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1、1.0 目的:规XA级产品(含出口CD-ROM)光碟外观检验标准,确保成品符合产品质量要求。2.0 适用X围:本公司生产的所有光碟产品之生产及检验各环节。3.0检验环境及人员要求:3.1 温湿度:按生产车间环境要求。(252, 70%以下)3.2 检验人员要求:无色盲、色弱,经上岗考核合格;3.3 亮度:在一般日光灯照明下,避免强光反射;3.4 角度:受检面与检验者视线成45度角;3.5 距离:将产品放置于距离检验者眼睛30cm处,使光线均匀从光盘面反射到眼睛;3.6 检查方法:产品从左到右仔细目测一次。4.0缺陷分类:4.1 轻微(Minor):不影响使用,轻微影响外观或客户能够接受的缺陷4

2、.2 重要(Major):非致命缺陷,不会影响使用功能,但客户难以接受的缺陷5.0检验工具:目测6.0检验标准:Visual Criteria for Disc/光盘外观(目测)标准Label Printing Defect印刷不良正常标准Normed standard limit特殊标准9+)Specied standard limit分类 ClassificAtion1Smear化墨正面检测,观看3秒发现该缺陷-图案,字体Not easy to see the defect from front view -picntxes, words碟边-阔度lunndisc edge - width

3、 limn轻微(Minor)2Ink spot, splash漏墨(穿网),磔 边渍里正面检测,观看3秒发现 该缺陷-图案,字体Not easy to see the defect from front view -picntxes, words阔度limnwidth 1轻微(Minor)3Ink in middle ring中圈里渍正面检测,观看3秒发现该缺陷Not easy to see the defect from front view正面观看墨渍不显眼及 放于白纸上墨渍少于 1/2圆周Not easy to see the defect from front view, ink sh

4、orter than 1/2 of centre diameter轻微(Minor)4Registration走位/套字正面检测,观看3秒发现该缺陷-图案,字体Not easy to see the defect from front view -picntxes, words阔度v 0.5iiiniwidth 0.5inni轻微(Minor)5Wordings字体清晰度不可令图案、字体不能 辨认pictures and words must clearly recognize不可令字样不清-阔度 0.5 mmpictures and words must clearly recognize

5、-width 0.5 mm轻微(Minor)GPrinting eccentricity印刷偏心两边印刷与碟边之相差 的平均值vlminThe average of the two distance differences between the image edge and disc edge 1 iimi两边印刷与碟边之相差 的平均值vliimiThe average of the two distance differences between the image edge and disc edge 1 mm轻微(Minor)Visual Criteria for Disc/光盘外观(

6、目测)标准Label Printing Defect印刷不良正常标准Normed standard limit特殊标准9+)Special standard limit分类 Classificfttion7Inplete printing, in运sing ink塞网(缺划,露 银)正面检测,观看3秒发现 该缺陷不可令字体不能 辨认Not easy to see the defect from front view, words must clearly recognize直径V1 inm及少于5点 及不可令字体不能辨认Not easy to see the defect from front

7、 view, words must clearly recognize轻微(Minor)8Stain渍正面检测,观看3秒发现 该缺陷不可令字体不能 辨认Not easy to see the defect from front view, words must cleaily recognize直径1 mm及少于5点 及长度4 niindiameter 1 nun, less than 5 points, length 4 nun轻微(Minor)9Dust尘N/AN/A阔度vl nnn,长度3111111,少于5点width limn, length 2nnn轻微(Minor)10Color

8、 uneven颜色不平均正面检测,两碟相并颜 色差别轻微color deviation not easy to recognize from the front viewX-Rite色差仪,E 20X-Rite( color checldng device) will be used, E should be less than 15重要(Major)11Color variation withnt one颜色与pantone 不符正面检测,两碟相并颜 色差别轻微color deviation not easy to recognize from the front viewX-Rite色差仪

9、,E 20X-Rite( color checking device) will be used, E should be less than 15重要(Major)12Water splash水渍正面检测,轻微发现该 缺陷Not easy to see the defect from front view正面不明显,阔度5 c】n,长度v5cniNot easy to see the defect from front view, width 4cm, length 4cm轻微(Minor)Visual Criteria for Disc/光盘外观(目测)标准Label Printing D

10、efect印刷不良正常标准Normal standard limit特殊标准(C+)Specied standard limit分类 Classification13Water splash (line)水印(线痕)正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷-图案Not easy to see the defect from front view-picture正面看不明显,长度lcin,少于5条Not easy to see the defect from front view, length 1cm, less than 5 lines轻微(Minor)14Moire Effect线纹正面检测,轻微发现该缺

11、陷-图案Not easy to see the defect from front view-picture正面不明显,阔度vl inm,长度v2c】u,少于5 条Not easy to see the defect from front view, width limn, length 2cm, less than 5 lines轻微(Minor)15Printing scratch印刷刮花正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front view Functional test PASS正面不明显及长度2i】nn及少于5条及功

12、 能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from the front view, length 2nnn, less than 5 lines, Functional test PASS重要(Major)16Scratch on the碟面刮花正面检测,轻微发现该Not easy to see the正面不明显及长度Not easy to see the重耍(Major)information side缺陷功能测试为合格defect from front view Functional test PASSv2i】nn及少于5条及功 能测试为合格defect from

13、 the front view, length 2inm, less than 5 lines, Functional test PASS17Missing print漏印绝对不接受Not acceptable绝对不接受Not acceptable重要(Major)Lacquer Defect沥架不良正常标准Normal standard limit特殊标准9+)Special standard limit分类 Classification1Lacquer spot沥架点不明显影响光碟图案外 观Not affect the picture visiiall、,直径V111H11,少于5点dia

14、meter lniin, less than 5 points轻微(Minor)2Radial vein太阳纹不明显影响光碟图案外 观Not affect the picture visiiall、,不明显影响光碟图案外观Not affect the picture visually轻微(Minor)Visual Criteria for Disc/光盘外观(目测)标准Lacquer Defect沥架不良正常标准Normal standard limit特殊标准9+)Special standard limit分类 Classification3Suction cnp maik / Lacqu

15、er mark吸盘印、机械手 的手指印/沥架 印正面检测,轻微发现该缺陷Not easy to see the defect from front view阔度V11111U,长度4iinnwidth 0.5inin, length 4111111轻微(Minor)4Uneven lacquer on edge不平均沥架边/ 沥架纹不明显影响光碟图案外 观Not affect the picture visual阔度1 inin,长度1 millwidth limn, length Inini轻微(Minor)Sputtering Layer Defect电饭层不良正常标准Normal sta

16、ndard limit特殊标准9+)Special standard limit分类 Classification1Pin Hole穿洞(含溅镀针 孔)正面检测,轻微发现该 缺陷功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front view Functional test PASS阔度 0.5 min 功能测试为合格width 0.5 nmi Functional test PASS重要(Major)2Dent缺口正面检测,轻微发现该 缺陷功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front view Functional

17、 test PASS阔度V1 inin功能测试为合格width 1 mmFunctional test PASS重耍(Major)3Sputtering layer eccentricity溅镀层偏心两边电镀层与碟边之相 差的平均值v 1mmThe average of the two distance differences between the sputtering layer edge and disc edge 1 min两边电镀层与碟边之相差的平均值V 1mmThe average of the two distance differences between the sputte

18、ring layer edge and disc edge 1 imu轻微(Minor)Injection Defect注累不良正常标准Normal standard limit特殊标准9+)Special standard limit分类 Classification1Flow mark, Silver steak气纹、流痕以不入该光碟内容位置 为接受Accept if not in program area以不入该光碟内容位置 为接受Accept if not in program area重耍(Major)2Cloud云影(水纹)正面检测,轻微发现该 缺陷Not easy to see

19、the defect from front view正面观看不明显Not easy to see the defect from front view轻微(Minor)Visual Criteria for Disc/光盘外观(目测)标准Injection Defect注制不良正常标准Normal standard limit特殊标准9+)Special standard limit分类 Classification33.1 Biunp凹/凸点(尘点、 凸包)正面检测,轻微发现该 缺陷功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front view Funct

20、ional test PASS正面检测,轻微发现该 缺陷功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front view Functional test PASS重要(Major)44.1 Scratches, surface defect (from Leybold)刮花(含溅镀刮 花)以不入该光碟内容位置 为接受Accept if not in program area以不入该光碟内容位置 为接受Accept if not in program area重耍(Major)55.1 Cold line冷胶功能测试为合格Functional test PASS

21、功能测试为合格Fimctional test PASS重要(Major)66.1 Reflective spot / black spot黑点/反光点正面观看轻微 功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front view Functional test PASS正面观看轻微 功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front view Fimctional test PASS重要(Major)77.1 Glue bubble (DVD only)胶水气泡(只供DVD)正面观看轻微 功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front view Functional test PASS正面观看轻微 功能测试为合格Not easy to see the defect from front view Fimctional test PASS重要(Major)编写黄国雄批准黄国雄日期2008-10-01


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