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1、山东省日照港中学七年级英语下册unit3Whydoyoulikekoalas(第一课时)教案人教新目标版山东省日照港中学七年级英语下册unit3 Why do you like koalas(第一课时)教案 人教新目标版 ?.教学内容Section A 1a-2c ?.教学目标 1.知识与能力 1. Master: koala,tiger,elephant,dolphin,panda,lion, penguin,giraffe, zoo, map, first, cute, fun, smart, animal, kind 2. Master and use: Lets see the lio

2、ns. Why do you want to see the lions? Because they are cute. 2.过程与方法 学生学习有关动物的知识,已具备了相当的情感基础,且学生已有了一定 的英语知识,有能力学习本课内容。通过充分利用教学图片和多媒体创设情景, 并且增加小组竞争, 增强学生参与学习的欲望,引导他们主动学习。 3.情感态度价值观 熟知动物相关词汇,激发学生热爱动物, 保护大自然。 ?.教学重、难点及教学突破 1.重点: 1. The vocabulary. 2. Express preferences and give reasons. 2.难点: Use the

3、language to express preferences and give reasons( 3.教学突破 l. 借助多媒体手段和大量的练习进行语言项目的教学。 2. 以小组竞争的方式, 增强学生参与学习的欲望,引导他们主动学习。 ?.教学步骤 Step1. Greetings. Greet the students. Step 2. Lead-in. 1. Let Ss know the two tasks in todays class. 2. Show a picture of the zoo, teach the word “zoo, animal”, and lead in t

4、he topic today. 1 Step 3. Present the new words. Help Ss learn the animal words and the description words by talking about some pictures. 1. Look at the pictures and read. koala, giraffe, lion, elephant, tiger, dolphin, penguin, panda Talk about the animals by using the description words. 2.cute, sm

5、art, beautiful, friendly, shy, interesting, fun, scary, lovely 3. Competition: What other animals do you know? Let Ss say as many animal words as they can and imitate the sounds of the animals or their characteristics. 4. Competition: Get Ss play a guessing game to guess animals. 5. Competition: A m

6、emory challenge, let Ss try to remember the new words. Step 4. Drill 1. Match the words with the animals . (Section A 1a) 2 Read the words again. Step 5. Listening (Section A 1b) 1. Get Ss to listen to the conversions between the boy and girl, and check the animals in 1a they hear 2. Get Ss to liste

7、n again and fill in the blanks. 3. Get Ss to practice the conversions in pairs. A: Lets see the -s. B: Why do you want to see the -s? A: Because they are very -. Step 6. Listening (Section A 2a&2b) 1. Presention. Get Ss look at two pictures, sum up the use of “very. kind of ” 2. Listen, write and dr

8、aw (Section A 2a) 3. Listen and fill in the blanks then read (Section A 2b). 4. Get Ss to practice the conversions in pairs. A: Lets see the_. B : Why do you like _? 2 A: Because theyre _ . B : Well, I like _. A: Why do you like _? B: Because theyre _ 5. Competition: Get Ss play a guessing game acco

9、rding to the descriptions. Step 7. Group work: Get Ss make a survey, then write a report. Names Animals Why Animals he/she Why he/she likes dislikes Bob pandas beautiful tigers scary Step 8. Infiltration education. Animals are our friends. We should protect animals. Protecting(保护) animals means(意味着)

10、 protecting ourselves. Dont kill (杀) animals. Dont hurt(伤害) animals. Step 9. Homework: Search(收集) the pictures of the animals you like and describe(描述) them. ?.本课小结 1.本节课共学习了15个单词,师生共同扩展了一些动物名称的名词, 并掌握了提出要求及给出原因的句式。 2. 教学探讨与反思 需改进的地方:一是前面的单词部分设计的时间没那么长,可能学生换了环境,我没进行及时的调控,拖延了时间。并且考虑要高于课本,增大课堂容量,拓展词汇,

11、却设计不精,也致使时间过长。二是1a的 match出示答案时,要让学生说主体词,老师说 abc等图片。三是应该让学生分组写出有关动物的词,一人负责写,其他人说,这样既能体现小组合作又能体现小组竞争,而前者只是小组竞争。 3 自我感觉学生3-4人一组问答后的写作效果不错,站起来读的三人中有一同学成绩一般,为了小组而战,竟然没有语法错误,平时常错的动词单三忘加s及名词复数竟然都刻意地注意了,读的过程中发现一处有错,马上口头矫正过来了。看来有压力就有动力呀,那可是加给他们小组的3分呢。 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10、做好培优扶差

12、工作,提高数学及格率,力争使及格率达95%。22 3. 圆的对称性:23 (5)切线的判定定理: 经过半径的外端并且垂直于半径的直线是圆的切线.24 25 26 6、因材施教,重视基础知识的掌握。27 28 29 当a越大,抛物线开口越小;当a越小,抛物线的开口越大。30 1、会数、会读、会写100以内的数;在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系;能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。31 32 33 34 (5)切线的判定定理: 经过半径的外端并且垂直于半径的直线是圆的切线.35 (2)经过三点作圆要分两种情况:36 描述性定义:在一个平面内,线段OA绕它固定的一个端点O旋转一周,另一个端点A随之旋转所形成的圆形叫做圆;固定的端点O叫做圆心;线段OA叫做半径;以点O为圆心的圆,记作O,读作“圆O”37 38 7.同角的三角函数间的关系:39 40


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