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1、2021中国石油网络教育大学英语1第3阶段在线作业一、单选题 答题要求:每题只有一个正确的选项 1(5.0分)5.0 Was it during the Second World War he died? ?A) that? B) while? C) which? D) then参考答案:A收起解析解析:无2(5.0分)0 We were deeply impressedby her important to the success of the project. ?A) work? B)determination? C)improvement? D)contribution参考答案:D收起解

2、析 解析:无3(5.0分)5. 0 They discussed the problemthree or four times, but could come to no. ?A) end? B) conclusion? C) result? D) judgment参考答案:B收起解析解析:无4(5.0分)5.0 the temperature, water turns into steam. ?A)The high, the fast? B)Higher, faster? C)The more high, the faster? D)The higher, the faster参考答案:D收

3、起解析解析:无5(5.0分)5.0 People who won* t workshould be made ?A) to work? B) work? C) working? D)to be working参考答案:A收起解析解析:无6(5. 0分)5. 0 He tea to coffee. ?A) like 9 *B) dislike? C) prefers? D) drinks参考答案:C收起解析 解析:无7 (5.0分)5.0 The problem attomorrow s meeting is a very difficult one. ?A)being discussed? B

4、) discussed? C)to be discussed? D) to discuss参考答案:C 收起解析 解析:无8(5. 0分)5. 0 A teacher* s work is often compared a candle. ?A)with9 *B) on? C) to? D) from参考答案:C 收起解析 解析:无9(5. 0分)5. 0 Do you know any other foreign language English? ?A) except? B) but? C) beside? D) besides参考答案:D收起解析解析:无10(5. 0分)5. 0 She

5、 feels strongly thateach of us should have a role in making the earth a better place to live in.? A)to have played? B) to play? C)to be played? D)to be playing参考答案:B 收起解析解析:无11(5.0分)5. 0 I saw him out of the room. ?A) go? B) had gone? C) has gone? D) goes参考答案:A 收起解析解析:无12(5.0分)5. 0 I bought these bo

6、oks at a discount and had two hundred dollars . ? A) saving? B) saved? C) to save? D) save参考答案:B收起解析解析:无13(5. 0分)5. 0 My watch needs . ?A) repair? B) repaired? C) repairing? D) to repair参考答案:C收起解析 解析:无14(5. 0分)5. 0 - . could youtell me the way to the bank? Yes. Go straight and you 11 find it.9 *A) H

7、ello? B) Excuse me? C) Hi? D) Sorry参考答案:B收起解析解析:无15 (5.0分)5.0 She did nothing at the photo. ?A)but looking? B)but to look? C)except to look? D) but look参考答案:D 收起解析解析:无16(5.0 分)5. 0 It was an hunt, but the fox escaped. ?A) excited? B) exciting? C) excite? D) excites参考答案:B 收起解析 解析:无17(5.0分)5. 0 He was

8、 too excited9 A) speak? B)not to speak? C) to speak? D) speaking参考答案:c 收起解析解析:无18(5.0 分)0 The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, it more difficult. ?not making? B) not make? C)nor to make? D)not to make参考答案:D收起解析解析:无19(5. 0分)5. 0 What a lovely card!Where did you buy it? I made it by.

9、?A) me? B) himself? C) myself? D) itself参考答案:C收起解析 解析:无20(5.0分)5. 0 Everybody is of the importance of the Four Modernizations. ?A) aware? B)ware? C)awareness? D)awake参考答案:A参考答案:C收起解析 解析:无20(5.0分)5. 0 Everybody is of the importance of the Four Modernizations. ?A) aware? B) ware? C) awareness? D) awake参考答案:A感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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