小学 四年级英语】上海 4a 牛津英语单词表 共(5页).doc

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1、四年级第一学期牛津英语单词、词组表 2010-9-1班级_ 姓名_牛津页数中文英文牛津页数中文英文P2认识,知道know飞得高fly high遇见meetP9访问interview人,人们people梦同班同学classmate校友schoolmate客人guestP3十一eleven欢迎welcome十二twelve两个都both十三thirteenP10跳绳skip十四fourteenP11爬树climb up十五fifteen单脚跳hop十六sixteenP12滑滑板skateboard十七seventeen回来back十八eighteen累tired十九nineteen饿hungry二

2、十twenty渴thirstyP4数字,号码numberP13高兴happy学号school number伤心sadP5在附近near饱hungry同学classmateP14相互each other走到学校walk to schoolP15乌鸦crowgo to school on foot鹅卵石pebble每天every day热hot喜欢读书like reading干dry打篮球play basketball有一个主意have an idea踢足球play footballP16想要want一个新学生a new student烤面包toastP6遇见meet邮递员post manP7数数

3、count路灯lamp post画油画paintP17Jill的家庭Jills family画画draw叔叔uncle读书read阿姨aunt写字write警官police officer游泳swim表妹、表哥cousin跳跃jumpP18爷爷grandfatherP8超级女孩supergirl奶奶grandmother爸爸father短裤shorts妈妈motherP29狮子lionP19Jill家庭的照片Photos of Jills family牙齿teeth欢迎来到我的家Welcome to my home老鼠mouse跳水Dive尖的sharp确实really网netP20谜语rid

4、dle咬biteP21中秋节Mid-autumn Day钝的blunt父母parentsP30穿戴wearP22工作jobP31食堂canteen火fire电脑室computer lab消防站fire station后面behind打 call办公室office消防员firefighter体育馆gym引擎engine前面in front of灭火put out the fire学习studyP23厨师cook教室classroom医生doctor音乐室music room护士nurse图书馆library老师teacherP33教学楼classroom building学生student彩虹小

5、学Rainbow Primary School公车司机bus driver老师办公室teachers officeP25危险dangerous忙busy害怕afraid闲free玩火play with fire很多many/ a lot of谢谢Thanks操场playground不客气Youre welcome.吃午饭have lunch帮助别人help peopleP34英国The UKP26公主princess来自英国的老师a teacher from the UKP27一双蓝鞋子带领参观showaroundP28外套coat花园garden衬衣shirt秋千swing女衬衣blouse

6、滑梯slideT恤T-shirt小柜子cupboard短裙skirt书架bookshelf毛衣sweater干净cleanP28牛仔裤jeansP34整洁tidyP35动物学校animal schoolP41很多人many people森林forest明亮bright小河river漂亮beautiful事情matter在晚上in the evening每个人every one在早晨in the morning爬树climb trees在下午in the afternoon一个坏学生a bad studentP42在商店爬树climb trees小狗加油Come on希望hope试一下Have

7、a try一包糖a packet of sweets一起together一块面包a loaf of bread第一the first一碗面条a bowl of noodlesP36大厅hall一条巧克力a bar of chocolate笔袋pencil case一袋饼干a packet of biscuits笔记本notebook一瓶水a bottle of waterP37商场shopP43两个冰激凌two ice creams超市supermarket多少钱How much城市cityP44部门,部分section饭店restaurant面包区bread section街道street水

8、果区fruit sectionP38邮局post officeP45眼镜店glasses shop隔壁next to魔法magic在中间betweenP47农场farmP39打扰一下Excuse me在农场上on the farm想要做want to奶牛(复)cows寄明信片send a postcard绵羊(复)sheep面包店bakery马(复)horses想要买面包want to buy some bread猪(复)pigs服装店Clothes shopP48干草hay指路show the way青草grass荣幸pleasure玉米cornP40南京路Nanjing Road肉meat

9、P41上海市中心the centre of Shanghai扔垃圾litter钟clock摘花pick flowers手表watch扔石头throw stonesP41食物food垃圾桶bin其他事情other things参观农场visit farm停留stay全部都all旅馆hotelP58干燥的dryP50赢win一月JanuaryP51用喂feed二月February住在围栏里live in a pen三月March在外面outside四月AprilP52写生本sketchbook五月May帽子cap六月June相机camera七月July鸟舍aviary八月August喷泉fount

10、ain九月SeptemberP53中央公园Cenyury Park十月October野餐have a picnic十一月November离得远be far away from十二月December乘校车take the school bus季节seasonP54植物房plant house春天spring公园地图the map of the park夏天summer看一下have a look秋天autumn当然of course冬天winter拍照take photos生长growP55在秋千上玩play on the swing掉落fall观看watch放风筝fly a kite可爱的lo

11、vely叶子(复)leaves在树下under the treeP60圣诞节ChristmasP57住在中国live in China收到电子邮件receive an e-mail来自from圣诞快乐Merry Christmas澳大利亚Australia雪snow打 make phone calls照耀shine天气weather去游泳go swimmingP58晴天的sunny举行圣诞派对have a Christmas party下雨的rainy有趣fun多云的cloudy最好的祝愿best wishes刮风的windyP61一年结束的时候the end of the yearP58温暖

12、的warmP58冷的cold凉爽的cool潮湿的wet热的hot一、英语自我介绍Hi, Good morning/afternoon everyone :My name is .And I am from . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today .Now let me introduce myself br

13、iefly.I am years old . I graduated from University in . And then I got a higher degree in university in. I have worked for. years since I graduated from the university .And I have been a head teacher for years .Being a teacher is tired but excited. Having taught for so many years, I think I am exper

14、ienced in teaching field. I have ever got much honor in teaching, but still I think I need a new environment to challenge myself.I am openminded, quickly thoughts and skillful in searching for information on internet . I can operate computer well . In my spare time, I have broad interests .Such as r

15、eading ,surfing the internet ,enjoying music ,writing some articles on my blog and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible .I always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities . To be the best one is a little bit hard. But “Trying All My Best “ always can cheer me up .To succ

16、eed or fail is not the only thing . Its in how we face and invaluate ourselves .This is the chance we take, and this is what weve worked for all our lives . Shining like a shooting star at night, and always smile at life .Weve got to give it all . Someday when we turn back for what the footprint we

17、have left , time will record the victory in our heart . So “ Try All My Best ” - this is the motto of mine . Ok !So much .Thank you!二、可能问的问题你教了几年书?How long have you been teaching?I have been teaching for.有教小学的经验吗?Did you have any experiences teaching in elementary school/primary school?Yes, I did. o

18、r No, I didnt.你打算怎么样给小孩上课?How are you going to give lessons to little kids?I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games acts in my lessons. I am going to use different teaching methods to help children with different l

19、earning styles.能否示范一下?Can you demonstrate one lesson?Sure. If I teach days of the week, I will teach children a song: Sunday, Monday.(用twinkle twinkle little star 的tune)你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同?What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children?well, when

20、 teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient. He/she has to use lots of songs, games, body language to help student learn English. The forms of each lesson should be different.Teaching junior high school kids is a little bit different. I can introduce some grammar. I can give them more wri

21、tten work and I can have more discussions with the children.如何让小学生对英文感兴趣?How are you going to keep the students interested in learning English?如何将你的课上得有趣?How are you going to keep your lessons interesting?这两道题的答案是一样的,只不过问的形式不一样.I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to reach each child. Stories, poems, riddles, jokes songs are all good for little kids. I will have them practice English as a whole class, group work, pair work or independent work. Whatever works out for the children I will do it. There is never one way to success


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