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1、Only the version available on the shared directory can be considered as valid.This document remains the confidentiality property of QF and is unauthorised for copyright.Ref.:Lan guage:En g/ChiVersio n:AOPROCEDURE程序文件HR Ma nageme nt Procedure人力资源治理程序Page :Status:1/8关健字 Key words: 人力资源 Human Resource,

2、 培训 TrainingCT绅彳:姓名Name职位 Position签名Sign日期Date编写Author审核 Reviewers批准 Approval分发Diff usion人事部HR品质部QA船务部SH生产部PRO.采购部PUR.财务部FA.开发部PD.货仓部WH.管代M.R.总经理GM接收人Applicable to版本号Version日期Date修订描述Modification description修订人ByA02021-01-14无/目的OBJECTIVE2范围SCOPE2责任RESPONSIBILITY2正文PROCEDURAL ELEMENTS3流程FLOW CHART3任务

3、描述 TASKS DESCRIPTION5/、fy 参考.文件 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS8记录 RECORDS8Ref.:Lan guage:En g/ChiVersio n:AOPage :2/8Status:PROCEDURE程序文件HR Ma nageme nt Procedure人力资源治理程序Objective 目的To optimize the collocation for human resource.实现人力资源的优化配置.Scope 范围It s applicable for the HR management of the company.本程序适用于全公司

4、的人力资源治理.Responsibility责任Human Resource Ma nageme nt人力资源治理Recruitme nt 招聘C& B薪酬福利治理Training 培训Ref.:Lan guage:En g/ChiVersio n:A0Page :3/8Status:PROCEDURE程序文件HR Ma nageme nt Procedure人力资源治理程序Procedural Elements 正文Flow chart 流程HR Man ageme nt /人力资源治理Flow chart / 流程Responsible/责任者Description/相关说明HR Gen

5、eral pla n人力资源总体规划1HR Dept人力资源部oc?组织架构图?Relative Dept用人部门HR Dept人力资源部HR Dept人力资源部HR Dept人力资源部HR Dept / RelativeDept人力资源部、用人部门Record/记录Form_PR_007_001JD?岗位说明书?Form_PR_007_002Ann ual tra iningschedule ?年度培训方案表?Form_PR_007_004Pers onnel Requestform?人员需求申请表?Form_PR_007_005Pers onnel Moveme ntApplication

6、 form?职位变动申请表?HR Dept人力资源部HR Dept / RelativeDept人力资源部、用人部门HR Dept人力资源部HR Dept / RelativeDept人力资源部、用人Form_PR_007_006Employee In formati on员工入职登记表Valuation for probati on 试用期考核 16NO部门HR Dept / R elativeDept人力资源部、用人部门Form_PR_007_007Probati on Evaluatio nForm?员工试用期评估表?Ref.:Lan guage:En g/ChiVersio n:A0P

7、age :4/8Status:PROCEDURE程序文件HR Ma nageme nt Procedure人力资源治理程序HR Man ageme nt /人力资源治理Flow Chart / 流程Responsible责任者Description相关说明Record记录Evaluati on年度绩效评估HR Dept / RelativeDept人力资源部、用人部门HR Dept人力资源部Form_PR_007_002Annual Training schedule?年度培训方案?Form_PR_007_003Trai ning record培训考核记录表?NoHR Dept / Relat

8、iveDept人力资源部、用人部门Form_PR_007_008Quarterly Performa nee Evaluati on Form?优秀员工评选表?19人员鼓励20*Dismissal员工辞退、离职22HR Dept / RelativeDept人力资源部、用人部门Con ti nue todevelop继续开展21HR Dept人力资源部Form_PR_007_009Resig n Applicati on form?辞职审批表?Form_PR_007_010Leavi ng Notice ?离职清单?Ref.:Lan guage:En g/ChiVersio n:AOPage

9、:5/8Status:PROCEDURE程序文件HR Ma nageme nt Procedure人力资源治理程序Tasks description 任务描述Task 1: HR General Plan / 人力资源总体规划HR dept and the relative depts man agers will draw the job requireme nts, the n issue the Orga ni zati onChart & Job Descripti on.人力资源部与相关部门主管制定各岗位的责任要求,形成?组织架构图?及?岗位说明书?From_PR_007_001wh

10、ich n eeds the finalHR dept and relative depts will draw the ann ual recruitme nt and training pla n approval from the man ageme nt team at the end of each year.每年年底,人力资源部和用人部门制定年度培训方案,治理层批准.Task 14任务14 : Report procedure / 办理新员工入职手续All new employees need to or assist to provide the following items

11、according to the EmployeeIn formati on List :-Staff information form-ID card copy-Resume (for office staff only)-Diploma Copy ( If needed )-2 pcs of Photo所有新员工根据?员工入职登记表?From_PR_007_006在上班的第一天必须向人力资源部提供或协助提供以下材料:- 员工入职登记表- 身份证复印件- 简历(仅限办公室员工)- 学历证实(如必要)- 两张彩色照片HR dept will c ollect all the relative items and keep them in the employee s file人力资源部将收集所有必须的材料然后整理归入个人档案.Task 15 / 任务 15: Orientation Training/入职培训


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