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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,period 1,Where are you from?Where do you live?,激趣导入,激趣导入,Where is Xunyang?,蜀河镇,仙河镇,关防乡,Where am I from?,1、掌握一些地点名词和方位介词: post office, restaurant, bank, , etc. across from, next to, betweenand, etc.2、 掌握“There be” 句型: Is there a post office near here? Yes, the

2、re is. Its on Bridge Street.3、能够运用所学介词描述某一场所各建筑物之 间的位置关系。在实际生活中能够识别方向,学会融入到集体社会中去。,学习目标,预习展示,预习展示1,Give the balls directions!,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,near,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,next to,next to 紧挨着,合作交流,合作交流1,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,in front of,-Wh

3、eres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,behind,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,across from,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _,between the red box and the green box.,between and ,One student describe his good friends place in the classroom,the other students guess who he is.,My best friend si

4、ts between and . He/She is next to .,Teachers desk,next to between behind in front of across from,guessing game,合作交流2,post office,restaurant,hotel,bank,What places are they?,预习展示1,预习展示2,pay phone,supermarket,park,hospital,street,road,bridge,police station,1a Match the activities with the pictures.,1

5、. post office _2. police station _3. hotel _4. restaurant _5. bank _6. hospital _7. street _8. pay phone _9. park _,a,g,d,i,h,e,c,b,f,合作交流3,4,6,2,3,5,1,1.The pay phone is across from the library. 2.The pay phone is next to the library. 3.The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 4.Th

6、e pay phone is on Green street. 5.The pay phone is in front of the library. 6.The pay phone is behind the library.,2a,Match: Where is the pay phone?,a,b,Is there a pay phone near here?,No, there isnt.,across from the street,in front of the library,behind the library,next to the library,between the l

7、ibrary and the post office,a,b,c,d,e,f,A: Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here?,B: No, there isnt.,A: Is there a post office on Long Street?,B: Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.,合作交流4,Pairwork,Are there any libraries near here?,Yes, there are. / No, there arent.,There arent any libraries near

8、 here.,There are some libraries near here.,There be 句型,There is a bank in front of the library.,There are 8 libraries in our city .,There _ a pen and 2 rulers on the desk.,There _ 2 rulers and a pen on the desk.,is,are,就近一致原则, have / has ,We have a big library in our school.,Nancy has a pen on her d

9、esk.,巩固提高,观察句式 总结规律,三单人称用has,There be 某地有某物。,There is + a/an + n. + 介词短语.,1 有,2 某物,3 在某地 (介词短语),There are + (some) + n.-s + 介词短语.,Sb. have / has sth.,某人拥有某物,1.There _ a pen near the ruler.2. There _ 2 books on the table.3. There _ a pen and two books on the table.4. There _ 2 books and a pen on the

10、table.My brother_ many books.6. I _ many friends, and he _one.,用be的适当形式或have, has填空:,is,are,is,are,达标检测,has,have,has,Look at the picture. _(有)a school in the picture. Its_ School Street. The book store is_ the school. The bank is _ _ the school. The pay phone is_ the school _ the hospital.Can you se

11、e the post office? Its_ _the school. _(有)a supermarket. Its_ _ _ the park.,on,behind,next to,between,across from,in front of,达标检测,and,Theres,There is,What have we learned today?(这节课你学会了什么?)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,Summary小结:,Where is Xunyang?,Its between and .,蜀河镇,仙河镇,关防乡,Where am I from?,Im from Xianhe.Its b

12、etweenand.I live _Shuitian Street.-Its a busy street.,on,完成下列句子。 1. 学校在书店的对面。 The school is _ the bookshop. 2. 我坐在他旁边。 I sit _ him. 3. 我们把这个书桌放在床和椅子之间。 Lets put the desk _ the bed _ the chair.4.在公园里很多树。 _ _ many trees in the park. 5.教室里有1位老师和38位学生。_ one teacher and 38 students _.,Schoolwork,Thank you! Goodbye!,


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