy4 It can be inferred from the passage that V8 is a kind of _.A vegetable dish B healthy juiceC iced drink D red vegetable_参考答案I. struck, reached, lit, sat, had left, had, put, undressed, got, fell, had put, forgotten

15、, dropped, burned/ burnt, found, burnt/ burned, madeopened, saw, was listening, wondered, had heard, asked, was doing, said, had dropped, was looking, didn t see, found, had dropped, opened, was taking, was, turned, asked, pulled, ran, recovered, had disappeared, moved, found, had been standing, tol

16、dII. 1. By six o clock, they had worked for ten hours.2. He said that he had made great progress in English since he came here.3. By 2005, we had known each other for ten years.4. The sun had risen when we got to the top of the hill.5. Id rather you hadnttold me the truth.6. I had thought that he had gone to America.7. I wish you had come here yesterday.8. I had wanted to see you, but I had an unexpected visitor.III. ADDB


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