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1、工程变更申请书Process Change Application收启 To Purchase Department采购部方案将对以下零件的工程进行变更,特此向贵公司报告.We hereby notify wing parts as the发布 No. Release No.年YY月MM日DDthat we are going to change the processes for the follo schedule.供给商名称Supplier1变更零件可附图Part Change (Attached Drawings)责任人Person-in-Charge确认Confirmation确认P

2、reparation零件名 Part Name图纸编号 Drawing No.交付部门Delivered byDescription of Process Change (Additional Pages are Available)致 To whom it may concern:年YY月MM日DD就上述的工程变更,作出如下答复.We make the reply for the aforesaid采购部确认 Confirmation by Purchase Department:质量本部确认 Confirmation by Quality Headquarters1. 关于确认方法(在相应

3、的工程前打V)Confirmation method (Tick V before the corresponding items) 实施工序验证.(实施日期 年 月 日)Impleme nti ng process review.(Impleme ntati on Date实施了文件审核,因此不进行工序验证,请贯彻实施初期The process review is not available due please launch the initial IPP management.请提交样品.(提交日年 月Please submit the samples.(Submissi on Date

4、2、 其他指示工程Other instruction items:DD MM YY)IPP治理.to the implementation of document audit,日数量DD MM批准 Approval确认 Confirmation担当 In charge:process change.批准Approval品质企划科确认Quality Plann ng sectionConfirmation供给商品质 治理2科确认Supplier Qua lity Manage ment Sectio2 Confirmation供给商品质 治理1科确认Supplier Qual ityManage

5、ment Sectio1 ConfirmationTST(确认TSTCConfirmation品质保证科确认 QualityCertificate Confirmation方案确认ScheduleConfirmation营业确认OperationConfirmation)YY Qua ntities )2 工程变更的内容(可另纸添附)(1) 变更的理由 Reason(2) 变更内容(请在符合条件的工程前打 V.) Change (tick V before items meeting the conditions)设计变更 Design change 新供给商 / 厂家 New supplie

6、rs/manufacturers 材料 Materials 加工工艺、方法 Processes, methods 工序系列 Procedures 机械设备 Mechanical equipments 制造场所 Manufacturing places 夹具 / 工具 Equipments/tools 模具 Moulds 检验方法 Inspection methods 运输 / 包装 Transportation/Package 供给商名称 Supplier name 其他.需说明 Others. Please explain ()旧状态Old Status新状态New Status受到影响的特

7、性值其他Influenced Characteristics Values Others注)具体内容(变化前与变化后的比拟)无法填入上述栏中时,请附上补充说明.Note) If the content (Comparison before and after the change) can not described in above columns, please attach the supplementary explanations.3 .工程变更展开方案Launching Schedule for Process Change工程 Items年YY月MM年YY月MM年YY月MM完成年

8、 月曰 MM YY of Completion工程方案完善Process schedule improvement标准类文件的制定修订Development of standards documents modification评定工程水平信赖性Assessment process capacity reliability公司内部确认审核In-house Confirmation audit试制品交付预定日期年 月日初始加工件交付预定日期年 月日Due Date of Pre-production Delivery DD MM YYDue Date of Initial Processing

9、Parts Delivery DD MM YY注)根据需要,在格式3.的“工序变更展开方案书中填入详细工程及日程.首次交付时,必须向TSAC申请IPP治理号.Note) According to requirements, the items and schedule shall be described in details under Format 3“ LaunchingSchedule for Process Change IPPmanagement No. must be applied from TSAC for the initial delivery.书 Reply路径 Pathway:供给商 Suppliers采购部 Purchase Department质量本部 Quality Headquarters其他关系部门 Other Related Department 采购部 Purchase Department供给商 Suppliers 注意:方案性变更至少提前 25个以上工作日提出Notes: The scheduled change shall be brought about at least 14 working days in advanee.TK-SQA-QR-4-5


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