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1、Unit 4 Why don t you talk to your parents集体备课备注课题人 教 版 英 语 八 年 级 下 册 Unit4 Why课型新课dont you talk to your parents第 3课时导学案一、学习目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 学习掌握下列词汇: copy, return2)进行一步复习巩固学习Section A部分所学的生词和词组。3)对询问困难及提出的建议的句型,掌握其规则。4) 通过不同方式的练习,来熟练运用询问及提建议的表达方式。2. 情感态度价值观目标:让学生了解每个人在生活中都有可能遇到一些挫折和不幸,我们多去向那些不幸和困难的人们

2、多表示自己的爱心,多去理解和帮助他们,多向他们提出解决问题的建议而不是去嘲笑他们。二、学习重难点重点掌握以下句型:(1) My parents give me a lot of pressure about school.(2) I have to compete with my classmates at school.三、预习感知:自主学习:、个人自读,记忆短语1. _ 与某人闲逛2. _ 家庭成员3. _ 独自打发时间4. _ 给某人压力5. _ 与某人吵架6. _ 与某人竞争 1c7. _ 休闲活动 1d8. _ 取得更好的成绩、小组互相检查读、写情况、听录音完成1c and 1d.、

3、让学生理解并复述听力对话.并和你的同学编新对话.例如:A: I think Tom should havea rest / watch moviesB: Why?A: Because 四、合作探究spend 的用法1.花 ( 钱 ), 花费 (+on/for)如: I spent $100 on the bike.我花了一百美元买下那辆自行1 / 3车。2.花 ( 时间、精力 )(+on)如: They spent three month touring Europe.他们花了三个月时间周游欧洲。3.度过 ; 用尽 如: The storm is spent.暴风雨已经过去。My cousin

4、 will spend the weekend with us.我表兄要和我一起度周末。注意: (sb.) pay (money) for sth.为 .而付款(sth.) cost sb.(money)什么东西值多少钱It takes sb. (time) to do某事花了人多长时间五、检查反馈、单项选择1.I _ home until I finish my homework.A. won t goB. will goC. goD. went2.I don t know if she _ tomorrow, if she _, Ill call you.A. comes, comesB.

5、 will come, will comeC. will come, comesD. comes, will come3.There _ more people in the next 5 years.A. isB. areC. will haveD. will be4.She tried _ about her journey, but she found it difficult.A. didn t to worryB. to not worryC. not worryingD. not to worry5.I think _ food is fried chicken in the US

6、A.A. more popularB. most popularC. the most popularD. popular6.When you go to see your father, please _ these books to him.A. bringB. takeC. carryD. put7.His backpack is the same _ Toms.A. atB. asC. fromD. in8.I argued _ my good friends yesterday. What should I do?A. ofB. withC. atD. to9.Han Mei _ a

7、 book from the library a week ago.A. lentB. returnedC. borrowedD. wanted10. - What can I do for you, sir?- I m _ a book on history.A. making outB. finding outC. looking forD. working out、连词成句:1. you, should, maybe, parents, ask, help, for, your_.2. want, it, to, on, phone, I, talk, about, the_.3. soccer, popular, is, very, the, world, all, over_.4. have, a, fight, your, with, did, classmate, yesterday, you_?5. pollution, will, there, less, the, in, future, be_.六、课堂反思通过本节课的学习我最大的收获_2 / 3感到自己有待加强的是_教学反思:3 / 3


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