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1、系统调用file server?专业英语?课程试题选例Part One: Translate the following words from English into Chinese and vice versa. (10 points)单词英汉互译,1 协议6把嵌入11 decipher16 binaryprotocolembed破译,译解二进制2 调制器7 黑客12 tuple17modulatorhacker元组Cyberculture计算机文化3 指针8 情感符13 subroutine18 Netiquettepointeremoticon子例程网规4 编译;汇编9 互联网14 f

2、iber17 viruscompileinternet光纤病毒Part Two: Translate the following phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa. (20 points) 短语英汉互译,1 artificial intelligence11 处理器芯片人工智能processor chip2 serial processing12 数据库体系结构串行处理database architecture3 design paradigm13 知识产权设计范式intellectual property4 hierarchic

3、al model14 数据总线层次模型data bus5 decentralized network15 瀑布模型分散型网络waterfall model6 encryption program16 目标代码加密程序object code7 peer-to-peer model17 软件生命周期对等模型software life cycle8 system call18 文件效劳器Part Three: Match the following abbreviations with their Chinese meaning. (10 points) 匹配英文缩写与汉语意思1 TLD E A 关

4、系数据库治理系统2 CSMA/CD G3 ENIACF4 RDBMSA5 DNSB6 WANH7 EDID8 DBACB 域名系统C 数据库治理员D 电子数据交换E 顶级域名F 电子数字积分计算机G 带有冲突检测的载波侦听多路访问H 广域网Part Four: Choose amongthe four choices the one that best completes the sentence. (20 points) 选词填空,1. In an assembly language, each corresponds roughly to onemachine language instr

5、uction.A. sentenceB. statement C. orderD. sequence2. The history of programming languages can be tracked back almost to the invention of the computer in 1940s.A. analog B. personal C. artificial D. digital3. Modern digital computers can be divided into four major categories on the basis of cost and

6、performance. They are microcomputers, ,minicomputers, and mainframes.A. workstations B. serverC. platformD. client4. After I finished the last paragraph, I moved the back to thethird paragraph and deleted a sentence.A. iconB. mouseC. joystick D. cursor5. The software that controls the between the in

7、put and outputhardware is called BIOS, which stands for Basic Input/Output System. A. insightB. interchange C. intervalD. interaction6. A(n) language is a low-level language in binary code that acomputer can understand and execute directly.A. programming B. assembly C. machineD. analysis7. A(n) is a

8、 sequence of code in a program executed repeatedly,either for a fixed number of times or until a certain condition is met. A. cycleB. programC. roundD. loop8. A(n) translates all the source code of a program written ina high-level language into object code prior to the execution of the program.A. de

9、buggerB. compilerC. editorD. window9. A network can also be classified according to its topology. Amongthe most popular topologies are the bus topology,ring topology, andtopology.A. netB. starC. pipeD. tree10. The two fun dame ntal types of evoluti onary developme ntare exploratory developme nt andp

10、rototyp ing.A. pick-up B. throwaway C. pitchD. paste11. Acopy is a copy of a current file madein orderto protect aga inst loss or damage.A. hardB. backup C. softD. file12. A _multimedia mputer is a personal computer whose hardwareis capable of using any or all of the follow ing media in a program: a

11、udio, text, graphics, video and ani mati on.A. database B. multimedia C. n etwork D. mai nframes13. Their compa ny used intern ati on al lawyers to prosecutea crime ring involving softwarepiracy in Thaila nd.A. cloning B. copy ingC. duplicatio nD. piracy14. Whereas the decimal system is based on 10,

12、 the system is based on 2. There are only two digits in the latter system,0 and 1.A. bilateralB. binaryC. byteD. bitPart Five : Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in thefollow ing list, making cha nges if n ecessary. 10 poin ts用适当的词形填空reorga nizecollectio ntypedistributedn etwork

13、accessupdateclassrelati onalorga ni zati onalA database is a collection_ of informationthat isorga ni zed so that it can easily be 2 accessed _, man aged, and 3updated. In one view, databases can be classified according to 4 types _of content: bibliographic, full-text, numeric, and images.In computi

14、 ng, databases are sometimes classified accord ing to their5 orga ni zati onal_ pproach. The most prevale nt流行的approach isthe 6relationaldatabase, a tabular 表格形式database in whichdata is defined so that it can be 7 updated and accessed in a number of differe nt ways. A8distributed _ database is one t

15、hat can bedispersed or replicated amongdifferent points in a 9 reorganized An object orie nted program ming database is one that is con grue nt 一致的with the data defined in object 10classes _and subclasses.Part Six: Read the passages and decide on the best answers for the questions that follow each p

16、assage. (10 points) 阅读理解The Internet,then knownas ARPANETw, as brought online in 1969, whichinitially connected four major computers at universities in the southwestern US. The early Internet was used by computer experts, engineers, scientists, and librarians. There was nothing friendly about it. Th

17、ere were no home or office personal computers in those days, and anyone who used it, whether a computer professional or an engineer or scientist or librarian, had to learn a very complex system.The Internet matured in the 1970s as a result of the TCP/IP architecture . As the commands for E-mail, FTP

18、, and telnet were standardized, it became a lot easier for non-technical people to learn to use the nets. It was not easy by today s standards by a means, but it did open up use of the Internet to many more people in universities in particular. Other departments besides the libraries, computer, phys

19、ics, and engin eeri ng departme nts found ways to make good use of the n ets-to communicate with colleagues around the world and to share fields and resources.In 1991, the first really friendly interface to the Internet was developed at the University of Minnesota. The University wanted to develop a

20、 simple menu system to access files and information on campus through their local network. Since the Internet was initially funded by the government, it was originally limited to research, education and government uses. Commercial uses were prohibited unless they directly served the goals of researc

21、h education. This policy continued until the early 1990 s, when independent commercial networks began to grow.1. How many computers were connected to the initial Internet in 1969A. TenB. FourC. Twenty D. Three2. Only could use the early Internet.A. computer experts, engineers, scientists, and librar

22、iansB. any experts, engineers, scientists, and librariansC. computer experts, engineers, scientists, and studentsD. computer experts, engineers, and scientists in universities in US3. The Internet became a lot easier for non-technical people to learnand use because of the common .A. commands B. prot

23、ocols C. topologies D. architecture4. The first early friendly interface to the Internet appeared with theintroduction of a system for files and information access.A. computer B. operating C. menuD. application5. Which statement is not true according to this passageA. Many more people began to use t

24、he Internet in the 1970s, but itwasnt as user-friendly as todays standards.B. The restrictions to commercial uses changed as the independent commercial networks were not funded by the government.C. Commercial uses were not allowed for the early Internet if they directly served the goals of research

25、and education.D. The early Internet was logged in from home or office pers onal computers.Part Seve n: Tran slate the followi ng passage from En glish into Chin ese.20 poi nts段落英译汉第八单元第一段译The need to share information and resources amongdifferentcomputershas led to lin ked computer systems, called n

26、 etworks, in which computers are connected so that data can be transferred转让,转移 from machineto machi ne. In these n etworks, computer users can excha nge messages and share resources-such as printing capabilities, software packages, and data storage facilities 设施,设备-that are scattered发散throughoutthe

27、 system. The un derly ing根本的 software required to support suchapplicati ons has grow n from simple utility packages into an expa nding system of network software that provides a sophisticated复杂的networkwide infrastructure根底结构.In a sense, network software is evoIving进化,开展in to a n etwork wide operat ing system


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