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1、河北青龙县私立阳光学校2012秋七年级英语上册 unit4导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版教材河北青龙县私立阳光学校2012秋七年级英语上册 unit4导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版【学习目标】 一、Words: where; table; bed; bookcase; sofa; chair; 二、方位介词:in; on; under; behind; in front of; in the front of; near next to; between.and; beside; 三、Main sentences: -Where is the schoolbag? -Its under the

2、 table. -Are the keys on the sofa? -No, they arent. Theyre on the table. 四、Talk about the things of your room. Tell where they are. 【自主探究】 一、幻灯片展示,引出新单词,并教读新单词。然后完成下列各题。 1. I have two pens. They are on my (书桌). 2. (在哪里) are your keys, Lucy? -In my bag. 3.Is her notebook on the (桌子)? -No, its on the

3、(椅子). 4.I have some books in the (书柜). 5.My little cat is (在.下)the bed. 二、Complete Activity 1a and 1b, then translate the phrases. 在桌子上 在书包里 在床底下 在书柜里 在书桌下 在沙发上 三、方位介词的学习: (1). in在里面:铅笔在文具盒里。 (2). on在上面: 树上有些苹果。 (3). under在下面/正下方:你书桌底下是什么, (4).behind在之后:树后有一辆自行车。 (5).next to在旁边,紧挨着:我的书挨着你的书。 (6).nea

4、r在附近:有一棵树在我们学校附近。 (7).beside 在旁:他坐在我身旁。 (8). in front of在(外部的)前面: 在我们学校前面有一些苹果树。 (9). in the front of在(内部的)前面: 在教室前面有一个黑板。 (10). between.and在.和.之间:游泳池swimming pool 在图书馆和学校之间有个游泳池。 四、Listening tasks: 1. Listen and number the things. 2. Listen again and find the things from 2a. 3. Listen the third tim

5、e and fill in the blanks. Tom: Hey, Helen. Helen: Yes? Tom: Is my on the table? Helen: No, it isnt. Its . Tom: Oh, OK. my books? they in the bookcase, too? Helen: No, they . Theyre the chair. Tom: Oh. So, wheres my pencil box? Helen: Hmmits the sofa. Tom: And my schoolbag? Helen: Its the table. And

6、your ruler is under the . Tom: Oh, I . And where are Moms ? Helen: The keys? Theyre . 五、Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture in 2b. 【课堂作业】一、看图填空,每空一词。 This is Mr. Wangs room. His bed is _ the floor. The bookcase is _ the bed. The clock is _the wall. Next to it there is a _ and so

7、me books are in it. Mr. Wang is _ the chair _ _the desk. A computer, a ruler, a notebook, a pen_ a phone are it .Look! A fish is _ the drawer. Whats _ the chair? Its his football. Where _ his TV? I dont_. 二、对划线部分提问: 1(His parents are in the room. _ 2(My backpack is behind my chair _ 3. The photo of

8、my family is on the wall._ 4. The keys are on the table._ 5. The bookcase is next to my bed. _ Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? Section A(2d3c) 课时2 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 一、Words: come on; desk; think; room; head; know;hat; 二、Main sentences: 1. Come on, Jack. 2. I think its in your grandparents room.3. I dont

9、 know. 【预习内容】 一、 根据句意和汉语提示,填单词。 1. Wheres Jim? -I dont (知道). 2. My (书包)is on the chair. 3. Where are the books? -They are (在上)the desk. 4. I (认为)your book is in the classroom. 5. I have a nice (帽子). 二、选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 where be they under watch on 1. I have two . 2. Where the balls? 3. Some girls a

10、re the tree. 4. is your teacher. Shes in the classroom. 5. Is your English book the desk? 6. pencils are in the bag. 三、通过预习你的疑问是 【学习过程】 questions. 一、 Revision: check their work and ask “where” 二、Read the conversation in 2d and answer these questions. 1. Where is Jacks bag? 2. Is Jacks map in his gra

11、ndparents room? 3. Wheres Jacks hat? 4. Then role-play the conversation. 三、Key points. 1. Come on, Jack. 。come on = come是 词,意为 构成短语:过来 进来 翻译:我能进来吗, 2. I think its in your grandparents room. .1)think用作动词,意为 。 2)I think. 意为 ,其后可以接句子作其 。 例如:我认为你的书包在你的课桌里。 I think引导的句子变否定句时,是在think前加dont。把上个例句变成否定句: 。 3

12、. I dont know. 。当主语是第三人称单数时,要用单三形式does,其与not的缩写形式是 ,例如:他不知道。 四、Grammar Focus: read and have a race. Try to recite the sentences after class. Then complete 3a. 五、Pair work: 3b-3c. 1. Look at the picture in 3b, ask and answer with your partners. Then write down the answers.1) What are on the sofa? 2)

13、Where is the computer game? 3) Where are my pencils? 2. Look at the picture in 3c and fill in the blanks. 1) The schoolbag is . 2) The is under the bed. 3) The keys are . 【课堂作业】一、单选: ( ) 1. Where is the cat? -Its . A. under the table B. under table C. the table under D. table under( ) 2. - , Jack. O

14、K. A. Come in B. Come here C. Come on D. Come out ( ) 3. Jim and I know her last name. A. am not B. isnt C. arent D. dont ( ) 4. I think he is in the classroom. A. am not B. isnt C. arent D. dont ( ) 5. Where is my ruler? - . A. Sorry, I dont know B. Yes, I know. C. Yes, it is D. No, it isnt二、用适当的介词

15、或介词短语填空,每空一词。 1. My English book is the backpack. 2. The TV is the table. 3. The baseball isnt on the sofa. Its the sofa. 4. Whats this English? 5. This is a photo my family. 6. The backboard is the classroom. 7. He sits me. 8. The chair is the desk. (在.后面) 9. How this dictionary?10. There is a tree

16、 the school and the library. 三、根据要求完成句子。 1. My erasers are in the pencil box.(对划线部分提问) your erasers?2. His book is on the desk. (改为一般疑问句) book on the desk? 3. These are English books. (变为单数句) English book。 4. Where are my pencils? (将答语补充完整) in your pencil case. 5. Is the baseball under your chair? (

17、作否定回答) , 。 6. I think it is red. (变为否定句) it is red. Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? Section B(1a1e) 课时3 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 一、Words: radio; tape; clock; player; model; plane; tape player; model plane; bring;二、Main sentences: 1. The English books are under the radio. 2. Could you bring some things to schoo

18、l for me? 3. I need English books. 三、Listening trainings. 【自主探究】 一、 Review the points that they have learnt. Then ask and answer. 二、 Learn the new words and fill in the blanks. Then complete the activity 1a. 1. This is my (收音机). 2. Where is your (时钟)? 3. These are some (磁带). 4. Are those her (飞机模型)?

19、 5. Lilys (播放机)is red. 三、Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes. Then close your books and write down all the things you remember. 四、 Listening tasks: 1. Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room. 2. Listen again. Where are Toms things? Write them down in your books. 3. Listen the th

20、ird time and fill in blanks. Mom: Hello. Tom: Hi, Mom. Could you some things school for me? Mom: OK. Tom: I my English books. Mom: English books? your English books? Tom: Hmm, theyre the chairOh, no, theyre under the . Mom: OK. Tom: And I need my . Its . And my . Mom: Wheres your notebook? Tom: Uh,

21、I dont . Oh, its under the in the bookcase. And Franks . He needs it. Mom: his tape? Tom: Oh, its in the . Mom: OK. Meet you at one . Tom: , Mom. 五、 Key points: 1. 短语归纳:录音机 飞机模型 英语书 闹钟 2. Could you bring some things to school for me? take 和bring 的用法及区别: take, 动词;意为:拿走,带去;to为介词,表示方请把这本书带给他。 take .to.

22、 向。词组:把带给;拿走, bring 动词,意为拿来,带来。表示由彼及此。其中明天把你的家庭作业带到学校bring.to to也是介词。词组:把.拿来;带来, 来。 3. I need English books. need 的用法I need my English books. 句中的need 为行为动词,意为“需要”。 构成词组:需要某物 ,如:他需要他的磁带。 需要做某事 如:他需要回家了。 六、Ask and answer questions about the things in Toms room. 【课堂作业】一、完形填空: This is my bedroom. I can

23、see 1 pictures on the wall. The light is 2 the desk. The football is 3 the chair. 4 is the bed? Its near the desk. My father and my mothers bedroom is 5 my room. 6 flowers and a bed 7 in their room. Some windows are 8 the wall. A yellow door is in the wall, 9 .I like my room and 10 like their room.

24、( ) 1. A. a B. an C. one D. some ( ) 2. A. under B. on C. in D. behind ( ) 3. A. on B. to C. under D. for ( ) 4. A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where ( ) 5. A. in B. on C. under D. near ( ) 6. A. A B. Some C. some D. an ( ) 7. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 8. A. in B. on C. behind D. under ( ) 9. A. to B

25、. too C. two D. also ( ) 10. A. he B. they C. them D. their 二、翻译句子: 1.请把这支铅笔带给你的姐姐。 . 2.我需要我的笔记本和学生证。 . 3.你能把你的英语书带到学校来吗, , 4.我的磁带在播放机里。 . Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? Section B(2a3b) 课时4 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 一、Words: tidy; but; our; everywhere; always; and; 二、Main sentences: 1. Im tidy, but Gina is not

26、. 2. In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. 3. Ginas books are everywhere. 4. Gina always asks. 三、Writing training: Write about the things are in your room. Practice the “where” and prepositions of place. 【自主探究】 一、 Revision: 1. Write down the words and phrases that you learnt last clas

27、s. (activity 2a) 2. Translate the sentences: 1)我需要一本英语书。 2)现在他们需要去学校。 3)请把这本书带给李老师。 4)请把她所有的课本带到学校来。 二、Read the passage in 2b and translate the sentences. 1.我很整洁,但是Gina不整洁。 2.在我们的房间里,我的书和磁带都在书柜里。 3. Gina的书到处都是。 4.白色的飞机模型是她的。 5.Gina总是问,“我的钥匙在哪呢,” 三、Read again and answer the questions. 1. Are Kate and

28、 Gina sisters? 2. Where are Kates tapes? 3. Wheres the white model plane? 4. What does Gina always ask? 5. Is Kate tidy? Is Gina tidy? 四、Read the third time and learn the main points. 1. Im tidy, but Gina is not. 1)此句中的tidy用作 词,意为 。 如:我的房间很整洁。 2) 此句中的 是连词,表示转折。意为 。 如:我喜欢足球,但是我的哥哥不喜欢。 2. In our room,

29、 my books and tapes are in the bookcase.此句中也有一个连词是 ,表示并列,意为“和”。如:我和我朋友在教室里。 3. Ginas books are everywhere. “到处,处处,每个地方”是 ,用作副词, ,写出例句的同义句 相当于词组拓展地点副词还有 圆由两个条件唯一确定:一是圆心(即定点),二是半径(即定长)。如到处都很安静。 ,此句中的“everywhere”是名词。 4. Gina always asks. always是频率副词,意为“ ”, 拓展频率副词还有 ,对频率副词提问用How often,意为“多久一次”。如:-你们多久上一

30、次英语课, -我们总是上英语课。 五、Read the passage quickly. Complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. 周 次日 期教 学 内 容六、Writing tasks: 3a-3b. 8.解直角三角形:在直角三角形中,除直角外,一共有五个元素,即三条边和二个锐角。由直角三角形中除直角外的已知元素,求出所有未知元素的过程,叫做解直角三角形(须知一条边)。【课堂作业】 一、 单选: ( ) 1.Where your CDs? -On the TV. A. is B. a

31、re C. be D. am ( ) 2. Some books tapes are in the bookcase. A. but B. and C. so D. or 8.解直角三角形:在直角三角形中,除直角外,一共有五个元素,即三条边和二个锐角。由直角三角形中除直角外的已知元素,求出所有未知元素的过程,叫做解直角三角形(须知一条边)。( ) 3. I Mr. Wang is a good teacher. A. think B. welcome C. help D. thank ( ) 4. I have a clock, Mike doesnt. A. or B. so C. and

32、D. but ( ) 5. I can see a tape player on the desk. A. teachers B. teachers C. teacher D. teachers( ) 6. Ginas books are , so she isnt tidy. A. somewhere B. here C. there D. nowhere ( ) 7. She studies hard and she is No.1 in our class. A. sometimes B. never C. always D. often cos( ) 8. - do you go to

33、 school? -Everyday. A. How long B. How tall C. How often D. When 函数的取值范围是全体实数;( ) 9. Can you take these CDs _ your sister? 104.305.6加与减(二)2 P57-60A. to B. at C. on D. for sin二、阅读短文,判断正误(正确写T 错误写F)。 This is my room. The books are in the bookcase. The picture of my family is on the wall. My schoolbag

34、is on the chair. And I have a baseball. Its on the floor, between the bookcase and the desk. A computer is on my desk, and a video cassette is behind the computer. And I have (2)圆是轴对称图形,直径所在的直线是它的对称轴,圆有无数条对称轴。圆是中心对称图形,对称中心为圆心。a hat. Its on my bed. ( ) 1.I have some books. They are in the bookcase. ( ) 2.The picture of my family is on the desk. ( ) 3.I have a basketball on the floor. ( ) 4.A sofa is in my room. 125.145.20加与减(三)4 P68-74( ) 5.The computer is on my desk.


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