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1、新课标人教版初中英语九年级Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are精品教案新课标人教版初中英语九年级Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?精品教案 教学目标: 、知识目标:本节课重点词汇与短语所有同学做到熟记,大部分同学可以会用。掌1握礼貌的问路语及如何给予帮助,语法掌握宾语从句。 2、能力目标:培养习题分析的能力,听说与写作的练习与提高。 3、情感目标:有礼貌的询问信息,乐于帮助别人 重难点: 宾语从句的熟练掌握运用,中考题型的熟悉。 课前准备:

2、 1、初三课本154页本单元单词早读时背诵记忆。 2、同步101页第一题做完。 、翻阅初三课本87页Grammar Focus,92页reading。 3八年级上册96、97页,八年级下册100页语法总结, 七年级下册Unit2,八年级上册Unit4 课上任务: 任务一: 1、根据大屏幕听写单词 _ 2、词汇的运用 1).I am sorry to t_ you, but could you please tell me how to get to the post office? 2).I like eat in that restaurant, because its clean,quie

3、t and _ (crowded). 3).The science museum is a _ (fasnate) place. 4).-May I _ your dictionary? -Sorry, I_ it to Xiao Lin just now. A.keep, borrowed B.use, lent C.have,showed D.return,lend 5).He is _ years old, today is his _ birthday.(12) 6).Sally,_your sunglasses.The sun is so bright. A. put pn B.dr

4、ess up C.wear D.put up 3、翻译下列句子 1)、我们决定和一些学生谈论一下为什么他们去那儿。 _ 2)、知道如何有礼貌地询问消息是很重要的。 _ 3)、他们经常装扮成小丑在一起玩耍。 _ )、许多女生喜欢放学后闲逛,她们认为这是一种放松的方式。 4_ 任务二: 1、学会委婉问路的用语 Could you please tell me.? 问路的方法 Is there _ near here? _ Where is _? _ How can I get to_? _ Which bus should I take for_? _ 2、根据上面的地图和下面的指路提示做对话。

5、Go down this street. past. Turn leftright at the firstsecond crossing. Take the No. 33 bus. Its about five minutes walk. just across the street. next tobetween.and. (同桌之间先确定你们所在的位置,然后问答要去的地方) A:Excuse me._? B:Yes,_ A:Thank you! B:_ 2、笔头练习 根据对话内容,从所给选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,有两个多余项 Excuse me, can you tell me

6、where the nearest restaurant is? _1_ Where is the nearest restaurant, please? Oh, the restaurant? The nearest one is the City Restaurant. _2_ Im -er- Im afraid I dont quite .You see, _3_ I see. Simply walk two blocks straight ahead, then turn left, and the City Restaurant is about 10 metres ahead. _

7、4_ Can I take a bus? Of course you can. but _5_ Its only a few minutes walk. Thank you very much. Not at all. A. What did you say? B. Im a total stranger here. C. You cant miss it. D. I beg your pardon? E. Its just opposite the No. 5 Department Store. F. I dont think it is necessary. G. Its not very

8、 far. 任务三: 1、听力技巧指导: 1)对于听写一定要提前审题,做到心中有数。 2)这种题型一般会播放三遍。第一遍只听不写,掌握全局; 第二遍争取用简略单词写出答案;第三遍检查。 3)听过之后可以运用所学知识把没听出来的或者说不明确的推断出来。 4)注意最后的卷面。 2、Listen to the tape and fill in the chart. (2)圆周角定理:圆周角的度数等于它所对弧上的的圆心角度数的一半.About Where Why C1 restaurants at the corner of 4.二次函数的应用: 几何方面C2 Market and 2、加强家校联系,

9、共同教育。middle streets 3.余弦:have all the things C3 (3)相离: 直线和圆没有公共点时,叫做直线和圆相离.任务四:语法讲解: 、Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? 1上面这句话是_(简单句复合句)。 _ Where I can get a dictionary 的主语是谓语是_宾语是_ 2、精题精炼 1)、How can I get to the drugstore? Could you please tell me?(复合句) _ 2)、He asked me,Do you

10、know Tom?(合并为一句) _ 3)、Could you please tell me how I can get to the bank?(改为简单句) (3)相离: 直线和圆没有公共点时,叫做直线和圆相离._ 4)、Nelson wanted to know_. A、when would the meeting begin B、when will the meeting begin C、when the meeting would begin D、when the meeting will begin 5)、He asked me _ . A、if she will come B、h

11、ow many books I want to have C、they would help us do it D、what was wrong with me 任务五: cos1、同步103页Read and complete the following exercises. 2、writing 推论: 在同圆或等圆中,如果两个圆心角、两条弧、两条弦或两条弦的弦心距中有一组量相等,那么它们所对应的其余各组量都分别相等.Linyi is more and more beautiful. So more tourists want to come to Linyi. 函数的增减性:But Linyi has changed a lot. When they take the coach(长途汽车) here, how can they get to the Peoples Square(人民广场)? Write a dialogue about you help them find the way there. 任务六: 等圆:能够完全重合的两个圆叫做等圆,半径相等的两个圆是等圆。总结这节课所学。


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