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1、北京市万寿寺中学七年级英语下册 短语素材 人教新目标版北京市万寿寺中学七年级英语下册 短语素材 人教新目标版 Book2 Unit1Unit6 短语 Unit1 Can you play the guitar? 1. play the guitar/ piano/ violin/ drums 2. play chess/ soccer/ basketball/ volleyball 3. play games with people 4. speak English/ Chinese 5. help sb. with sth. 6. be good at sth./ doing sth. 擅长

2、某事/做某事 7. talk to sb. 8. Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school 9. tell stories 10. write stories 11. be good with sb. 与相处得好 12. want to do 13. like to do/ doing 14. join the swimming club 15. be in the dancing club 16. musicians wanted for the school show 17. (That) sounds good/ great. 18. Please ca

3、ll Mrs. White at 8765-4321 19. be free in July/ on weekends 20. have time on weekends 21. Its interesting and fun/ relaxing and easy. 22. want students for the school show 23. need sb. to do sth. Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 1. get up early 2. get dressed at six twenty brush teeth at half p

4、ast six 3.4. exercise from six fifteen to seven 5. eat breakfast/ lunch/ dinner at seven 6. have an interesting job 7. work at a radio station 8. go to school/work= get to school/ work 9. Im never late for work 1 10. play sports/ basketball for half an hour 11. go home/ get home at a quarter to six

5、12. eat quickly 13. eat lots of ice-cream/ vegetables 14. It tastes good. 15. That sounds good/ great. 16. be good for health/ sb. 对身体/某人有好处 17. take a walk at a quarter to eight take a shower at a quarter past nine 18.go to bed at half past ten 19.20. in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 21. in the e

6、vening= at night 22. either A or B Unit 3 How do you get to school? 1. take the bus/ the subway/ the train to school 2. ride a bike to school/ to work 3. drive his/her/our/their car to Beijing 4. walk to school/ to the subway station 5. run to the bus stop 6. Its good exercise. 7. go to school on fo

7、ot/ by bus/ by bike/ by subway 8. go to Beijing by train/ by plane 9. get to school/ get to work 10. get home/ get there / get here / go home 11. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 12. How far is it from A to B? 13. It is about km from A to B. 14. between A and B 15. cross the river/ the bridge 16. b

8、e like 17. come true 18. leave home/ school/ the village 19. Thanks for your email/ your help. 20. talk to my friends/ parents Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 2 1. arrive late for school = be late for school 2. arrive on time = be on time 3. go to school on time 4. listen to music in class 5. talk/ sleep

9、in class 6. eat in the dining hall 7. There are too many rules。 =There are a lot of rules. 8. bring sth. to sb.= bring sb. sth. 9. have to do/ must do 10. be quiet/ noisy in the library 11. wear the school uniform/ a hat 12. dont have to do sth.不必做某事 13. leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen 14. rel

10、ax on weekends 15. learn to do sth./ learn to play the piano 16. play basketball/ volleyball/ soccer 17. practice the guitar 18. think about sth. 考虑某事 19. be strict with sb. 20. make rules to help us/ them 21. follow the rules 22. go out on school nights 23. do/wash the dishes every day 24. see frie

11、nds every Saturday 25. help sb. do sth. 26. help my/ his/ her/ our/ their mom make breakfast 27. do my/ his/her/your/our/ their homework 28. on school days/ nights 29. on weekends 30. every day/morning/ Saturday 31. before dinner 32. after school 33. play computer games with my friends 34. never hav

12、e fun, either. 3 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 1. be really friendly/ cute/ beautiful 2. be really scary 3. be very smart/ quiet 4. be kind of interesting 5. be kind of lazy/ boring/ shy 6. lets do sth./ Lets see giraffes first. 7. sleep all day 8. have a pet dog/ cat 9. want to do sth. 10. be from

13、 = come from (South Africa) 11. like sth. a lot = like sth. very much 12. cut down trees 13. save animals/ elephants / lives 14. be made of/ things made of ivory 15. a symbol of good luck 16. walk for a long time (1)二次函数的图象(抛物线)与x轴的两个交点的横坐标x1,x2是对应一17. get lost 18. like to do/ doing 19. be in great

14、danger 20. An elephant never forgets. Unit 6 Im watching TV 1. read a newspaper |a|的越大,抛物线的开口程度越小,越靠近对称轴y轴,y随x增长(或下降)速度越快;2. talk on the phone to sb. 3. listen to music/ the radio/ a CD 4. make soup/ breakfast/ lunch 5. wash the dishes/ the clothes 6. use the computer 2、第四单元“有趣的图形”。学生将经历从上学期立体图形到现在平

15、面图形的过程,认识长方形,正方形,三角形,圆等平面图形,通过动手做的活动,进一步认识平面图形,七巧板是孩子喜欢的拼图,用它可以拼出很多的图形,让孩子们自己动手拼,积累数学活动经验,发展空间观念能设计有趣的图案。7. watch a boat race/ a soccer game on TV (1)一般式:8. go to the movies with sb. 33.123.18加与减(一)3 P13-179. eat out with friends/ parents 10. want to do 11. study for a test 切线的性质定理:圆的切线垂直于过切点的半径.4 抛

16、物线的顶点在(0,0),对称轴是y轴(或称直线x0)。12. clean the house/ my room 2. 图像性质:13. drink tea/ water (1) 弧长公式: 弧长 (R表示圆的半径, n表示弧所对的圆心角的度数)14. Here is a picture of my family 15. Here are two pictures of my family (4)二次函数的图象:是以直线为对称轴,顶点坐标为(,)的抛物线。(开口方向和大小由a来决定)16. Lets meet at my home/ at school/ in the library 17. read a story to children 5


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