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1、word版本下载后可任意编辑】第i页Flow of estimating data in Sri Lankan building contractororganizationsWhe n an estimator prices a bill of qua ntities, s/he collects, gen erates and assembles data (estimati ng data) for the purpose of establish ing the cost of con struct ing the project. The data gen erated could

2、be used by the con tractor s subseque nt man ageme nt fun cti(and the use of estimati ng data in the con tractors p6st-te nder man ageme nt worthy of atte ntio n. Draw ing in formati on from ten case studies of the orga ni zatio n of Sri Lankan buildi ng con tractors, this paper ide ntifies the con

3、tractorss man ageme nt functions; management tasks; and management. It also establishes the flow of estimating data within and between the managementfunctions. These flows highlight the substantial burde n of re-work in the post-te nder use of data. It is argued that the curre nt format and presenta

4、tion of estimating data in Sri Lanka are the major causes for such re-work. However, it was found that any revoluti onary cha nge to the conven ti onal format would not be welcomed by the in dustry. Any new proposal should be developed with in the limitati on of acceptability to conven ti onal pract

5、ice. The recomme ndatio n is that the rate is broken down to its cost components of material, labour and plant. The breakdown of the unit rate would supply all the necessary data for direct use, thus reduc ing the re-work. Further research should be addressed to inv estigate the best format and stru

6、cture of this breakdown. Keywords: Bills of quantities, case studies, data man ageme nt, estimat ing, Sri Lan ka.In troductio nOver the past four decades, many researchers have inv estigated the post-te nder use of bills of qua ntities in con tractors man ageme nt. Alter native formats to the bill o

7、f quantities have emerged such as: Elemental Bill (Department of Education and Scienee 1957), Sectionalised Trades Bill (Nott, 1963), Operational Bill (Forbes and Skoyles, 1963), Bill of Quantities Operational Format (Skoyles, 1968), BPF System 一 Schedule of Activities 一(British Property Federation,

8、 1983) and Builders Quantities (Pasquire and McCaffer, 1988). However, the conventional practice of preparing the bill of quantities, using the Standard Method of Measurement (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ,1988), is still the widely used standard for preparation of bills of quantities (K

9、odikara , 1990). This does not mean that the current post-tender use of bills of quantities is efficie nt whe n used in the man ageme nt of a con tract by a con tractor (Sk inn e981). The BOQ is a client ocument for the client purposes. This paper reports on anuse of estiimaong data. Theinv estigati

10、 on un dertake n in 1989 in to the con tractorsthe work was to observe the flow of estimat ing data in Sri Lankan buildi ng con tractororga ni zati onsreas ons for in efficie ncy in con tractorsdata maTo achieve this ten orga ni zatio ns were in terviewed using a structured questi onn aire. he quest

11、i ons were phrased as guide lin es, so that they would lead to discussi ons reveali ng con tractors curre nt practices, problems and suggesti ons. Sri Lankan buildi ng con structi on in dustry follows some of the procedures, sta ndards and prin ciples that are used in the UK industry, hence the mana

12、gement of work in Sri Lankan building con tractor orga ni zatio ns reflect some of the methods that are adopted in UK. Therefore, findings may also be of value to the UK in dustry. Parallel works on UK con tractors man ageme nt have bee n researched by Pasquire and McCafe987).Defin iti on of termsIn

13、 this paper, the follow ing terms are used to describe the give n meanin gs.Estimati ng dataThe data that are collected, gen erated and assembled by the estimator for prici ng purposes are termed estimat ing data. Estimati ng data in cludes prices of resources, usages of resources, prices of sub-c o

14、n tractors and prices of bill items.Man ageme nt functionsThe man ageme nt work of a con struct ion project is grouped accordi ng to recog ni zable major man ageme nt functions. These are estimat ing, purchas ing, pla nning, site man ageme nt, and qua ntity survey ing/finan cial con trol.Man ageme n

15、t groupsThe professi on als who are resp on sible for the work of the man ageme nt fun cti ons are defi ned as man ageme ntgroups. They are estimators, purchasers, pla nn ers, site age nts, qua ntity surveyors and upper man ageme nt. It should be no ted that the man ageme nt functions and management

16、 groups are not the same because any professional man ageme nt group can un dertake work in several man ageme nt fun cti ons.Man ageme nt tasksTasks which are directly related to procureme nt and executio n of con tracts are defi ned as man ageme nt tasks. In this paper, only the most importa nt and

17、 com mon tasks in each man ageme nt fun ctio n are established through con sultati on with the professi on als in the in dustry.Data flowThe term data flow is used to describe the process of extracting, using, regenerating, ame nding and pass ing on of data by con tractors. staffRe-workWhe n data ar

18、e used for a particular task by a man ageme nt group they can be used either directly or with some re-work to suit the requirement. The re-work is any work such as modificati on, or group ing, or break ing up of data. By proper prese ntati on of data, this type of re-work can be reduced and the re-w

19、ork which still exists is called less re-workIn vestigati on methodologyThe Sri Lankan buildi ng con structi on in dustry was surveyed in 1989 to observe and record the curre nt practices and problems in data man ageme nt.The survey comprised in terviews and discussi ons with professi on als to ten

20、orga ni zati ons. Each orga ni zati on was visited betwee n five and ten times, and their man ageme nt staff were in terviewed to establish and record their actual experienee and knowledge. The case studies were pla nned in such a manner that they would represe nt the whole in dustry. Out of various

21、 sampli ng tech niq ues , the judgeme nt sampli ng method was selected because it was the easiest way of meeti ng both the research con stra ints and represe ntative ness. In select ing the organizations the criterion was to judge the representativenessof the sample. The criteria were: own ership, s

22、ize, type of work, experie nee and locatio n of work. Categories were defi ned for each criterio n to divide the orga ni zati ons with in the criteria.Own ershipGover nment or private own ership.SizeLarge 一 annual turn-over of 200 million Sri Lankan rupees or Medium 一 annual turn-over of 50-200 mill

23、ion Sri Lankan rupees or Small一 annual turn-over of 50 milli on Sri Lankan rupees.Type of workCon sulta ncy, an d/or con tract ing, an d/or clie nt.Experie neeWell-established一 Over 15 years of service or Average一 5-15 years of service Newly formed 一 Un der 5 years sea nee.Locati on of workWC 一 With

24、in and around (within 25 km radius) the capital city (Colombo) or OC 一 Outside the capital city.Man ageme nt functions, tasks and groupsThe observation in relation to the use of estimating data could be generalized to the overall in dustry irrespective of the size, own ership, etc. Although there ar

25、e nu mber of options available, only the conventional standard method of measurement is used to prepare and price the BOQ for projects. Eve n for con tracts which do not dema nd the presenee of a bill (e.g. turn-key, design-and-build), an internal BOQ is prepared in conventional format for managemen

26、t of work. Management tasks undertaken in estimating, purchasing, planning, site management and quantity surveying are summarized un der each sect ion. Each man ageme nt group uses estimati ng data for their man ageme nt tasks in differe nt man ageme nt fun cli ons. These data are the n passed to th

27、e other management groups. Data flow between management groups, management functions and man ageme nt tasks were exam ined in the case studies. It was observed that the use and excha nge of measured data with in and betwee n man ageme nt fun cti ons were complex. The estimating data were used with s

28、ubstantial re-work, hence thepresent format and prese ntati on of these data can be see n as the major cause for the in efficie nt flow of data.Data flowMost of the managementgroups are responsible for more than one management function. For example, the siteage nt assumes duties in all the man ageme

29、 ntfunctions from estimating to the quantity surveying throughout the project duration. The management groups have different ways of data handling in different functions. Therefore, it is better to observe the data flow between managementfunctions than betwee n man ageme ntgroups. Un der each man ag

30、eme ntfun cti on, a set of man ageme nt tasks is undertaken. Repetition takes place when the data is used for these tasks. Therefore, it is best to identify the flow of data between managementtasks.Only by observing the data flow between management tasks, could the re-work in use of estimating data

31、be properly identified. All the management tasks were grouped according to major operations, so that the flow of data can be illustrated in a simple manner. Two types of data flow were ide ntified depe nding on the method of prese nting the estimati ng data. The com mon type, where the BOQ is priced

32、 using a composite unit rate. The second type of data flow can be observed in organizations where the priced BOQ is broke n dow n toits cost comp onents of material, labour and pla nt after winning the job.Reas ons for the complexity in data flowThe other major reasons for inefficient site control,s

33、ite monitoring and cost control that the professi on als poin ted out were:1 unorgani zed allocati on of staff. For example, the site age nt is asked to carry out too much of the work;2 large amount of variati ons which affects the BOQ and programme;3 site monitoring and cost control are not linked

34、to the BOQ.The proposal of preparing the bill in operational basis (operational bill) was not welcomed. The con tractors n eed a shorter and more simpler BOQ for direct prici ng. The operati onal basis would in crease the size of the BOQ. The con tractors con sider that the preparati on of con struc

35、t ion seque nce using the items in the conven ti onal bill is much easier than the preparation of an operational bills. The opinion on builders quantities was similar to that of operational bill. The professionals saw the two methods as the same, although the latter has only bee n desig ned for special types of con tract which do第6页


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