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1、精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰r - 二r教学设计Unit 2 Traveling Around the World教材教学内容整体分析:一认知教材内容1. 本课为游记散文,着重描写旅游者心理活动的变化.授课时可以围绕“环球旅游这一主题,让学生根据世界地图自行设计旅游 线路和目的地, 并讨论去国外旅游应做好哪些方面的准备. 也可以结合实际生活 中“国内旅游的话题,鼓励学生回想自己的旅游经历,向大家讲述自己的旅游 故事.还可以激发学生的想象力,比拟

2、“环球旅游和“国内旅游的异同.2. 外语课堂活动的设计和实施围绕话题“世界旅游,设计一个小竞赛.教师说出国家或城市名,学生列 举出该国家或城市的旅游胜地. 也可以让学生在课余自己查找资料, 在课堂上分 享有关世界名胜的知识.或者针对某一特定的主题,如“世界自然遗产 ,激发 学生课后学习的兴趣.3. 本课涉及的语法现象是表语从句.授课时,教师可以先帮助学生复习系动词和表语,增强学生对表语的理解,然后逐步过渡到表语从句.为了及时稳固语法点知识,可以让学生在课后从学过的课文中查找含有名词性从句特别是表语从句的复合句.二教学内容把握教学目标1. 把握全篇课文内容,理解作者的写作意图.2. 学会描述一段

3、旅游经历,学会描写旅途中的心理感受.培养了解世界各地旅游胜地的兴趣3. 学习表语从句,了解表语从句的构成、意义,学会识别,并会区别主语从句、 宾语从句和表语从句.会将含有表语从句的复合句译成汉语,会用表语从 句译简单的汉语.Lesson planTime:Jan 2nd ,2021 Presented by:Tan min探探 High schoolClass:探 High schoolContent: Unit 2(New century English)The Sydney Harbour BridgeTeaching Objectives:1. of knowledge(1) learn

4、 the new words and expressions, esp. some important words and know how to use them(2) learn the text and the additional reading material(3) to learn the usage of perfect form of the Gerund2. of ability1) to share the travel experience with your classmates2) to listen for (用心倾听 )information about tra

5、veling3) to recommenda place of interest (名胜)abroad that is well worth visiting3. of emotion, attitude and sense of value1) to foster the awareness of the world2) to inspire the students craving for expanding the knowledge of other countries and understanding different culturesFunctions: 1) Describi

6、ng the scene (描述风景)2) Planning a trip abroadDestinationTimeTran sportati onPassportAccommodati onEquipme ntExpectati on / AimCultural studyImporta nt and difficult poin ts:1. the usage of wordslike:locate/spot/i nsta nt/un ique/fiercely/approach/directio n2. phrases like: speed by/come into view/a b

7、ird s eye view/ in all directionsAim of the less on: Read ingTeaching Aids: PPT,pictures,blackboard,FlashcardsDruation: 45minsTeach ing Procedure:Period 1 Lead-i nI. Lead-i n and Con textulizatio n (8m ins)Greet ing each otherTo improve the effective ness of pre-read ing activities, backgro und in f

8、ormatio n should be put into our con siderati on.1. Could you n ame some of the famous bridges in the world?(Freetalk)2. Prese nt the bridges on PPT and the n ask Ss“ Could you n ame some of the famousbridges in Shan ghai?T:Ca n you tell me which country these bridges are in ?Ca n you tell me their

9、n ame ?(Teacher leads the stude nts to the text,a nd todayTravel ingsaoplice II stude ntsto ope n books and look at P页码)List the in formati on of pictures on the blackboard together:Numberis incalledBridge 1Shan ghaiHuang Pu BridgeBridge 2SydneySyd ney Harbour BridgeBridge 3LondonTower BridgeBridge

10、4San Fran ciscoGolde n Gate Bridge设计意图:Present the bridges on PPT is the easiest way to lead students into the topicquickly and efficiently.符合学生阅读文本的需求有效地运用学生视觉教学技巧能有效激发学生阅读文本的兴趣掌握学生对几个有名的桥的一个了解程度,以 便开展本节课的学习内容.以表格的形式例出图片信息,便于学生了解记忆.2.Share the travel experie nee with each other设计意图:培养学生大胆说英语的水平.让学生

11、在课堂上尽量用英文来讲述自己的旅游经历,锻炼学生说英语的胆量.Period 2 Lan guage PointsPre-reading activities Vocabulary Learning in Reading(15mins)Language Points :I. Using the flashcards and read after the teacher for several times1. be located (in/by/near坐落 )ocate: to be in a particular positi on or place2. spot n.斑点;地点,场所 sce

12、nic spots 景点3. instant: n. a very short period of time; a moment4. unique adj. being the only one of its kind; very special or unu sual5. belongings n.动产,财 产 belong to 属于6. expectation n. 出乎意料 .expect v.7. approach v.接近,走近,靠近8. direction n.方向,趋向,趋势,动向9. speed by以.速度10. come into view 映入眼帘11. a bird

13、s eye view (of s鸟瞰;俯视12. be crazy about 热衷的13. change into 换衣服14. tower over/above 高于,超过15. There s名词+like 没有什么比得上.There is no +名词+其他设计意图:学习课文前简单学习生单词词组帮助学生更好地阅读课文.2. Guess what s the text maily talking about according to the title设计意图:培养学生语言水平和思维水平以及学生的综合概括水平.3. Fast read ing :To skim and sca n the

14、 text and to finish the follow ing exercises , so that Ss can get a gen eral idea of the text.which paragraphs describe the preparati ons for the climbthe sce ne and feeli ng at the top of the bridgethe tourists on the way to the top of the bridgethe writer s adimrir for the Sydney Harbour Bridgemat

15、ch these senten ces to the corresp onding paragraphs.设计意图:让学生快速阅读短文,掌握文章每段的大意.让学生目的性找关键信息点,便于课文的学习.Homework:a) Review the new words and main poi nts of the text.b) Preview the textPeriod 3 Additi onal Readi ngWhile-readi ng activitiesTeach ing objectives:To practice readi ng skills by some read ing

16、strategies.Teach ing difficulties:The arra ngeme nt of the read ing strategies.Teach ing steps:I. Read the new words and expressi ons we have lear nd last periodII. Listen to the tape and circle the following statements T or F.(1) The bridge is 40 storeys high.(2) Climbing the bridge is too hard for

17、 an ordinary person.(3) Each tourists carries a small radio during the climb up the bridge.(4) People are allowed to stay on the top of the bridge for only a short while. 设计意图:以学生阅读为主, 所设计的活动以帮助学生的阅读理解和练习学生的 阅读技能为目标.注重学生的阅读水平 ,语言水平和思维水平的培养.III. To explains some language pointsIV. finish the exercise

18、s on the textbookDiscovering meaning1.Read the text again and answer the questions in the boxes. (Find the answers in the corresponding paragraphs.) (3mins)设计意图: 这四个问题对学生来说比拟简单, 教材将每个问题的答案设置在相应 段落,学生可以很快阅读文章找到相应答案. 这局部的设计帮助学生稳固与加深 文本的理解.2.This is an account of the writer s climbing experience.Fill i

19、n the blank by using thecorrect forms if the expressions given in the right-hand margin.(Text book() 6mins) 设计意图: 灵活巧妙地运用阅读文本进行语言活动教学的关系. 让学生在掌握课 文的同时,学会正确使用单词的适当形式, 考察学生对文章单词短语的掌握程度.V.Opitional activities Home workOptional activities: Surf the Internet for more information 设计意图:培养学生对课外知识的积极学习态度, 了解

20、世界各地旅游胜地的兴趣,拓展学生对旅游方面的视野.Home work :Write a composition about one of your own travelling experiences in 120 words.设计意图 :作业的布置设计技能让学生复习稳固本课阅读篇章, 有利于学生对文 本的深入理解语言学习, 还能帮助学生灵活运用本堂课所学知识, 表达教与学的不同层次要求. 家庭作业是课堂学习任务的延伸, 英语作业不仅要稳固知识, 还要引导学生开阔视野, 让英语走进学生生活. 进一步提升学生的综合语言运用能力,表达了教学为实践效劳这一宗旨.八、教学反思 通过本课时的学习, 让学

21、生掌握阅读文章内容, 学会用新学的单词来讲述自己的 旅游经历, 让学生形成学以致用的学习思维, 通过不同形式的学习方式, 锻炼学 生在不同学习模式下掌握课堂内容,已到达与完本钱堂课的教学目标与要求. 本课时教学设计有以下几个特点: 1教学输入信息量大本课时设计首先以 Brainstorm 的方法启发学生说自己的旅游经历, 涵盖甚 至超出了目前阶段所学词汇, 进而在突破教学难点句子、 教学拓展等环节时时注 意稳固和应用,辅之以 PPT 课件展示,使教学容量扩大不少.2语言交流的情景真实: 教学时, 教师注意将教学内容与生活实际相联进行 语言拓展,如 Have you ever been to Shanghai ?How do you feel about Shanghai ? 等都与生活实际息息相关的问题设置.在授课中适当穿插了教师的 个人经历,让学生积极地参与课堂,大胆说英语. 3注重学习过程的评价:新课标提出在英语教学过程中应以形成性评价为主, 注重培养和激发学生学习英语的积极性和自信心. 本课时正是以激发学生学习兴 趣为主,以 “旅游为主线贯穿教学始终.此话题非常接近生活,能使学生释 放更大的学习热情,又能更好地考查学生对本课重点的掌握.


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