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1、学号 班级 姓名装订线五年级英语调研测试 2006.10 得分 听 力 部 分一、听录音,选出所听到的选项(8分)( )1、A、shirt B、sing C、swing( )2、A、a map of China B、a map of the world C、a map of Jiangsu( )3、A、behind the books B、behind the door C、behind the desk( )4、A、the new term B、a new student C、a new building( )5、A、on the swing B、in the reading room C、

2、near the slide( )6、A、Miss Li is in the TV room. B、Miss Li is in the computer room.C、Miss Li is in the classroom.( )7、A、Are there any song books in the bookcase?B、Are there any song books in your bag?C、There arent any song books in the bookcase.( )8、A、There are no peaches in the basket.B、There are no

3、t any pears in the basket.C、There is no peach juice in the bottle.二、听录音,根据所听对话和问题选出回答(12分)( )1、A、Twenty two B、Twenty C、Twelve( )2、A、Bread and milk B、Hot dogs and milk C、Bread and juice( )3、A、In the fridge B、On the desk C、On the fridge( )4、A、Yes, there is. B、Yes , there isnt. C、No, there arent.三、根据所听

4、内容,填入所缺的单词(10分)A: you sing the ?B:No, I .A: you sing?B: , I cant singA: can you do?B:I can piano.A:OK, Lets .笔 试 部 分四、英汉互译(15分)1、在音乐室 2、each other 3、住在上海 4、in class 5、下午四点 6、the first day 7、听我的 8、near the table 9、所有的学生 10、my parents 五、选择(15分)( )1、 the boy ing the tree?A. Whats B. Is C.Whos( )2、Look

5、the pictures, please.A. in B. at C. on( )3、There some trees and a bird in the picture.A.are B.is C.am ( )4、There arent pictures in the book.A. any B. some C. a( )5、 apples would you like? Three ,please.A. Har many B. How much C. What( )6、 is the chair? Enghty yuan.A. Where B. How much C. How many( )

6、7、-Excuse me. Wheres Miss Wangs office? - A. Hes in the TV room B. Shes in the office C. Its in Building 2.( )8、- Are those their books? - A. No,there arent B. No, they arent C. Yes, there are.( )9、- Is there a computer room in your school? - A. Yes,there is. B. Yes , it is C. No, it isnt( )10、 I li

7、ve a new house.A. at B. in C. to六、根据中文提示,完成句子(每空一词)。(14分)1、我们很高兴,彼此又见面了。We are to see again.2、图书室有些书吗?有许多 there books in the library?Yse, there are 3、你喜欢你的新教室吗?是的,很喜欢。 you like your ?Yes, I like it 4、杯子里没水了。There is water glass七、连词成句(6分)1、the, you , violin , can , play ?2、of, wall, there , map , a , is, the, on, China. ?3、go , we , there , shall , play , and ?


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