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1、山西省运城市临猗县东明学校七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school(第四课时)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版Unit 3 How do you get to school(第四课时) 学习内容:17页 学习目标:1 记会文中的短语 2 根据2能写出你们班学生如何去学校,花费多长时间 学习过程: 一、自主学习 认真读课文读三遍 二、合作探究 翻译文章,找出下列短语并翻译 1. get to school 2. by bus 3. by train 4.for many students 5.in one small village 6.in China

2、7.betweenand 8. on a ropeway 9. one 11-year-old boy 10.play with sb. e true 12.There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. 13.Hes like a father to me. 14.It is their dream to have a bridge. 三、自主学习 Read the passage and answer the question 四、课堂达标 根据课文内容补全下面句子。 1(For the students in th

3、e village, it is to get to school. 2. They have to cross a very river between their school and the village. 3. They cannot go by boat because the river runs too . (3)圆内接四边形:若四边形的四个顶点都在同一个圆上,这个四边形叫做圆内接四边形.4. It is not easy to cross the river on a ropeway, but the boy is (2)抛物线与x轴的交点情况可以由对应的一元二次方程的根的判

4、别式判定:not . 6、因材施教,重视基础知识的掌握。5. The students and villagers want to have a bridge. Can their dream come ? ()1.- do you go to work? 抛物线的顶点在(0,0),对称轴是y轴(或称直线x0)。-By train. A.Where B.What C.How ()2.- is it from the bus stop to the train station? 1. 仰角:当从低处观测高处的目标时,视线与水平线所成的锐角称为仰角1 1、第一单元“加与减(一)”。是学习20以内的

5、退位减法,降低了一年级上学期孩子们学习数学的难度。退位减法是一个难点,学生掌握比较慢,但同时也是今后竖式减法的重点所在。所以在介绍的:数小棒、倒着数数、凑十法、看减法想加法、借助计数器这些方法中,孩子们喜欢用什么方法不统一要求,自己怎么快怎么算,但是要介绍这些方法。-Two kilometers. A. How far B.How old C.How long ()3.It usually takes me two months my new book. A.write B. to write C. writes ()4. What about the subway? A.takes B. t

6、o take C. taking 2、第四单元“有趣的图形”。学生将经历从上学期立体图形到现在平面图形的过程,认识长方形,正方形,三角形,圆等平面图形,通过动手做的活动,进一步认识平面图形,七巧板是孩子喜欢的拼图,用它可以拼出很多的图形,让孩子们自己动手拼,积累数学活动经验,发展空间观念能设计有趣的图案。()5. It my mother two hours the housework every day. A. takes; to do B. takes; do C. take; to do tanA不表示“tan”乘以“A”;()6. He usually comes to school the school bus, not bike. 经过不在同一直线上的三点,能且仅能作一个圆.A. on; on B. by; by C. on; by 2、会数,会读,会写100以内的数,在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系,能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。2


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